AA Meetings Hegins, PA

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Hegins, Pennsylvania. The closest AA meeting to you is 14.3 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:30 PM. Click here for meetings today (Friday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Hegins

Chesterbrook Monday Nighters
St Isaac Joques Church 50 Walker Rd (& Valley Forge)
Open AA Discussion Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Morning Hope
St Mary's Episcopal Church 104 Louella Ave (& Lancaster Rt 30)
Closed Literature AA Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

The Rule 62 Goup
Grace Calvary Church
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
15.79 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

The Nooner
Church Of Redeemer
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
27.73 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Concordia Group
Zion Lutheran Church
Closed Big Book AA Meeting
29.35 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Espanol Mitin
Saint Francis Assisi Church
Open Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Spanish
33.34 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

It Works Group
Saint Francis Assisi Church
Open Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
33.34 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

19th Street Group
Fellowship House
Newcomer, Open, Wheelchair Access
33.55 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Fellowship House
Fellowship House
Closed AA Discussion Meeting, Wheelchair Access
33.55 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Fellowship House
Fellowship House
Closed AA Discussion Meeting, Wheelchair Access
33.55 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Fellowship House
Fellowship House
Open Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Wheelchair Access
33.55 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Back The Valley Men
Paxton United Methodist Church
Discussion, Men, Open
33.88 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Double Trouble
Community Service Group
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
33.88 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Harrisburg Mens Group Men
Susquehanna Free
Closed AA Discussion Meeting, Literature, Men
33.88 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Pine Street Group
Pine Street Presbyterian - Boyd Center
Newcomer, Open
34.06 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Tuesday AA Meetings in Hegins

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Eastside Group

Closed AA Meeting
10.54 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Eastside Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
10.54 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

A Design For Living
St Mary's Episcopal Church 104 Louella Ave (& Lancaster Rt 30)
Open Literature AA Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Morning Hope
St Mary's Episcopal Church 104 Louella Ave (& Lancaster Rt 30)
Closed Literature AA Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Wayne Presbyterian Church 125 Lancaster Ave (Rt 30)
Open Big Book Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Tuesday Night Atrium Rewards
St David's Episcopal Church 763 Valley Forge Rd
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

St Mary's Episcopal Church 104 Louella Ave (& Lancaster Rt 30)
Open AA Speaker Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Butler North Main St
Faith United Pres. Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting last week Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
15.79 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

M.o.t.h. Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
22.57 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

M.o.t.h. Group

AA Meeting - Open Speaker
22.57 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Helping Hands Group

AA Meeting Closed Discussion
23.88 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Helping Hands Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
23.88 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Noon In Bloom Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
23.88 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Sumneytown Women Women
Freiden's UCC Fellowship Hall 1011 Church Rd
Closed, Wheelchair Access, Women
24.07 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Open Doors Group
Trinity United Church of Christ
Open Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
26 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Wednesday AA Meetings in Hegins

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Eastside Group

Closed AA Meeting
10.54 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Morning Hope
St Mary's Episcopal Church 104 Louella Ave (& Lancaster Rt 30)
Closed Literature AA Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Wayne Women’s Step Women
Wayne Methodist Church 210 South Wayne Ave
Closed Step AA Meeting, Women
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Wednesday Wayne Men’s Men
Wayne Presbyterian Church 125 Lancaster Ave (Rt 30)
Discussion, Men, Open
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Thought Of The Day Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
15.48 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Lost & Found
Holy Trinity Monastary use Bullcreek Rd entrance
Open Discussion AA Meeting
15.79 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

M.o.t.h. Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
22.57 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

M.o.t.h. Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
22.57 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Practice These Principles Group

AA Open Big Book Meeting
22.57 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Noon In Bloom Group

AA Open Step Study
23.88 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Young At Heart Group

AA Open Big Book Meeting
23.88 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Hershey Group
Derry Presbyterian Church
Closed AA Discussion Meeting, Literature
27.59 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

The Nooner
Church Of Redeemer
Closed, Step Meeting
27.73 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Tamaqua Group,

Open Meeting of Alcoholic's Anonymous
28.48 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

13 Step Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
30.38 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Thursday AA Meetings in Hegins

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Eastside Group

AA Meeting Closed Discussion
10.56 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Eastside Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
10.79 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Winding It Up Group
Our Lady of Help Christian Church
Open Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
12.45 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

A Design For Living
St Mary's Episcopal Church 104 Louella Ave (& Lancaster Rt 30)
Open Literature AA Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Morning Hope
St Mary's Episcopal Church 104 Louella Ave (& Lancaster Rt 30)
Closed Literature AA Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Step By Step
Wayne Presbyterian Church 125 Lancaster Ave (Rt 30)
Closed Step AA Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Wayne Presbyterian Church 125 Lancaster Ave (Rt 30)
Closed AA Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Thursday Night Step
St David's Episcopal Church 763 Valley Forge Rd
Open AA Step Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Daily Reprieve Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
20.79 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

