Monday Al-Anon Meetings in Pierson
Disclaimer: While we do our best to keep meeting information up to date, meeting times and locations change frequently. Please visit the offical Al-Anon website and use the meeting locator to confirm all meetings and times. You can also call Al-Anon directly at 1-888-4AL-ANON.
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Holy Family Catholic Church
Currently mtg on Zoom. Mtg ID# 888 290 962 , Password: SpartaMon7 This meeting does not meet on holidays , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 6997
15.81 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Family Life Center Church Of God
M-91 , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6555 , ,
18.48 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
St Luke's Lutheran Church
Currently mtg on Zoom. Mtg ID# 231 118 9871 , password 3636. Signs on school doors at the end of the building , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30623 ,
20.6 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club Of Kent County
Room 2 , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 503692,
24.68 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
St Anthony Of Padua Church
take elevator to the basement. , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30690752,
25.28 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Mayflower Congregational Church
Main door at front of church , Families and Friends Only , Parents , Group ID 30531191,
25.47 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
South Alano Club
Currently meeting on Zoom , Mtg ID# 376 410 902 , password - hope Meeting in the courage room , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 41711 ,
29.7 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Currently mtg on Zoom; Mtg ID# 990 542 699 , Password - hope Enter thru west door and follow signs , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 501769
32.72 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
St Paul Lutheran Church
Enter southwest door. Downstairs in the library. Meeting does not meet on holidays. , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 51715,
35.15 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Muskegon Community College
in the Hub Rm , near library entrance , down the hall from book store , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30724933 ,
35.54 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Hudsonville Reformed Church
Meeting in choir room on main level , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 37827,
37.5 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
St. Philip Neri Catholic Church
Enter at church's south door off parking lot , take stairs down to the basement , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30625800 ,
37.79 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Community United Methodist Church
Upstairs , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 54557 ,
38.86 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
St John's Episcopal Church
Basement , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6718 , ,
40.77 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Christ Memorial Church
Currently meeting on Zoom. Mtg ID# 878 9650 0077 , password 949801 Entrance D , The mtg room opens at 11:30am; mtg runs from 12:15pm to 1:15PM; room closes at 1:30pm , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30651078 ,
49.56 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Tuesday Al-Anon Meetings in Pierson
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Montcalm Alano Club
Parlor , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30543406 ,
15.57 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club Of Kent County
Currently mtg on Zoom; Mtg ID: 859 300 262 , Password - 058137 Meeting in Room 2 , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6734 ,
24.68 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Lowell Serenity Club
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30672910,
27.79 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
South Alano Club
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30569566 , ,
29.7 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club South
Courage room , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 6732 ,
29.7 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Sunrise Ministries
Currently mtg on Zoom. Mtg ID: 899 572 608. Mtg password - 736248 North entrance , Child Care , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30662808,
33.45 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Cornerstone Church
entrance is West of Clyde Park , shared drive with Medilodge , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30680449 ,
33.75 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Fairhaven Ministries
North east entrance door d , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6796,
33.82 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
St Philip Neri Catholic Church
Please enter middle door off the parking lot meeting is on the First floor , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6935,
37.56 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Muskegon Alano Club
Front door entrance , upstairs , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 60392,
39.99 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
United Methodist Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6876,
44.3 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30629084 ,
48.99 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
St Judes Church
enter thru the north end of the bldg , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6655,
57.02 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano East Club
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 45697,
64.27 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club South
Near South Cedar & Holmes in Everett Plaza , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30667926,
64.47 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Wednesday Al-Anon Meetings in Pierson
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Oak View Community Church
Currently mtg on Zoom. Mtg ID: 123 398 622 Mtg password: 089160. Meeting held in church activity building , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30628253 ,
20.13 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club Of Kent County
Room 2 , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6736,
24.68 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club Of Kent County
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 28636 , ,
24.68 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alanon Club Of Kent County
Currently meeting on Zoom. Meeting ID: 858 4426 6354 , Mtg ID#: 460852 Room 2 , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Men Beginners , Group ID 6738 ,
24.68 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
South Alano Club
Currently meeting on Zoom. Mtg ID# 376 410 902 Mtg password- hope Meeting in the courage room , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 41711,
29.7 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club South
Currently hold conference call meetings. Call 1-712-432-8773 , conference call ID # - 646131 and wait for instructions from moderator Courage room , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 64613 ,
29.7 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Tri Cities Alano Club
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 61413 ,
40.7 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Portland First Congregational Church
Enter the Fellowship Hall through the double doors on Smith Street , turn right to the small meeting , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30629029
43.39 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
First Presbyterian Church
currently mtg on Zoom. Mtg ID: 812 0892 1850 , Password - 133577 Downstairs , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 503178
48.53 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Clare Congregational Church
Side door , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6601,
50.33 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Congregational Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 48277,
51.56 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club Of Allegan County
Meeting in the basement. enter the door at the northwest corner of the front of the building. , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30683624 ,
60.26 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Grace Episcopal Church
Currently holding Zoom meeting , contact DR Gay at (616) 340-9025 , OR the group contact person North east door , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6840 ,
64.85 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Haslett Community Church
Kitchen dining area to the right of entrance. , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 62298,
