AA Meetings North Ridgeville, OH

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in North Ridgeville, Ohio. The closest AA meeting to you is 0.28 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Friday)!

Monday AA Meetings in North Ridgeville

New Life Womens Discussion Women
First Congressional United Church of Christ
Closed, Women
0.28 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Elyria Monday Closed Discussion
Redeemer Lutheran Church

3.56 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Monday Morning Live Discussion
Pilgrim United Church Of Christ
Closed, Discussion
3.78 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Mens Big Book Men
Primary Purpose
Big Book, Closed, Men
4.97 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Elyria Mens Stag Men
Community of Faith UOO
Closed, Men, Speaker
5.27 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Monday Night Lorain
St. John Ukrainian Church
Discussion, Open
5.77 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Back To Basics Big Book Study
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish
Big Book, Open, Step Meeting
6.39 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Blue Monday
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish
Discussion, Open
6.39 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Thomas Howard Group
Nazarene Church
9.53 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Joy Of Living Women In Recovery Women
The River
Big Book, Discussion, Open, Women
9.89 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Happy Hour
EIII inc
Open, Speaker
10.1 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Clarksfield Discussion
The Sanctuary
Closed, Discussion
10.85 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Clarksfield Monday Morning
Congregational Church
Discussion, Open
10.85 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Lagrange Monday Night
United Methodist Church
Open, Speaker
11.6 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Oberlin Womens Closed Group Women
First Church Of Oberlin
Closed, Discussion, Women
12.45 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Tuesday AA Meetings in North Ridgeville

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

North Ridgeville 1st Step
First Congressional United Church of Christ
Open, Speaker
0.28 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Welcome To Sobriety
Discussion, Location Temporarily Closed, Open
3.03 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Avon Tuesday The Barn
Methodist Church
Open, Speaker
4.36 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Step In The Right Direction Men
Primary Purpose
Discussion, Men, Open
4.97 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Elyria Womens Discussion Women
Community of Faith UOO
Closed, Discussion, Women
5.27 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Coed Casual Tuesday
St. John Ukrainian Church
Discussion, Open
5.77 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Tuesday We Care
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish
Discussion, Open
6.39 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Fairview Park
New Hope Reformed Church,rear

8.56 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Amherst Who Me
United Methodist Church of Amherst
Discussion, Open
10.16 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Lagrange Discussion
LaGrange Village Hall
Discussion, Open
11.47 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Parma Tuesday 12 And 12
Annunciation Church

12.76 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

First United Methodist Church

13.15 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

West Park Tuesday
St. Mark Episcopal Church

13.8 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Brunswick Ask It Basket Closed Men
12 Step Recovery Club
Closed, Discussion, Men, No Court Papers
13.91 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

New Freedom Tuesday Bb
Keating Center

14.37 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Wednesday AA Meetings in North Ridgeville

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Great Fact Group
Pilgrim United Church Of Christ
Discussion, Open
3.78 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Wednesday New Way Of Life
Pilgrim United Church Of Christ
Open, Speaker
3.78 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Womens Drop The Rock Women
Primary Purpose
Closed, Discussion, Women
4.97 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Keep It Simple Men
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish
Big Book, Men, Open
6.39 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Wednesday Morning Meeting
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish
Discussion, Open
6.39 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Grafton Wednesday Night
Grafton Fire Station N. Park community RM.
7.37 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Lorain Wednesday Group
EIII inc
Open, Speaker
10.1 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Mid Week Morning Discussion
EIII inc
Discussion, Open
10.1 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

West Park Men
St. Mark's Church

12.35 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Wednesday Womens Big Book
St. Mel,s Rectory

12.73 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Brunswick Wednesday Open
12 Step Recovery Club
13.91 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Safe Harbor Discussion
Lakeview Baptist Church
Discussion, Open
15.24 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Safe Harbor Meeting Of Aa
Lakeview Baptist Church
Discussion, Open
15.24 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Hope Wednesday
Bridgeway Center, rear

15.84 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Men Big Book
United Church of Christ

15.88 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Thursday AA Meetings in North Ridgeville

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Womens Open Hearts Women
First Congressional United Church of Christ
Open, Women
0.28 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

North Ridgeville Big Book Discussion
Starting Point Worship Center
Big Book, Closed, Discussion
1.02 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Thursday Morning Big Book Discussion
Pilgrim United Church Of Christ
Big Book, Discussion, Open
3.78 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Thursday Night Recovery Group
Pilgrim United Church Of Christ
Open, Speaker
3.78 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Turning Point
St. Mary's Church
4.74 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Primarys Men
Primary Purpose
Discussion, Open
4.97 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Womens Open Big Book
Primary Purpose
Big Book, Discussion, Open
4.97 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Thursday Womens Sobriety Group Women
First Congregational Church
Closed, Discussion, Women
5.11 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

