AA Meetings Rothsville, PA

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Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Rothsville, Pennsylvania. The closest AA meeting to you is 4.23 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Wednesday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Rothsville

Ephrata Men’s Group Men
Grace Evangelical CC
AA Meeting, Discussion, Literature, Men, Open
4.23 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Noon Walk & Talk Group
Grace Evangelical CC
Big Book AA Meeting, Open
4.23 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Big Book Study Group
Zion Lutheran Church
Big Book AA Meeting
5.03 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Atheist & Agnostic Group
Lancaster General Hospital
Open Literature AA Meeting
7.95 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Denver Group
Trinity UMC
Closed AA Discussion Meeting
8 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Beginners Group
First Reformed Church
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.42 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

1st And 2nd Step
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Monday Night Big Book Group
521 Club
Big Book AA Meeting, Closed
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Our Spiritual Kindergarten
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Soundness Of Mind Group
St Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church Room 102
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Triangle Group
Otterbein Methodist Church
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

West End Renegades
Iglesia Adventista Del
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Tuesday AA Meetings in Rothsville

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Tuesday Night Men’s Meeting Men
Zion Lutheran Church
Closed AA Discussion Meeting, Men
2.11 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Lititz New Freedom Beginner Group
Old Mill Building
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
3.01 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Women Of Grace & Dignity Women
Lititz Church of the Brethren,
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting, Women
3.55 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Walk And Talk Group
Grace Evangelical CC
Daily Reflections, Open Literature AA Meeting
4.23 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Women Of Grace And Dignity Women
Grace Evangelical CC
Big Book AA Meeting, Open, Women
4.23 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Living Sober Group
Ross St Methodist Church
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
7.57 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Manheim Red Rose Group
Zion Lutheran Church
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
7.75 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Tuesday Night Recharge
Lancaster General Hospital
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open Literature AA Meeting
7.95 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Downtowners Group
First Presbyterian Church, No smoking on Property, Enter and Exit from Rear only
Closed Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.36 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Sober At Six
St Johns Episcopal Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open Literature AA Meeting
8.49 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group, “rush Hour Meeting”
521 Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open Literature AA Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Emotional Sobriety
521 Club
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Our Spiritual Kindergarten
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Wednesday AA Meetings in Rothsville

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Ephrata Central Group
Grace Evangelical CC
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
4.23 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Walk And Talk Group
Grace Evangelical CC
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
4.23 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

By The Book
First United Methodist Church
Big Book AA Meeting
8.21 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Women’s New Beginnings Group
First Presbyterian Church, No smoking on Property, Enter and Exit from Rear only
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.36 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

“4th Step”
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group,”attitude Adjustment Meeting”
521 Club
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

From The Heart
Redeemer Lutheran Church
Open Speaker AA Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Newcomer’s Group
United Methodist Church
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Our Spiritual Kindergarten
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Big Book Group
Trinity Lutheran Church
Big Book AA Meeting, Open
8.53 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

7up Meeting Group
St Peter's UCC
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open AA Meeting, Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.54 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Meditation Meeting
Universalist Unitarian Church of Lancaster
Closed AA Discussion Meeting, Meditation
8.65 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Thursday AA Meetings in Rothsville

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Arkon Group
Zion Lutheran Church
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.11 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

A Wing And A Prayer Group
Faith United Methodist Church
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
3.01 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Lititz Life On Life’s Terms
St James Catholic Church
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
3.38 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Walk And Talk Group
Grace Evangelical CC
Big Book AA Meeting, Open
4.23 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Recovery 101 Group
St Paul's UCC
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
7.93 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Sisters In Sobriety Group Women
Muddy Creek Lutheran Church
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting, Women
8.02 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Downtowners Group
First Presbyterian Church, No smoking on Property, Enter and Exit from Rear only
Closed AA Discussion Meeting
8.36 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Candlelight Group
521 Club
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Living Sober, Open
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group, “attitude Adjustment Meeting”
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Emotional Sobriety Ii,”the Next Frontier”
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Our Spiritual Kindergarten
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

7up Meeting Group
St Peter's UCC
Daily Reflections, Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.54 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Lancaster Lambda Group
Community Mennonite Church
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.61 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Friday AA Meetings in Rothsville

