AA Meetings Frederick, SD

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Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Frederick, South Dakota. The closest AA meeting to you is 29.25 miles away and meets on Monday at 8:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Friday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Frederick

Oakes Group
Oakes Group
Unspecified AA Meeting
29.25 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

27-32 Lisbon Group
Trinity Lutheran Church
Unspecified AA Meeting
57.47 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Wishek Aa Recovery Group
St. Luke's Lutheran Church
Unspecified AA Meeting
58.3 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

James River Group
AA Clubhouse
Closed, Discussion
74.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

James River Group
AA Clubhouse
Closed, Discussion
74.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Valley City Area Group
Fellowship Corner
78.64 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

I Opener Group
Florence Community Center
Closed, Discussion
83.39 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Sometimes Slowly
Florence Community Center
Closed, Discussion
83.39 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Tri-state Group
United Methodist Church
Unspecified AA Meeting
92.77 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

West Fargo Monday Night Big Book Group
Faith Lutheran Church
Big Book, Closed, Wheelchair Access
105.21 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Big Book At Hope South Group
Hope Lutheran Church South
Wheelchair Access
105.77 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Byobb (bring Your Own Big Book) Group
Gethsemane Episcopal Church
105.85 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Monday Night Supper Group
Holiday Inn
Wheelchair Access
106.53 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Monday Night Reflections
Zion Lutheran Church
Wheelchair Access
106.8 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Fargo Aa Group
Unspecified AA Meeting
108.67 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Tuesday AA Meetings in Frederick

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Milnor Big Book Group
United Methodist Church
Big Book, Closed, Wheelchair Access
58.38 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

James River Group
AA Clubhouse
Big Book, Open
74.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

James River Group
AA Clubhouse
Open, Step Meeting
74.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Napoleon Group
Trinity Lutheran Church
Wheelchair Access
76.15 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Valley City Area Group
Fellowship Corner
Big Book, Open
78.64 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Florence Hopeful Group
Florence Congregational Church Fellowship Hall
Discussion, Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
83.39 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

I Opener Group
Florence Community Center
Closed, Discussion
83.39 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Tuesday Nite Woman’s Women
Florence Community Center
Discussion, Open, Women
83.39 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

North Side Group
New Life Christian Center
12 Steps & 12 Traditions
95.97 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Riverside Aa Group
St. Bernard School
Unspecified AA Meeting
103.48 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Tuesday Night Mens Meeting
First United Methodist Church
105.52 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Val Group
Ortonville Senior Center
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
106.19 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Northern Plains Group
Copper Ridge Event Center
Open, Wheelchair Access
108.31 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

The Way Out
New Life Center
108.49 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Fargo Aa Group
Unspecified AA Meeting
108.67 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Wednesday AA Meetings in Frederick

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Oakes Group
Oakes Group
Unspecified AA Meeting
29.25 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

James River Group
AA Clubhouse
Big Book, Open
74.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

James River Group
AA Clubhouse
Closed, Discussion
74.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

A.a. For Women Women
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Big Book, Closed, Women
75.27 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Valley City Area Group
Fellowship Corner
78.64 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Valley City Area Group
Fellowship Corner
78.64 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Florence Step Group
Florence Community Center
Closed, Step Meeting
83.39 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

I Opener Group
Florence Community Center
Closed, Discussion
83.39 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Abercrombie Group
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
95.22 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Grapevine Group
United Church of Christ
Unspecified AA Meeting
95.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Graceville Group
Graceville Fire Hall
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
101.6 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Living Sober Group
Cash Wise Foods
Wheelchair Access
106.79 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Wednesday Big Book Luncheon
Giant Panda
Wheelchair Access
107.16 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

New Union Club
Fryin' Pan Restraunt
Wheelchair Access
107.21 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Fargo Aa Group
108.67 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Thursday AA Meetings in Frederick

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Just For Today
Gustaf Adolf Lutheran Church
Unspecified AA Meeting
48.77 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

James River Group
AA Clubhouse
Closed, Discussion
74.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

James River Group
AA Clubhouse
Closed, Discussion
74.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Buffalo City Group
United Presbyterian Church
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
74.82 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Richland Group
St. Francis Academy
Unspecified AA Meeting
78.81 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

11th Step Meditation Group
Florence Community Center
11th Step Meditation, Open
83.39 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

I Opener Group
Florence Community Center
Closed, Discussion
83.39 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Gateway Group
Emmanuel Lutheran Church
Unspecified AA Meeting
95.22 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Evergreen Group
Evergreen United Methodist Church
Big Book, Wheelchair Access
95.46 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

The Steps We Take Group
St. Albans Church
Closed AA Meeting, English Speaking Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
102.64 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