12×12 At 12
Road to Hope House
Closed, Discussion
5.33 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Lorain Industrial / Compass Group
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish
Open, Speaker
6.39 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Strength In Sobriety
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish
Discussion, Open
6.39 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Stjudes New Life
St.Clarence Parish Hall
Discussion, Open
6.87 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Aa Spanish Speaking Meeting
Sacred Heart Church, Trinity Hall
Discussion, Open
6.87 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Oberlin Group
Sacred Heart Church
12.69 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Parma Newcomers Discussion
Annunciation Church

12.76 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Friday AA Meetings in North Ridgeville

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

North Ridgeville Friday Night Discussion
Starting Point Worship Center
1.02 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Elyria Friday Night
Pilgrim United Church Of Christ
3.78 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Spanish American
St. John Ukrainian Church
Open, Speaker
5.77 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Women Helping Women Women
Church of the Nazarene
Open, Women
5.88 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Friday Morning Survivors
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish
Discussion, Open
6.39 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Friday Night Recovery Group
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish
6.39 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Spanish Speaking Aa Meeting
Sacred Heart Church, Trinity Hall
Discussion, Open
6.87 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Nuts And Bolts
New Hope Reformed Church,rear

8.56 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Friday Night Big Book Study
Laporte United Methodist Church
Big Book, Discussion, Open
8.66 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Friday Night Amherst
The River
As Bill Sees It, Discussion, Open
9.89 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

West Park Friday Disc
St. Patrick Church

10.79 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Friday Sand S
Ascension Church

11.47 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Friday Night Sobriety
Old Grange Hall
Discussion, Open
11.93 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Open Door Friday Gay Lesbian
St. Augustine Manor Comm. Rm.

15.97 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Saturday AA Meetings in North Ridgeville

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Lead The Way Women
Starting Point Worship Center
Closed, Speaker, Women
1.02 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Attitude Of Gratitude
Pilgrim United Church Of Christ
Closed, Discussion
3.78 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Saturday Night Security
Pilgrim United Church Of Christ
3.78 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Midnight Elyria Group
St. Mary's Church
4.74 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Byob Big Book
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish
Big Book, Discussion, Open
6.39 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Unity Hall Discussion
St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish
Closed, Discussion
6.39 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Columbia Station Group
Hosanna Lutheran Church
Open, Speaker
6.82 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Amherst Saturday Group Dont Use Goggle Maps
The River
Open, Speaker
9.89 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Saturday Young Peoples Group
First Lutheran Church
Discussion, Open
10.1 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Conscious Contact
First Church Of Oberlin
12.45 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Bellaire Westside
Second Calvery Baptist Church

13.45 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Saturday Am 12×12 Brunswick Open
12 Step Recovery Club
Discussion, Open
13.91 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Following Directions
Keating Center

14.37 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Let The Spirit Speak
Martin Luther Evan. Church

15.48 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

Brooklyn Saturday
United Church of Christ

15.88 miles from the center of North Ridgeville, OH

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Avon, Elyria, North Eaton, and Eaton Estates

Additional local resources: North Ridgeville NA Meetings | North Ridgeville Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

AA is a fellowship created to help alcoholics get sober. Attendance is free at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in North Ridgeville, Ohio as the funding is donated from its members.

AA is one of most commonly known programs in the United States and around the world that helps countless men and women overcome their alcohol addiction in the pursuit of lifelong recovery. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are commonly made up of small groups of people who share their experiences getting sober and are there to help new members get sober.

The Best Method of Choosing an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in North Ridgeville, Ohio

It is important when coming to Alcoholics Anonymous that you choose a meeting that is suited for where you are at in sobriety. The 1st type of Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is a new comers meeting and is not limited to only new comers but is a meeting that encourages them to speak their truth and ask for help. The second type of meeting would be a gender specific meeting, which is only open to either men or women. A Closed meeting simply means the group is solely focused on conversations regarding how to maintain sobriety from alcohol. Talking about any other drugs is not allowed. A Step Study is a gathering that is simply focused on a single step and discussed in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are based off the 12 traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. The 12 traditions are not the same as the 12 steps. The traditions are built to maintain order throughout Alcoholics Anonymous and maintaining accountability to these traditions is the reason you can walk into an AA Meeting anywhere in across the globe to hear the same message.

How to benefit the most from your initial Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in North Ridgeville, Ohio

To benefit the most from your initial Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you need to walk through the front door willing to accept change and be open minded. Make sure to give yourself extra time at the start and end because there is always a “before” and “after” for every meeting, where the members of the group gather outside and talk. Make sure during opening remarks that you raise your hand to introduce yourself as a new member of AA. Don’t forget to inquire about a meeting list, with phone numbers of the group members. The final thing to remember is don’t be afraid to raise your hand and speak, share the journey that lead you to this meeting.