Monday Al-Anon Meetings in Clarksburg
Disclaimer: While we do our best to keep meeting information up to date, meeting times and locations change frequently. Please visit the offical Al-Anon website and use the meeting locator to confirm all meetings and times. You can also call Al-Anon directly at 1-888-4AL-ANON.
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Parkside Community Church
Parking lot off S. Land Park Drive to access meeting room , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 28890 ,
7.28 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Parking in the back. meeting held patio room. , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 1485 ,
11.06 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
The Table At The Central Methodist Church
Parking & Entrance in back of building on the 2nd floor with no elevator. Follow signs to meeting room. One hour meeting , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Parents , Group ID 30701140 ,
11.76 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Fremont Presbyterian Church
Community Life Center , Use H Street parking lot on the west side of the church , Second floor , Room CLC201 , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 27732,
11.92 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Davis Community Church
Room 1 , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Parents , Group ID 67310
14 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Arden Christian Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 1491 ,
15.29 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Dixon Methodist Church
Meets in small white house on west b st , adjacent to church. , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 36950 ,
15.44 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Sunset No Al Club
"Temporary electronic meeting available during COVID-19 pandemic: Zoom , Meeting ID: 518 651 112; Password: gibbons; ; Phone: (669) 900-6833; password:505097 , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 40351 ,
18.85 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Timothy's Bakery
Back Entrance , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Parents , Group ID 63734
21.85 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Fairvale Baptist Church
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30856 ,
23.62 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Adventist Health Lodi Memorial Hospital
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 49968
24.85 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Polish American Club
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. ;Upper Level , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Parents Beginners , Group ID 40656 ,
26.71 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Polish American Club
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Parents , Group ID 40656 ,
26.71 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
St. Mark's Lutheran Church
Room and parking in back of church. , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30688863 ,
29.16 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Community United Methodist Church
Classroom Wing , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 51752 ,
29.39 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Tuesday Al-Anon Meetings in Clarksburg
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
First Christian Church
Use rear double glass doors - sanctuary entrance. bethany room. , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Adult Children , Group ID 63591
11.1 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Sutter Center For Psychiatry
Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30522294 ,
11.35 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Davis Community Church
Room 1 , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 42174
14 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
United Methodist Church
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 54240 ,
15.09 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Brookdale Senior Living
Room to left of lobby entrance , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 43163 ,
21.68 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Vaca Valley Alano Club
Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30747015 ,
24.16 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Enter from parking lot side. upstairs Room #205 , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 1106
24.84 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
First Bapist Church Of Orangevale
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 1313
25.26 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Church Of Christ
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. ;Stay left after entering driveway. , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 47212
25.33 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
St Johns Episcopal Church
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Beginners , Group ID 1467 ,
26.04 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
St Johns Episcopal Church
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 1467 ,
26.04 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Trinity Episcopal Church
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting.;Fellowship Hall MEETING IS IN PARISH HALL , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Beginners , Group ID 45602
26.52 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Trinity Episcopal Church
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting.;Fellowship Hall , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 45602
26.52 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Journey Church
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. ;Meeting is held in classroom K-2 for 1 1/2 hours (until 8:30p). , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Beginners , Group ID 30698661
27.52 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
North Bay Healthcare
Penn - Tab Conference Room , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Men , Group ID 30721442 ,
29.53 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Wednesday Al-Anon Meetings in Clarksburg
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Monterey Trails High School
Portable hn2 back of high school - park by football field. , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 43523
8.15 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Monterey Trails High School
Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 43523 ,
8.15 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
North Hall
Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , LGBT , Group ID 51810
10.06 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
First Christian Church
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Women , Group ID 502593 ,
11.1 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
The Table At The Central Methodist Church
Park in the back parking lot and enter through the back door. the meeting is upstairs in room 206 , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 39962
11.76 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Christ Church
Fellowship Hall , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Adult Children , Group ID 30735066
14.97 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Christ Church
Fellowship Hall , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 54242 ,
14.97 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Timothy's Bakery
Back Entrance , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Parents , Group ID 63734
21.85 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Vacavalley Hospital
Meeting in Cafeteria , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Beginners , Group ID 53494 ,
22.63 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
St. Paul Lutheran Church
Enter from parking lot side. upstairs Room #205 , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 1106
24.84 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
American River Alano
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. ;Suite 8 , Families and Friends Only , Men , Group ID 502746 ,
25.5 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Lyman Leek Center
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Adult Children , Group ID 62335
25.95 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Polish American Community Hall
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. Level. Meeting starts at 11:40 am , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 30503634
27.5 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Polish American Community Hall
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. Level. Meeting starts at 11:40 am , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Parents , Group ID 30503634
27.5 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Oak Hills Church
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. ;Building d , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Parents , Group ID 30560416 ,