One Page At A Time
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
Big Book, Discussion, Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
104.44 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Women Of Recovery
Sts. Anne & Joachim Catholic Church
Closed, Wheelchair Access
104.87 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Crossroads Group
Crossway Center
Unspecified AA Meeting
105.4 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Fargo Aa Group
Unspecified AA Meeting
108.67 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Fargo Aa Group
Unspecified AA Meeting
108.67 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Friday AA Meetings in Frederick

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

James River Group
AA Clubhouse
Discussion, Open
74.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Valley City Area Group
Fellowship Corner
78.64 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Hi 5 Big Book Group
Florence Community Center
Big Book, Discussion, Open
83.39 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

I Opener Group
Florence Community Center
Discussion, Open
83.39 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Friday Nooners Group
Evergreen United Methodist Church
Closed, Wheelchair Access
95.46 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Fargo Aa Group
Unspecified AA Meeting
108.67 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Fargo Aa Group
Unspecified AA Meeting
108.67 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Fargo Aa Happy Hour Group
Unspecified AA Meeting
108.67 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Gathering Group
St. Genevieve Place
Closed, Wheelchair Access
108.94 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Week-enders Group
Alano Club House
Closed AA Meeting, English Speaking Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
120.82 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Tgif Group
Hawley United Methodist Church
Big Book, Open, Wheelchair Access
126.7 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Happy Hour Aa Group
Serenity Place
Open, Wheelchair Access
127.21 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Keep It Simple
Serenity Place
Wheelchair Access
127.21 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Nuts And Bolts Group
Heartview Foundation
Open, Wheelchair Access
127.9 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Saturday AA Meetings in Frederick

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Oakes Group
Oakes Group
Unspecified AA Meeting
29.25 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Buffalo City Group
AA Clubhouse
Wheelchair Access
74.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

James River Group
AA Clubhouse
Candlelight, Closed, Discussion
74.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

James River Women’s Group Women
AA Clubhouse
Closed, Discussion, Women
74.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Valley City Area Group
Fellowship Corner
78.64 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

I Can’t We Can Group
Florence Community Center
Discussion, Open, Speaker
83.39 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Women’s Health Women
Florence Community Center
Closed, Discussion, Women
83.39 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Three Rivers Group
New Life Christian Center
12 Steps & 12 Traditions
95.97 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Saturday Morning Big Book Group
First Congregational United Church of Christ
Unspecified AA Meeting
106.06 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Fargo Aa Group
108.67 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Fargo Aa Group
Unspecified AA Meeting
108.67 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Fargo Aa Group – Women’s Meeting Women
108.67 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Saturday Morning Men’s Group
Olivet Lutheran Church
Unspecified AA Meeting
108.8 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Saturday Thursday Big Book Group
St. James Episcopal Church
Closed AA Meeting, English Speaking Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
120.69 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

Saturday Big Book Study Group
Easy Does It House
Closed AA Meeting, English Speaking Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
126.58 miles from the center of Frederick, SD

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Ellendale, Westport, Forbes, and Hecla

Additional local resources: Frederick NA Meetings | Frederick Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

A meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is a place to spread a message of strength, hope and courage to other alcoholics. This is a safe place for an addict seeking sobriety to come in and ask for help. These Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Frederick, South Dakota will help them build a support system to help guide them to sobriety. You will be welcomed by your peers that have all lived and survived from alcoholism. Their ability to maintain their sobriety is reliant on helping others and giving back to others the support that was given to them.

How to Choose an AA Meeting in Frederick, South Dakota

It is important when coming to AA that you pick a meeting that is best for where you are at in sobriety. The 1st type of AA meeting is a new comers meeting and is not limited to only new comers but is a meeting that motivates members to share their stories and accept help. Another type of meeting would be a gender specific meeting, either a men’s meeting or women’s meeting. These types of meeting are not opened to the opposite sex. A Closed meeting simply means the group is solely focused on conversations regarding how to maintain sobriety from alcohol. Talking about any other illicit substances is not allowed. A Step Study is a meeting that is simply focused on a single step and spoken about in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are based off the 12 traditions of AA. The 12 traditions are different than the 12 steps. The traditions are built to maintain order throughout AA and holding each group accountable to these traditions is why you can attend an AA Meeting anywhere in the world to hear the same message.

How to get the most out of your first AA meeting in Frederick, South Dakota

To get the most out of your first AA meeting you need to walk in with an open mind, and the willingness to change. Make sure to be ready to arrive early and stay late because there is always a “before” and “after” for every meeting, where the members of the group gather outside and talk. Make sure during opening announcements that you raise your hand to let the group know this is your first meeting. Don’t forget to inquire about a meeting list, with contact information of the group members. Last, but certainly not least don’t hesitate to raise your hand and speak, share the journey that lead you to this meeting.