Monday Al-Anon Meetings in Muttontown
Disclaimer: While we do our best to keep meeting information up to date, meeting times and locations change frequently. Please visit the offical Al-Anon website and use the meeting locator to confirm all meetings and times. You can also call Al-Anon directly at 1-888-4AL-ANON.
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
St Patricks Outreach
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 9761, ,
5.1 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Roslyn Presbyterian Church
Nursery school entrance , Families and Friends Only , Parents Beginners , Group ID 62208,
6.07 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
North Shore United Methodist Church
Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 10299,
6.69 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
North Shore United Methodist Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 10299, ,
6.69 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Congregational Church
Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 9895,
7.64 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Congregational Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 9895, ,
7.64 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Garden City Community Church
Kigston Room first floor , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 40862,
9.38 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
First Presbyterian Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 38804, ,
9.45 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Francis De Chantel Church School
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 29164,
9.45 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Philip Neri Parish Hall
Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 10135,
11.4 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Philip Neri Parish Hall
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 10135, ,
11.4 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Community United Presbyterian Church
Rear entry & downstairs. open meeting first monday of month & No meeting on 12/24 (Christmas eve) or 12/31 (New Years eve). , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 43089,
11.82 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Mary's Episcopal Church
Back door , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 9583,
11.99 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
First Presbyterian Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 65972, ,
12.35 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Our Lady Of Lourdes
Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 503172,
12.56 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Tuesday Al-Anon Meetings in Muttontown
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Plainview Library
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 9798, ,
4.8 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Patricks Church
Enter rectory off Scudder Pl and go to basement of church left of stage. , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Adult Children Beginners , Group ID 44637 , ,
6.23 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Patricks Church
Enter rectory off Scudder Pl and go to basement of church left of stage. , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Adult Children , Group ID 44637 , ,
6.23 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Parish Center
Across from church / rear parking. basement , Families and Friends Only , Adult Children , Group ID 44248,
7.35 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Congregational Church
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 63627,
7.64 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Joseph's Roman Catholic Church
Families and Friends Only , Adult Children , Group ID 9755,
8.8 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Temple B'nai Torah
Handicap Access & Child Care , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 10371,
9.28 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St James Lutheran Church
entrance on Chestnut Ave , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 50140,
10.63 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St William The Abbot School
School cafeteria basement , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 10288,
10.82 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Boniface Episcopal Church
Main Entrance. Go to right , into community room , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Beginners , Group ID 52793 ,
11.84 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Presbyterian Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 9855, ,
13.49 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
United Methodist Church Of Babylon
Wesley hall. down ramp , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 9590 , ,
14.2 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
United Methodist Church Of Babylon Meeting ID: 5942880849 Wesley Hall down ramp , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 9590,
14.2 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Luke's Church
Library in school basement. , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 2139 ,
16.54 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
First Reformed Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 10079, ,
16.56 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Wednesday Al-Anon Meetings in Muttontown
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
First Presbyterian Church
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Beginners , Group ID 10172,
3.22 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
First Presbyterian Church
1st Wednesday - Tradition; 2nd Wednesday - Business; 3rd Wednesday step meeting. , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 10172,
3.22 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Corpus Christi Church
Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 9919,
7.74 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Garden City Community Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 47050, ,
9.38 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Christ Lutheran Church
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Men , Group ID 30626176,
10.33 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St. Barnabas Church
Topic Meeting. Rectory Basement-Side Door , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 9911,
10.97 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Trinity Episcopal Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 10138, ,
11.04 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Rose Of Lima Church
First floor , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 9902 , ,
11.7 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Union United Methodist Church
parking lot entrance. , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Parents Beginners , Group ID 34884 , ,
11.72 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Union United Methodist Church
parking lot entrance. , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Parents , Group ID 34884 , ,
11.72 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Trinity Methodist Church
Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30676188,
13.2 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St. Thomas Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 46116, ,
13.35 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Lynbrook Baptist Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30693736, ,
13.47 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Our Lady Of Lourdes
Convent basement , do not use school parking lot. park on street , Child Care , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 10398,
13.98 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Our Lady Of Lourdes
Convent basement , do not use school parking lot. park on street , Child Care , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 10398 , ,
