Monday AA Meetings in Moundsville
Steps Inside Club
Open Discussion AA Meeting
29.56 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Dial 605-313-5109 Access Code 259095#
Open Big Book AA Meeting Phone Meeting
31.76 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
St. Joseph Center, Franciscan Univ.
Big Book, Closed, Discussion
32 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Richmond United Presbyterian Church
Discussion, Open
35.33 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
St Wendlin Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting
36.66 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
VA Hospital 3 Bldg 21
Open Discussion AA Meeting
41.27 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
St. John`s Luth Church
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
41.57 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Prince Of Peace Lutheran Church
Open Big Book AA Meeting last week Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
42.67 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Hebron Pres Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting
44.17 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Good Works Recovery House
Closed Discussion AA Meeting Beginners/Step last week Closed Speaker
44.17 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Crossroads Meth Church
Closed Discussion AA Meeting
44.21 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Corpus Christi Church
Open, Speaker
44.21 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Tuesday AA Meetings in Moundsville
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Christ the King Lutheran Church
Big Book, Literature, Open
13.61 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Woodsfield Church of the Nazarene
Big Book, Open
22.74 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
1st Meth Church 112 N Richhill St WAYNESBURG
Open Discussion AA Meeting
29.33 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Grace Lutheran Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
31.42 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Mt. Hope Community Pres Church
Open Big Book AA Meeting 1st week Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
31.43 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Sunlight Club
Open Discussion AA Meeting
31.76 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
1st UM Church
Open Big Book AA Meeting
37.5 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
The Club
Open Discussion AA Meeting
41.57 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Nottingham Presbyterian Church 497 West Christine Rd
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
41.67 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
St Thomas Epis Ch
Open Step Discussion
44.21 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Stop Nine Church of Christ
Big Book, Discussion, Open
44.28 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Harmony House Cafe
Open Discussion AA Meeting Literature
44.71 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Wednesday AA Meetings in Moundsville
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Baptist Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
23.21 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Steps Inside Club
Closed Discussion AA Meeting
29.56 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Wilkins School Community Center
Closed Discussion AA Meeting last week Closed Speaker
29.56 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Sunlight Club
Open Discussion AA Meeting
31.76 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
St Thomas Epis Ch
Closed Big Book Discussion
37.62 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
North Branch UP Church
Closed Speaker
38.54 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
St John Luth Church
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous last week Closed Discussion AA Meeting
41.57 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Tradition 1 Club
Open Discussion AA Meeting
42.67 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
St Irenaeus Catholic Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting Big Book Steps & Traditions
44.21 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Bower Hill Comm. Church
Closed Discussion AA Meeting Big Book
44.77 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Saint John's Episcopal Church
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Discussion, Open
45.23 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Epworth UM Church
Closed Discussion AA Meeting
46.17 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Thursday AA Meetings in Moundsville
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Thornburn United Methodst Church
Discussion, Open
13.61 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Presbyterian Church of Cadiz
Discussion, Open
27.79 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Hopwood UM Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting
29.56 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Sacred Heart Center of Hope
Discussion, Open
30.63 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Starkdale Presbyterian Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
31.46 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
1st Meth Church
Open Big Book AA Meeting
31.76 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Sunlight Club
Open Discussion AA Meeting
31.76 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Slippery Rock Presbyterian Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting
31.76 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Onala Recovery Center
Open 12&12 Discussion
31.76 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Christ Community Meth Church
Closed Discussion AA Meeting
37.49 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Bray’s Chapel Methodist Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
37.81 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Atonement Epis Church
Closed Beginners Discussion
40.7 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Faith Community Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
42.16 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Friday AA Meetings in Moundsville
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Woodsfield Church of the Nazarene
Big Book, Open, Wheelchair Access
22.74 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
First Pres Church Beside Uni-Mart
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
29.56 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Steps Inside Club
Closed Discussion AA Meeting
29.56 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Shorac Family Center
