AA Meetings Nellie, OH

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Nellie, Ohio. The closest AA meeting to you is 21.29 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:30 PM. Click here for meetings today (Friday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Nellie

Kenton Fellowship Group
First United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open
21.29 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Mt Vernon
St. Paul's Parish House
Discussion, Open
22.08 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Open Lead
Faith Lutheran
Open, Speaker
22.56 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Mount Vernon Expect A Miracle Group
Faith Lutheran Church
Open, Speaker
22.63 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Morenci Grateful
1st Congregational Church
Closed, Discussion
26.27 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Get Up And Go Meeting Of Aa
First Presbyterian Church
Discussion, Open, Step Meeting
26.74 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Y Bridge Group
Putnam Presbyterian Church
Concurrent with Al-Anon, Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
28.32 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Ladies Sober Support Group Women
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access, Women
28.42 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Steps To Serenity
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
28.42 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Heath 24 Hour Group
St Leonard Catholic Church
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
29.46 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Granville Eye Opener
Centenary United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open, Step Meeting
30.18 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Bellville Big Book
St Paul Lutheran
Big Book, Discussion, Open
30.34 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Granville Shelter 3 Group
Infirmary Mound Park
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
30.68 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Trinity United Church OC
Open, Speaker
32.61 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Wooster Monday Night Open
Trinity United Church of Christ
32.61 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Tuesday AA Meetings in Nellie

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Kokosing Valley Group
Journey Church
Closed, Discussion
14.52 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Dresden Name It Claim It And Dump It Group
First Baptist Church of Dresden
Discussion, Newcomer, Open
15.35 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Frazeysburg Tuesday Night Sobriety Group
Frazeysburg Presbyterian Church
Discussion, Open
15.51 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Millersburg Lead
Millersburg Presb. Church
Open, Speaker
16.87 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Millersburg Open
Millersburg Presbyterian Church
16.87 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Journey Church
Closed, Discussion
21.79 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Moody Blues Group
St. Paul's Parish House
Closed, Discussion
22.08 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Sobriety On The Rise
St. Paul's Parish House
Discussion, Open
22.08 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Young Peoples
Utica Presbyterian Church
Discussion, Open
22.21 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Garage Group Men Men
Bible Methodist Church
Closed, Discussion, Men, Wheelchair Access
24.61 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Newark Tuesday Design For Living Group
St Pauls Lutheran Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
26.23 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Newark Living Sober Group
Saint John's Lutheran Church
Closed, Discussion
26.62 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville How And Why Group
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Open, Wheelchair Access
28.42 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Listen To Learn Group
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
28.42 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Tuesday Today Group
Big Book, Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
28.42 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Wednesday AA Meetings in Nellie

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Coshocton 12 And 12 Study Group
Seventh Day Adventist Church
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Literature, Open, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
13.17 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

West Lafayette Hillbilly Garage Group
Kirk Street Event Center
17.39 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Utica Group
Utica Presbyterian Church
Discussion, Open
21.38 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

As Bill Sees It
St. Paul's Parish House
Closed, Discussion
22.08 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Mount Vernon Nothing Else Worked Bb Study Group
Mulberry Street United Methodist Church
Big Book, Open
22.25 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Nothing Else Works
Mulberry St. United Methodist Church
Big Book, Discussion, Open
22.25 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Worthington Group
Worthington Presbyterian Church
Concurrent with Al-Anon, Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
25.16 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Newark 735 Post Office Group
Trinity Episcopal Church
Discussion, Open, Speaker
25.99 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Newark Recovery Meeting With A Purpose
Trinity Episcopal Church
Big Book, Discussion, Open
25.99 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Downtown Group
Saint James Episcopal Church
Open, Speaker
27.54 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Good Orderly Direction Group
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
28.42 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Learning About Sobriety Group
Big Book, Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
28.42 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Granville Eye Opener
Centenary United Methodist Church
Open, Step Meeting
30.18 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Granville Gratefully Dedicated Group
Centenary United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
30.18 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Granville Shelter 3 Group
Infirmary Mound Park
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
30.68 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Thursday AA Meetings in Nellie

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Danville Where There’s A Will There’s A Way
Saint Luke's Community Center
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
12.57 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Coshocton Thursday Group
Presbyterian Church
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
13.17 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Dresden Name It Claim It And Dump It Group
First Baptist Church of Dresden
Concurrent with Al-Anon, Discussion
15.35 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Alive Again
Church of the Holy Spirit
Closed, Discussion
17.28 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Gambier Alive Again
Church of the Holy Spirit
Closed, Discussion
17.28 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Kenton Fellowship Group
First United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open
21.29 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Where Theres A Will
St. Lukes Community Center
Discussion, Open
21.79 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Drs Discussion
St. Paul's Parish House
Closed, Discussion
22.08 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Brown Bag Group
Presbyterian Church
Closed, Discussion
22.1 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Mount Vernon Thursday Brown Bag Group
First Presbyterian Church of Mount Vernon
Closed, Discussion
22.1 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Presbyterian Church
Open, Speaker
25.67 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Fredericksburg Open
Fredericksburg Presbyterian Church
25.67 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Newark Marne Meeting On The Curve
Licking Valley
Discussion, Open
26.62 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Recovery Never Ends
Putnam Presbyterian Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
28.32 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Ladies Butterfly Group Women
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access, Women
28.42 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Friday AA Meetings in Nellie

