What Women Should Know About Alcoholics Anonymous

Alcoholics Anonymous is a program that is designed to be applicable to people of all ages, gender, race, nationality, religion, etc. However, there can sometimes be a tremendous benefit to meetings that are focused on one particular group of people. This is especially true for gender. Generally speaking, women face different challenges in life and with addiction than men do. This is what you should know if you are a woman who is recovering from alcohol addiction and looking to Alcoholics Anonymous.

Benefits of A Women’s AA Meeting

Generally speaking, women face a whole set of societal pressures and expectations that men may not also experience. Women are also more likely to struggle with alcohol due to a relationship with a man and they are more likely to avoid treatment due to judgment or fear that they may face losing their children.

Women’s AA meetings…

  • allow more time to be dedicated to talking about issues most common among women who are alcoholics.
  • create a unique opportunity for women to tell stories that their fellow women are more likely to be able to relate to.
  • foster a space where women can talk about issues and stories that they may not be comfortable sharing among men.

What does “AA Woman” mean?

When looking for an aa meeting near you, there are a number of different acronyms used to identify what type of meeting it is and who is invited to attend. If you are looking for a women-only AA meeting, look at the tags to identify if it is a women’s meeting. The potential tags to identify these meetings are “Women” or “W”. 

Are Trans Women Welcome to Women’s AA Meetings?

Many LGBTQ+ alcoholics feel quite comfortable in any A.A. group. However, there are many unique issues that those who identify as a part of the LGBTQ+ community face. To provide a safe space for these individuals, there are also meetings that are organized specifically for the LBGTQ+ community. 

When looking for a meeting, some of the tags you may find to help you identify these meetings include: 

  • Gay, 
  • LGBTQ, 
  • Lesbian.

Find a Woman’s AA Meeting

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10 Sober Activities to Keep You Busy & Sober Throughout The Coronavirus

For individuals in recovery, a routine is important. The recommendations to stay home, practice social distancing, and basically avoid other people where possible can be frustrating and lonely. Social isolation means avoiding group support meetings in addition to other potential changes in one’s day-to-day life. Maybe you are not able to go to work, school, or family gatherings. Although it could be tempting to drink or use drugs while you sit at home, look at this newly found free time in a new light. How many times have you thought “if there were only a little more time in the day?” Any extra time you have is time that you can spend doing all the things that for years you wished you had time to do. 

In case you can’t think of all of the things that you have wanted to do over the years, here are 10 activities that you can do, not only while you are sober, but to help keep you sober. And, no, none of them include Netflix.

1. Read A Book

Is there a book that you have been meaning to read? Now is the perfect time to pick it up. Maybe you were reading a few pages at a time, but now you might actually be able to finish it!

2. Learn A New Skill

Who doesn’t want a new skill? This could be any new skill. Maybe you have been wanting to learn how to knit a sweater, or maybe the skill is to learn how to code. The possibilities are endless! Maybe find an online class, read some articles, or watch a Youtube tutorial to help you along the way.

3. Work on a Business Idea

Many people have an idea for an invention or a business, but simply don’t have the time to create a proper business plan and put it into action. What better time is there than now? This could be the start of a whole new adventure for you, in the best way possible!

4. Clean Your House

Let’s be honest here, at least half of the people who will read this article probably have many chores around the house that need to be done. Fold that laundry! Wash the dishes! Vacuum and mop the floors! You will be surprised how amazing it feels to have a wonderfully clean home. There are no excuses left, the time to clean is now!

5. Perfect a New Recipe

Nutrition plays a huge role in recovery, so why not try and perfect a new recipe. Heck, maybe work through an entire cookbook worth of recipes. This could even be your new skill.

6. Workout

A gym is not necessary to work out. Download some Jillian Michael and get yourself moving! If you have some dumbbells and a yoga matt, then now is the time to take them out. However, all you really need is your own body. Move over the coffee table and stretch in the living room or consider going for a run.

7. Paint a Picture

It doesn’t have to be good, but it could be. Painting is very therapeutic and entertaining. You just might end up with a fun new piece of art to hang on your wall.

8. Start a Blog or Vlog

Individuals in recovery have a lot to offer to those who do not think they are capable of overcoming their addiction. Take your extra time to start a blog or vlog and tell your story. Share what you can and spread words of support and success. 

9. Spend Time Getting To Know Your Roommate or Loved One

If you live with a roommate, family member, or romantic partner, your time and distance from others give you a special opportunity to bond with each other. Talk. Ask questions. Learn something new about one another that you may not have known before. Learn to appreciate each other in a new way. For goodness sake, this is the person you may look back at in 10, 20, 50 years from now as the person you hunkered down with during the Coronavirus outbreak.