68.13 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Okemos Community Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30673783,
68.15 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Thursday Al-Anon Meetings in Pierson
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Calvary Church
Enter Door G , Mtg held in rm 110 A&B , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30546301,
24.29 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club Of Kent County
Room 2 , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30613031,
24.68 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
South Alano Club
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30569566 , ,
29.7 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Zion United Methodist Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30713518,
32.19 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
Heritage Room , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30731632 ,
32.72 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Banner Of Christ Church
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6615 , ,
34.44 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
All Shores Wesleyan Church
Downstairs. room e109 , Child Care , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 54576,
37.79 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Meets in building beside church/ east side , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 501158,
41.53 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alma United Methodist Church
Meeting in conference room to left of sanctuary , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30552969 , ,
42.36 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Lakewood United Methodist Church
Handicap Access & Child Care , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30554511 , ,
44.32 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
First Baptist Church Of Hart
Currently holding Zoom Meeting - Contact DR Gay at (616) 340-9025 OR , OR meeting contact persons , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30681331,
51.52 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
All Saints Episcopal Church
enter thru side door , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6981,
58.01 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
First Congregational Church
Through fellowship hall doors. ss room , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6751,
59.37 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Crossroads Church
Use side door on N. Washington Ave; mtg in basement , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6813 , ,
61.22 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Messiah Lutheran Church
Enter front doors and go to Room 4 , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30615814 , ,
64.92 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Friday Al-Anon Meetings in Pierson
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Alano North Club
Room 2 , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Women , Group ID 30621718 ,
24.68 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club Of Kent County
Room 2 , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6727,
24.68 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club Of Kent County
Currently meeting on Zoom. Mtg ID# - 995-459-482 , mtg password - 050240. Room 2 , meeting last 1.5 hours , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 54727 ,
24.68 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club South
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 41312 , ,
29.7 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
South Alano Club
Currently meeting on Zoom. Mtg ID# 376 410 902 , mtg password hope Meeting in the courage room , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 41711 ,
29.7 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Sunrise Ministries
Currently mtg on zoom while church is closed. Mtg ID# 308 224 5233 , Mtg password # - 736248 , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30638205,
33.45 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Second Reformed Church
Use back door off the parking lot , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 7068,
43.73 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club
Currently meeting on Zoom. Mtg. ID# 835 37101114 , Mtg password #: 554950 Kitchen side door to the left , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30725055 ,
48.99 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
First Presbyterian Church
Meets in Library , front Door then left , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30695611,
64.56 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
New Hope Church
Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 49650,
65.24 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
St Paul's Episcopal Church
South door. upstairs , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 66873,
68.29 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
St Thomas More Catholic Church
currently holding Zoom mtgs ID 875244983 password 715387 Tuesdays mtg has different login and password , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6801,
71.45 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Battle Creek Alano Club
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30555489 ,
71.58 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Family Worship Center
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30625537,
82.48 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
St Robert's School
enter off Henry St turn left; last room on left #8 , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Beginners , Group ID 44495
84.62 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Saturday Al-Anon Meetings in Pierson
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
St. Lawrence Episcopal Church
Go to back of church and take elevator upstairs to library room, Group ID W65303
0 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Montcalm Alano Club
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30725834 , ,
15.57 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club Of Kent County
Saturday Morning Al-Anon Family Group is meeting face to face; the group also have a Saturday Morning Zoom meeting at 10 am; Zoom meeting ID# 882 0778 1281 , mtg password: 006771 , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30715193 ,
24.68 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club Of Kent County
Room 2 , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 42859,
24.68 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club South
Currently mtg on Zoom. Mtg ID# - 376 410 902 , Mtg password - hope Meeting in courage room , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 42499 ,
29.7 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Alano Club South
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30570296 , ,
29.7 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Tri Cities Alano Club
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 61413 , ,
40.7 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
McLaren Central Michigan
Curently meeting on Zoom - contact Lauren (989) 330-4436 OR Conference Room LAJ (Near the cafeteria) , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30677697,
41.66 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
First Presbyterian Church
Ne door; meeting in basement , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30570564 , ,
48.53 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Sparrow Professional Building
Temporary Electronic Meeting Information: IMeeting thru Zoom meeting ID#242-234-242 , Password: 174637; Physical Location: Conference Rm B , 2nd Floor , Handicap Access & Fragrance Free , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome
63.29 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
St Brigid Catholic Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6864,
66.04 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
First Baptist Church
currently mtg on Zoom ID# 383916898 password CCC Side door off church street. buzz intercom , Handicap Access & Child Care , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 502360,
71.19 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
St Bartholomew Church
Temporary electronic meeting available during COVID-19 pandemic: Zoom ID 811 6522 8408 Password 998877 Grp Focus: Al-Anon Adult Children , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Adult Children , Group ID 30592689 ,
86.28 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
Thetford Senior Center
Center Rd @M57; enter trough the door at the basement , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30670681,
90.69 miles from the center of Pierson, MI
St Andrews Church
Downstairs , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 6685 , ,
94.18 miles from the center of Pierson, MI