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Epworth Methodist Church
Discussion, Open
17.14 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Gambier Friday Afternoon Drunkards Club
Epworth United Methodist
Discussion, Open
17.14 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

West Lafayette Aa Group
United Methodist Church
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
17.27 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Friday Night Group
St. Paul's Parish House
Discussion, Open
22.08 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

12 And 12
New Hope Comm. Church
Discussion, Open, Step Meeting, Tradition Study
22.32 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zane State Friday Night Group
United Trinity Presbyterian Church
Discussion, Open
25.01 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zane State Group
United Trinity Presbyterian Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
25.01 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Newark A Design For Living
St Pauls Lutheran Church
Discussion, Open
26.23 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Feelings In A Can Group
Putnam Presbyterian Church
Babysitting Available, Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
28.32 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Into Action Group
Open, Step Meeting, Wheelchair Access
28.42 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Newark West Side Group
Shepherd Hill
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
28.89 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Granville Here And Now Group
St Luke's Episcopal Church
Big Book, Discussion, Open, Step Meeting
29.95 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Granville Eye Opener
Centenary United Methodist Church
30.18 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Granville Shelter 3 Group
Infirmary Mound Park
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
30.68 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Saturday AA Meetings in Nellie

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Kenton Fellowship Group
First United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open
21.29 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Mens Discussion
St. Paul's Parish House
Closed, Discussion
22.08 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Mt Vernon Saturday Night
St. Paul's Parish House
Open, Speaker
22.08 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Womens Bb Study Women
St. Paul's Parish House
Closed, Discussion, Women
22.08 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Shreve Saturday Night
Shreve United Methodist Church
Open, Speaker
24.06 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Shreve Saturday Night Open
Shreve United Methodist Church
24.06 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Saturday Night Lead
Butler Branch Library
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
25.54 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Newark Men’s Discussion Group
St Pauls Lutheran Church
Closed, Discussion
26.23 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Newark Mound Builders Group
New Hope Lutheran Church
Open, Speaker
27.02 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Newark Moundbuilder’s Park
Earthworks Park
Discussion, Open
28.14 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Crazy In Sobriety Group
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
28.42 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Early Bird Group
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
28.42 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville High Noon Group
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
28.42 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Zanesville Joe And Charlie Meeting
Open, Wheelchair Access
28.42 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

Newark Women’s Saturday Morning Group Women
Shepherd Hill
Discussion, Open, Women
28.89 miles from the center of Nellie, OH

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Warsaw, Blissfield, Cooperdale, and Keene

Additional local resources: Nellie NA Meetings | Nellie Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

An Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting is a program where alcoholics and people who struggle with substance abuse gather for one hour to share their experience, strength, and hope. AA Members who attend an Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting in Nellie, Ohio will share their experience getting sober through their personal anecdotes with anyone looking to get sober. There is no religion, creed or race, for membership, just the aspiration to stop drinking, and live a happy & healthy existence without alcohol.

How to Choose an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Nellie, Ohio

It is important when coming to Alcoholics Anonymous that you choose a meeting that is best for where you are at in sobriety. The 1st type of meeting is a new comers meeting and is not solely for new comers but is a meeting that inspires them to share their stories and ask for help. The second type of meeting would be a single gender meeting, which is only open to either men or women. A Closed meeting simply means the group is solely focused on conversations regarding how to stay sober from alcohol. Speaking of any other substance use addictions is not allowed. A Step Study is a gathering that is simply focused on a single step and spoken about in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are based off the 12 traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. The 12 traditions are not the same as the 12 steps. The traditions were established to maintain order throughout Alcoholics Anonymous and maintaining accountability to these traditions is the reason you can attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous anywhere in across the globe to hear the same message.

How to Get The Most From an AA Meeting in Nellie, Ohio

In order to get the most out of your first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you should keep an open minded. Everyone had preconceived notions of what these meeting were and generally it is the same misconception. The best advice I ever got was to sit down, shut up, listen to the message, and humbly ask for help. At any meeting, that one thing that will always be present is the message of recovering from hopelessness. The process of recovering from that hopeless state is in asking for help from another alcoholic which you will find in any meeting you choose to start with.