M.o.t.h. Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
22.57 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

M.o.t.h. Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
22.57 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Helping Hands Group

AA Meeting Closed Discussion
23.88 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Helping Hands Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
23.88 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Noon In Bloom Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
23.88 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Primary Purpose Restored

Closed AA Meeting
24.16 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Friday AA Meetings in Hegins

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Eastside Group

Closed AA Meeting
10.55 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Eastside Group

Open Meeting of Alcoholic's Anonymous
10.55 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

8 O’clock At Wayne
St Katharine of Siena Parish Hall 104 South Aberdeen Ave
Open Big Book Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Wheelchair Access
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Morning Hope
St Mary's Episcopal Church 104 Louella Ave (& Lancaster Rt 30)
Closed Literature AA Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Promises, Promises
Wayne Presbyterian Church 125 Lancaster Ave (Rt 30)
Open AA Discussion Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

M.o.t.h. Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
22.57 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

M.o.t.h. Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
22.57 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Noon In Bloom Group

AA Open Big Book Meeting
23.88 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Some Sicker Than Others
Bethany Church of the Nazarene
Open Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
26.87 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Hershey Group
Derry Presbyterian Church
Closed, Step Meeting, Tradition Study
27.59 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Hershey Kiss (keep It Simple)
Church Of Redeemer
Open Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
27.73 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

The Nooner
Church Of Redeemer
Closed Big Book AA Meeting
27.73 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Tamaqua Group,

AA Open Discussion Meeting
28.48 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

How It Works,

AA Open Big Book Meeting
29.84 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Saturday AA Meetings in Hegins

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Eastside Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
10.55 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Eastside Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
10.79 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Morning Hope
St Mary's Episcopal Church 104 Louella Ave (& Lancaster Rt 30)
Closed Literature AA Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Wayne Saturday Night Rescue Me
Second Baptist Church 246 Highland Ave
Open AA Speaker Meeting
14.3 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Recovery 101 Meeting
Trinity United Methodist Church
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
18.39 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

M.o.t.h. Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
22.57 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Practice These Principles Group

AA Open Big Book Meeting
22.57 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Noon In Bloom Group

Open Beginners Meeting AA
23.88 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Weekenders Group

Closed AA Meeting
24.16 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Hershey Group
Derry Presbyterian Church
Discussion, Newcomer, Open
27.59 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Hershey Group
Derry Presbyterian Church
Open Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
27.59 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Hershey Kiss (keep It Simple)
Church Of Redeemer
Open Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
27.73 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Sunrise Saturday Group
Church Of Redeemer
Open Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
27.73 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Weekend Beginners Group
Cigar Shop Basement 211 South 13th St
Open, Smoking Permitted
29.98 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

Primary Purpose Group

AA Meeting Closed Discussion
30.38 miles from the center of Hegins, PA

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Valley View, Muir, Donaldson, and Reinerton

Additional local resources: Hegins NA Meetings | Hegins Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

AA is a program created to help its members stay sober. Attendance is free at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Hegins, Pennsylvania as the funding is accepted on a [donation from its members.

AA is one of most commonly known programs in the United States and around the world that helps countless men and women get sober in the pursuit of lifelong recovery. They are commonly made up of small groups of people who share their recovery journey and are there to help new members stay sober.

The Best Method of Choosing an AA Meeting in Hegins, Pennsylvania

It is important when coming to AA that you select a meeting that is best for where you are at in sobriety. The first type of meeting is a new comers meeting and is not only for new comers but is a meeting that inspires members to speak their truth and ask for help. The next type of meeting would be a gender specific meeting, which is only open to one gender. A Closed meeting simply means the group is solely focused on conversations regarding how to stay sober from alcohol. Talking about any other illicit substances is not allowed. A Step Study is a gathering that is simply a specific step and spoken about in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings revolve around the 12 traditions of AA. Not to be confused with the 12 steps. The traditions are built to maintain order throughout AA and maintaining accountability to these traditions is the reason you can join a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous anywhere in the world to hear the same message.

How to Get The Most From an AA Meeting in Hegins, Pennsylvania

The members who benefit the most from AA have found success through getting involved in the program. If you are attending your first AA meeting and really want to get sober, we recommend following the suggestions of the AA members that have come before you.

It is smart to accept where you are at with you addiction and admit that you need help. Part of staying sober is helping the new members of AA in Hegins maintain their sobriety, so people are going to be open to helping you get sober too. Raise your hand, say who you are, admit that you need help.