Why is Admitting You Have a Problem the First Step?
There are plenty of terms and ideologies from Alcoholics Anonymous that have crossed over into mainstream vernacular. The most well-known by far is the concept that admitting you have a…
Where to Find Worksheets for the 12 Steps of AA
As the Alcoholics Anonymous organization has continued to grow and evolve, so too have the tools and resources available to its members. One of the most practical and sought-after are…
Is Sobriety The Same As Abstinence?
Sobriety and abstinence are both important for recovery from addiction. While they share many similarities, sobriety and abstinence differ in several ways. To better understand how these concepts work together…
How Do You Live a Sober Lifestyle?
Being sober is a lengthy process, and it takes hard work. It may take months or even years to get sober and keep yourself that way. Understanding this before beginning…
Is it True That Once an Alcoholic Always an Alcoholic?
Can a recovering alcoholic ever drink again–even just occasionally? Not according to Alcoholics Anonymous. The AA philosophy is that the only way to overcome alcoholism is through complete and total…
What are the 61 Rules of AA?
Life is full of rules, and so too is the road to sobriety. But the story of the 61 rules of aa (and the origin of rule 62), is a…
What is a Sober Personality?
Drug addiction is an all-encompassing disease that can take over our brains, causing us to do, say, and think things we normally never would, and can lead us to forget…
Alabama: Ranked Highest Among Opioid Prescription Rates
Well before COVID-19 shook our world upside down, the United States was—and still is—in the grip of another public health crisis: opioid abuse. This complex and multifaceted issue has been…
Benefits of Florida Addiction and Recovery Centers
There are more than 40 million Americans that are 12 or older, who meet the criteria of having a substance use disorder, a situation that the government has dubbed a…
True or False: All Narcotics are Addictive
In 2020, there were 40.3 million Americans over the age of 12 who met the criteria of having a drug addiction, nearly 15% of the population. These high numbers are…