13.98 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Thursday Al-Anon Meetings in Muttontown
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Syosset Community Church
Side entrance of church , basement , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 10321,
1.77 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
United Methodist Church Of Hicksville
Downstairs , Families and Friends Only , Men Beginners , Group ID 9797,
4.36 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St. Hugh Of Lincoln Church School
Room 106 in school building on north side (pulaski road) , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 38860,
6.76 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St. Hugh Of Lincoln Church School
Room106 in school building on north side (pulaski road) , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 38860,
6.76 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St James Parish Center
Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 63869,
7.57 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Corpus Christi Church
Side entrance , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 64191,
7.74 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Luke's Lutheran Church
Back parking lot. , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 9708 , ,
10.48 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Luke's Lutheran Church
Meeting behind church , go thru doors , down hall , room on right. , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 9708 ,
10.48 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St James' Lutheran Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 38222, ,
10.63 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Community Methodist Church
Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 9901,
11.56 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Ascension Lutheran Church
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Adult Children , Group ID 43088,
12.3 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 9725, ,
13.3 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Christ Episcopal Church
Church basement; please use driveway entrance door , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 501297,
14.3 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Christ Episcopal Church
Step meeting. church basement; please use driveway entrance door , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 501297,
14.3 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Catherine Of Siena Church
Room 101 school building , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 2283 ,
15.13 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Friday Al-Anon Meetings in Muttontown
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
The Kenneth Peters Center For Recovery
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30702414, ,
1.61 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Woodbury United Methodist Church
2nd floor , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 63622,
3.56 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Our Lady Of Mercy School
Families and Friends Only , Adult Children , Group ID 39208,
3.86 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Old First Church
Step and beginners meeting. go around church to door on left , Child Care , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 32543 , ,
6.97 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Old First Church
Go around church to door on left , Child Care , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 32543 , ,
6.97 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
First Presbyterian Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 10136, ,
11.37 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Cure Of Ars
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30538126, ,
11.41 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
United Methodist Church Of East Northport
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Parents Beginners , Group ID 30552312,
11.72 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
United Methodist Church Of East Northport
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Parents , Group ID 30552312,
11.72 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
First United Methodist Church
Corner of Atlantic Ave , use side door. VP staircase. , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 10152 , ,
14.07 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Benedict's Parish
Meeting is in rectory basement. Use side entrance. , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 9979,
15.18 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Benedict's Parish
Meeting is in rectory basement. Use side entrance. , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 9979,
15.18 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
First Presbyterian Church
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30625069 , , ,
16.42 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Patrick's Roman Catholic Church
Families and Friends Only , Adult Children Beginners , Group ID 30740,
16.51 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Scarsdale Friends Nursery School
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 62163, ,
17.73 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Saturday Al-Anon Meetings in Muttontown
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
St. Lawrence Episcopal Church
Go to back of church and take elevator upstairs to library room, Group ID W65303
0 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Stephan's Episcopal Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 24059, ,
8.46 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Stephan's Episcopal Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 24059, ,
8.46 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Cure Of Ars School
Step & tradition meeting. room 210. , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 30566443,
11.41 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St. Anthony Of Padua Parish Outreach
meeting in the rectory meeting room which is in the basement , use the large parking lot on Cheshire Place and Fifth Ave , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30705044,
11.74 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Christ Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 10273, ,
13.11 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St. Thomas Church
Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 46116,
13.35 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Cross Of Christ Lutheran
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Adult Children Beginners , Group ID 53078,
13.77 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Cross Of Christ Lutheran
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Adult Children , Group ID 53078,
13.77 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Saint Saviours Church
Meeting held in social room on lower level. , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Men Beginners , Group ID 30615575
13.85 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
Church On The Hill
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30600698 , ,
14.32 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
First Congregational Church Of Greenwich
Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Beginners , Group ID 30563 ,
14.63 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
First Congregational Church Of Greenwich
Lounge. 9:30am Introductory meeting for families & friends welcome , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30563 , , ,
14.63 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Andrew Avellino Church
Rectory basement , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Beginners , Group ID 40861,
14.81 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY
St Andrew Avellino Church
Rectory basement , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 40861 , ,
14.81 miles from the center of Muttontown, NY