28.22 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Thursday Al-Anon Meetings in Clarksburg
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Parkside Community Church
Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30646149 ,
7.28 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Parkside Community Church
park in rear behind pre-school , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30577592
7.28 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Lutheran Church Of The Cross
Families and Friends Only , Adult Children , Group ID 49243
11.69 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Christ Church
Fellowship hall , Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Beginners , Group ID 54241
14.97 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Arden Christian Church
"Temporary electronic meeting available during COVID-19 pandemic" Zoom , Meeting ID:829 6232 8604; Password:THINK;;Phone (669) 900-9128;PW:009860 , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Parents Beginners , Group ID 501988
15.29 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Arden Christian Church
"Temporary electronic meeting available during COVID-19 pandemic" Zoom , Meeting ID:829 6232 8604; Password:THINK;;Phone (669) 900-9128;PW:009860 , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Parents , Group ID 501988
15.29 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
St Mark's Methodist Church
Families and Friends Only , Women , Group ID 500646
15.86 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Kaiser Treatment Center
"Temporary Electronic Meeting available during COVID-19 pandemic: Zoom , Meeting ID: 566 789 336 Password: none;; Phone (669) 900-9128 , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Men , Group ID 766,
16.08 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Carmichael Presbyterian Church
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30609301
17.81 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Grace Lutheran Church
Education bldg south of sanctualry , room 2 behind gate. , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 47365 ,
19.22 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
First Congregational Church
Enter door to the left of entrance , downstairs in back of kitchen , knock if after 7:10. , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 30562661
19.81 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Timothy's Bakery
Back Entrance , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Parents , Group ID 63734
21.85 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Adventist Health Lodi Memorial Hospital
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 49968
24.85 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Community Presbyterian Church
Handicap Access , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 1783
25.22 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Church Of Christ
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. ;Meets in the library. , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 38366
25.33 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Friday Al-Anon Meetings in Clarksburg
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Parkside Community Church
Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30596621 ,
7.28 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
St Joseph's Catholic Church
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 50333
9.41 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Salvation Army Community Center
Enter in back office , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30690454
10.16 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
State Capitol Building
Room 127 , Families and Friends Only , Group ID 54830
11.18 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
First United Methodist Church
Go through the gate on J Street side , ring bell for entry , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 45325
11.36 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
United Methodist Church Of Davis
Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30578499 ,
15.09 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Arden Christian Church
Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 40908 ,
15.29 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Carmichael Presbyterian Church
"Temporary electronic meeting available during COVID-19 pandemic: Zoom , Meeting ID: 188 630 977; Password: ODAT;; Upstairs. room 24 , Handicap Access & Child Care , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 765
17.81 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Kaiser Hospital Mob A
3rd floor , mob a , room d; alateen at the same time in room c , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 26590
21.56 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Timothy's Bakery
Back alley entrance , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Parents , Group ID 30721658 ,
21.85 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
St. John's Episcopal Church
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. ;Meeting held in room Sanctuary , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 36953 ,
26.04 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Polish American Community Hall
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 1471
26.71 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Mount Olive Lutheran Church
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 45368 ,
27.57 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Pershing Group
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 32708 ,
30.03 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
First United Methodist Church
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. ;White building behind the Church Sanctuary , Issei Memorial Hall. , Child Care , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30605618
33.2 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Saturday Al-Anon Meetings in Clarksburg
For Help Finding Meetings or Recovery Support for Yourself or a Loved One Please Call 866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
St. Lawrence Episcopal Church
Go to back of church and take elevator upstairs to library room, Group ID W65303
0 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Flowers By Fairytales
Mtg in small garage bldg. behind flower shop. enter through back door. free parking west of location , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 48956
9.82 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
First Christian Church
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 502663
11.1 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Davis Community Church
4th & D Street , room 1 , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Women , Group ID 30559099,
14 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Davis Community Church
Library , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 64727 ,
14 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Kaiser Alcohol And Drug Medical Building
"Temporary electronic meeting available during COVID-19 pandemic: Zoom , Meeting ID: 659 860 026 ; Password: hope;; Phone (669) 900-9128 , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 51850
16.08 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
St Johns Episcoal Church
"Temporary electronic meeting Information available during COVID-19 pandemic" Due to COVID-19: we ask that you go to the local district website for the most current and up to date information on this meeting. ;Hospitality room , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 64412 ,
26.04 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Pershing Group
Families and Friends Only , Group ID 32708 ,
30.03 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Vintage Grace Church
Use back door; upper parking lot , Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30553068 ,
30.32 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
St Anthony's Catholic Church
Portable in back. , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 65612
31.02 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
John Muir Medical Center
Kunkel Room U30 , Handicap Access & Fragrance Free , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Beginners , Group ID 43510
40.24 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
St Apollinaris Church
Meeting room is inthe gym , entry from the outside next to the playground , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 501006 ,
42.17 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Kaiser Chemical Dependency Recovery Program
Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 30730132 ,
43.39 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Hillside Covenant Church
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 26494
46.84 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA
Hillside Covenant Church
Handicap Access , Families , Friends , and Observers Welcome , Group ID 26494
46.84 miles from the center of Clarksburg, CA