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Life On Life’s Terms Big Book Study
St James Catholic Church
Big Book AA Meeting, Open
3.38 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Ephrata Central Group
Grace Evangelical CC
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
4.23 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Walk And Talk Group
Grace Evangelical CC
Big Book AA Meeting, Open
4.23 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Atheist & Agnostic Aa
Lancaster General Hospital
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.01 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Burnin’ Desire Bonfire Group
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Big Book AA Meeting, Open
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Midnight Last Call Group
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Noon Women In Recovery Group Women
St John Neumann Church
Big Book AA Meeting, Closed, Women
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Our Spiritual Kindergarten
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Voices Of Recovery
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting, Speaker
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Big Book Group
Trinity Lutheran Church
Big Book AA Meeting, Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.53 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

7up Meeting Group
St Peter's UCC
Daily Reflections, Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.54 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Saturday AA Meetings in Rothsville

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Brownstown Keep It Simple Group
Emmanuel UMC
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.39 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Back To Basics Group
Lititz UMC
Open Speaker AA Meeting
3.02 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

12 Traditions, Long Form
Ephrata Central After Apr 6, Discussion
AA Meeting, Discussion
3.85 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Walk And Talk Group
Grace Evangelical CC
As Bill Sees It, Open Literature AA Meeting
4.23 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

East Petersburg Group
Trinity UCC
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
6.46 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Desire Group
First Reformed Church
Open Speaker AA Meeting
8.42 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

“3rd Step”
521 Club
Closed AA Discussion Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group
521 Club
Open Speaker AA Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group, “attitude Adjustment Meeting”
521 Club
Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Easy Does It Group, “women’s Big Book Mtg”
521 Club
Closed Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

The Great Reality Group
Calvary Church
Big Book AA Meeting, Open
8.5 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

7up Meeting Group
St Peter's UCC
Daily Reflections, Open Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
8.54 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

A Simple Solution
St Peter's UCC
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
8.54 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

Progress Group
St Peter's UCC
Open Speaker AA Meeting
8.54 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

11th Step Group
Holy Spirit Lutheran Church
Open Speaker AA Meeting
8.9 miles from the center of Rothsville, PA

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Akron, Lititz, Ephrata, and Clay

Additional local resources: Rothsville NA Meetings | Rothsville Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

An Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting is a place to share experiences and success stories with other alcoholics. This is a safe place for an addict seeking sobriety to come in and ask for help. These Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Rothsville, Pennsylvania will help them build a support system to help achieve sobriety. You will be greeted by your peers that have all lived and survived from addiction. Their ability to maintain a sober life is reliant on helping others and giving back to others the guidance that was given to them.

Selecting An AA Meeting in Rothsville, Pennsylvania

There are a a lot of different AA meetings in Rothsville, Pennsylvania. Before choosing the meeting that you are going to join, it is helpful to know the different types of AA meetings and who can attend each one.

Open Meeting of AA – An Open Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting is open to anyone who has a desire to attend. You do not have to be an alcoholic to go to an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. Friends, family, and children can join these meetings.

Closed Meeting of AA – A Closed meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is only for those who have a desire to get sober. Friends and family are not able to attend these meetings.

Big Book Meeting – At these meetings, a member will usually read out of the Big Book and follow the reading with a discussion amongst its members.

Speaker Meeting – At an AA speaker meeting, a member of AA will tell their story and share their journey, strength, and hope with fellow members of AA. The speaker may or may not take up all of the time and can often be followed by a discussion amongst the members.

AA Literature Meeting – A literature meeting usually involves reading from one of the AA approved pieces of literature and an sometimes they open the floor to discussion at the end or a speaker about the literature of topic.

Step Study – An AA step study typically focuses on one or two steps per meeting. This can involve a speaker lead discussion about a particular step, literature reading, and might be followed by a discussion about the step(s).

Meditation Meeting – A Meditation Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting can involve internal contemplation for a portion of the meeting or even the length of the meeting. The meditation may be guided and then followed by a discussion.

Traditions AA Meeting – One or more of the AA traditions will be discussed in depth. This can be done with a speaker, literature lead, and might be followed by a conversation.

Being that each Rothsville AA meeting is autonomous, they are able to run each meeting as they see fit. Variation of meeting formats is common and you can also find AA meetings in Rothsville that do not. We recommend calling the local AA intergroup to find out more information on AA Meetings in Rothsville, Pennsylvania, or navigating to aa.org to locate more information.

How to Get The Most From an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Rothsville, Pennsylvania

The best way to get the most out of your first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you should keep an open minded. We all had an idea of what these meeting were and generally it is the same misconception. The most beneficial thing I was told was to sit down, shut up, listen to the message, and humbly ask for help. Regardless of the meeting, that one thing that will always be present is the message of recovering from hopelessness. The process of recovering from that hopeless state is in asking for help from another addict which you will find in any meeting you choose to start with.