10. Work on Your Recovery

Regardless of whether you are in a 12 step program, another recovery program, or not following a specific program at all, this is time that you can spend working on your recovery. Reflect on what you have done and how you are moving forward. Work through your steps. Think about how you will work on rebuilding relationships that may be strained. There is always work to do.

If you are worried about getting supplies for anything listed here, remember that delivery is an option. Just be sure to disinfect anything before you bring it into your home. Maybe you only do one of these activities, maybe you do them all! Just keep your sobriety in focus and keep in contact with your support system. Stay sober and stay safe!

What Does AA Cost?

How much AA costs is a common question that people unfamiliar with the AA program ask. There are no dues or fees to become a member of alcoholics anonymous. Members and traditions state that we can only keep what we have by giving it away. During meetings, a basket is passed amongst the groups to accept donations that cover common costs like rent, literature, AA Chips, or coffee for the group. Alcoholics anonymous has always declined outside contributions while remaining fully self-funded. Donations are appreciated but are not required when attending an AA meeting. The only actual requirement is the desire to live a life free from alcohol and all mood and mind-altering substances. 

Cost of materials (big book) or how to get them free.

The current cost of a Big Book is $5.99. Most of the time a sponsor or an elder group member will pass along an old copy to the new members. Again, following the traditions of alcoholics anonymous you only keep what you have by giving it away. Pamphlets of literature are also provided at meetings. These pamphlets are free for the taking and the only request is that when finished you pass it along to another person in need. Members of alcoholics anonymous believe in a motto of attraction rather than promotion and these types of selfless acts to help others struggling is a great way to spread the message of recovery.  

Do you have to pay for AA chips? 

AA Chips are a tool used by the groups and symbolize lengths of sobriety. These are given away to members to celebrate their length of sobriety. The contributions collected by the group are used to purchase these items and then given to the member that is celebrating and extending the length of time they have maintained sobriety.

AA is a Priceless Commitment

The amount of money that becoming an AA member costs is zero. There is no required cost at all. Regardless of the amount of time spent with meetings and any other commitment, if you are a true alcoholic and this is the road that you choose to remain sober, the money or time spent is more valuable than you can imagine. Giving yourself the opportunity to live a life free from alcohol and truly live is priceless. Sobriety can not be monetized by dollars and cents. The value vs cost of a meeting is simply answered with the question “how much is your life worth to you?” 

How AA is funded?

Since AA was found it has declined any outside funding. The groups have always remained fully self-supported. Their donations are given during meets by members and then the local intergroup decides the best way to spend those funds in accordance with what is best for the local groups. They also will host a variety of events such as picnics, dances, alcotons, or spaghetti dinners, as well as other types of community-friendly events.

What does aa cost? It doesn’t have to cost a dime.

Now that we answered your question of “what does AA cost”? and that it is beyond affordable, get started with this program that is accessible to everyone. Find an AA meeting near you.

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What is AA? The Basics of Alcoholics Anonymous

What is AA?

AA, or Alcoholics Anonymous is an international fellowship that meets regularly to help individuals and families who struggle with alcoholism. All individuals who acknowledge they have a drinking problem and have a desire for recovery are welcome at AA meetings. 

As each AA group is self-funded and there are no dues or fees required, those who believe in the program and want to make it accessible for others may dedicate a significant amount of time to doing so. This may include securing 

What is the meaning of AA?

AA stands for Alcoholics Anonymous. Literally speaking, that means that it comprises groups of individuals who have identified as alcoholics and are meeting with an understanding of anonymity. Figuratively speaking, Alcoholics Anonymous often has a slightly different, deeper meaning for its members.

For some, Alcoholics Anonymous is a tool for support to maintain their sobriety but for many others, it is a way of life. The 12 Steps and 12 Traditions of AA lead the decisions and actions in everyday lives of many AA members. Members may see AA as a path to a new life or they may find a new family in their fellow members. Alcoholics Anonymous is truly life-altering for a great number of people.

Click Here to download the 12 Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous

Click Here to download the 12 Traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous

What is the purpose of AA?

The purpose of AA is quite simple, it is to help individuals who struggle with alcoholism to get sober and stay sober. 

What is AA NOT?

  • AA is not for profit.
  • AA is not allied with any group, cause, or religious denomination.
  • AA is not limited to age, gender, social, economic, or cultural backgrounds (although individual meets may be limited in some regards).
  • AA is not an organization was works to recruit members. Members join based on their own choice. 
  • AA is not a medical treatment program.
  • AA is not a cure for addiction. There is no cure for addiction.

Find An AA Meeting Near Me

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