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
31.46 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Good Works Recov House
Open Discussion AA Meeting
31.76 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Sunlight Club
Open Discussion AA Meeting
31.76 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Freeport United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open
34.12 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Mt Olive Baptist Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting
37.48 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Riverview United Methodist
Discussion, Open
37.81 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Saint John's Episcopal Church
Big Book, Open
45.23 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
1st Pres Church
Open Big Book AA Meeting
46.87 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Saturday AA Meetings in Moundsville
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Butler Catholic School cafeteria
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
29.56 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
St. Ann`s Cath Church
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
29.56 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Steps Inside Club
Open Discussion AA Meeting
29.56 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
31.46 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Sunlight Club
Open Discussion AA Meeting
31.76 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
School of Bright Promise
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
32.06 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Canonsburg UP Church
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
37.48 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Union Pres Church
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
44.21 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Bethel United Pres Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting 1st week Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Trinity Lutheran Church
Open Big Book AA Meeting
46.57 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
1st Pres Church
Closed 12&12 Discussion
47.56 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
O'Hara Building
Discussion, Open
47.87 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Hill Top United Methodist Church
Closed Discussion AA Meeting
47.96 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Memorial Park Pres Church Huston Room
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
47.99 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
Cathedral of Learning Blvd
Open Discussion AA Meeting As Bill Sees It
48.41 miles from the center of Moundsville, WV
If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Glendale, Shadyside, Mcmechen, and Powhatan Point
Additional local resources: Moundsville NA Meetings | Moundsville Al-Anon Meetings
What is an AA Meeting?
A meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is a program where alcoholics and people who struggle with substance abuse gather for one hour to share their experience, strength, and hope. AA Members who attend an Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting in Moundsville, West Virginia will share their experience getting sober through their personal stories with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem. There is no religious, social or economic association for membership, just the wish to get sober, and live a fulfilling life without alcohol.
Choosing A meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Moundsville, West Virginia
There are a variety different AA meetings in Moundsville, West Virginia. Before choosing the meeting that you are going to attend, it is beneficial to know the different types of AA meetings and what happens at each one.
Open Meeting of AA – An Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is open to anyone who wants to attend. You do not have to have an drinking problem to go to an open Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting. Friends, family, and children can attend these meetings.
Closed Meeting of AA – A Closed Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting is only for those who have a desire to stop drinking. Friends and family are not able to attend these meetings.
Big Book Meeting – At these meetings, a member will usually read out of the Big Book and follow the reading with a discussion amongst its members.
Speaker Meeting – At an AA speaker meeting, a member of AA will tell their story and share their experience, strength, and hope with fellow members of AA. The speaker may or may not take up all of the time and can often be followed by a discussion amongst the members.
AA Literature Meeting – A literature meeting usually involves reading from one of the AA approved pieces of literature and can often be followed by a discussion amongst the members or a speaker about the literature of topic.
Step Study – An AA step study usually focuses on a specific step or 2 per meeting. This can involve a speaker lead discussion about a particular step, literature reading, and might be followed by a discussion about the step(s).
Meditation Meeting – A meditation meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous can involve deep reflection for a portion of the meeting or even the whole time. The meditation may be guided and is sometimes followed by an open conversation.
Traditions AA Meeting – One or more of the AA traditions will be discussed in extensively. This can be done with a speaker, literature lead, and might be followed by a conversation.
Since each Moundsville AA meeting is autonomous, they are able to run each meeting as they see fit. Some meeting formats may vary and you can also find AA meetings in Moundsville that do not. We recommend calling the local AA intergroup to acquire more information on AA Meetings in Moundsville, West Virginia, or navigating to to find out more information.
How to Get The Most From an AA Meeting in Moundsville, West Virginia
The members who benefit the most from Alcoholics Anonymous tend to find success through going more for the program than just attending meetings. If you are attending your first AA meeting and really want to get sober, we suggest following the suggestions of the AA members that have successfully stayed sober for sometime.
It is smart to accept where you are at with you sobriety and ask for help. Part of staying sober is helping the new people of Alcoholics Anonymous in Moundsville maintain their sobriety, so people are going to be open to helping you not drink too. Stand up, introduce yourself, admit that you need help.