AA Meetings Seneca Falls, NY

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Seneca Falls, New York. The closest AA meeting to you is 3.26 miles away and meets on Monday at 5:30 PM. Click here for meetings today (Thursday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Seneca Falls

Early Bird
First Presbyterian Church

3.26 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Special Friends
Saint Michael's Church

7.1 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Sharing & Caring
United Methodist Church

11.7 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

5:30 No Name
12 South St, Auburn, NY 13021, USA

11.77 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Lyons Monday
First Presbyterian Church

14.61 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Newark 12:00 Pm
St Mark's Episcopal Church

17.63 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Out To Lunch Bunch
Saint Mary's of the Lake Church

18.63 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Skaneateles United Methodist Church

18.77 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Serenity Depot
United Methodist Church

22.94 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Standing Tall
VA Medical Center - Bldg 9 - 2nd fl

24.39 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Canandaigua Happiest Hour
Good Shepherd Church

24.87 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

New Men’s
FF Thompson Hospital

25.03 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Canandaigua 12:00 Pm Time
Zion Fellowship

25.66 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Aa For Lunch
Saint Joseph's Chuch

27.14 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

West Genesee
Saint Michael's Lutheran Church

28.44 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Tuesday AA Meetings in Seneca Falls

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Sharing & Caring
United Methodist Church

11.7 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

5:30 No Name
12 South St, Auburn, NY 13021, USA

11.77 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Newark 12:00 Pm
St Mark's Episcopal Church

17.63 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Women’s Big Book
Grace Chapel

17.72 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Out To Lunch Bunch
Saint Mary's of the Lake Church

18.63 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Saint Patrick's Church

19.57 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Canandaigua Happiest Hour
Good Shepherd Church

24.87 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Canandaigua Ladies Night Out
Good Shepherd Church

24.87 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Ontario Group
Good Shepherd Church

24.87 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Canandaigua 12:00 Pm Time
Zion Fellowship

25.66 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Canandaigua Women’s Group
Zion Fellowship

25.66 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Farmington Friends
Farmington Friends Church Hall

26.47 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Aa For Lunch
Saint Joseph's Chuch

27.14 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Community Wesleyan Church

28.34 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Fair Haven

28.95 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Wednesday AA Meetings in Seneca Falls

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Sharing & Caring
United Methodist Church

11.7 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

5:30 No Name
12 South St, Auburn, NY 13021, USA

11.77 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Clyde Wednesday Night
St Johns School

12.58 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

East Orange Brick Church
Central Brick Presbyterian Church
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
13.17 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Clinton’s Ditch
First United Methodist Church

15.16 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Flacra Wednesday

17.44 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Newark 12:00 Pm
St Mark's Episcopal Church

17.63 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Out To Lunch Bunch
Saint Mary's of the Lake Church

18.63 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

First Presbyterian Church

23.65 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Phoenix Women
Zion Episcopal Church

24.45 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Bottoms Up
St Johns Episcopal Church

24.73 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Canandaigua Happiest Hour
Good Shepherd Church

24.87 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Canandaigua 12:00 Pm Time
Zion Fellowship

25.66 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Sodus 12:00 Pmers
1st United Presbyterian

26.21 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Sodus 7:30
St John's Episcopal Church

26.31 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Thursday AA Meetings in Seneca Falls

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

The Ivth Dimension
Westminster Presbyterian Church

11.67 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Sharing & Caring
United Methodist Church

11.7 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

5:30 No Name
12 South St, Auburn, NY 13021, USA

11.77 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Lake Country
Lakes Church

12.6 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Newark Early Evening
Emmanuel United Methodist

17.5 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Table Top (one Day At A Time)
Hospital Cafeteria

17.52 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Newark 12:00 Pm
St Mark's Episcopal Church

17.63 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Garden Variety
Grace Chapel

17.72 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Out To Lunch Bunch
Saint Mary's of the Lake Church

18.63 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Wolcott Thursday
First Baptist Church
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
21.47 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Standing Tall
VA Medical Center - Bldg 9 - 2nd fl

24.39 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Show Me
St Anne's RC Church

24.51 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Canandaigua Happiest Hour
Good Shepherd Church

24.87 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Locke In Between
Milan Baptist Church

25.15 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Canandaigua 12:00 Pm Time
Zion Fellowship

25.66 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Friday AA Meetings in Seneca Falls

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Savannah 89ers
Family of God Church

11.05 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Westminster Presbyterian Church

11.67 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Sharing & Caring
United Methodist Church

11.7 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

5:30 No Name
12 South St, Auburn, NY 13021, USA

11.77 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

The Ovidians Young People’s
Ovid Federation Church

16.06 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Newark 12:00 Pm
St Mark's Episcopal Church

17.63 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Wayne County Group
St Mark's Episcopal Church
Discussion, Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
17.63 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Out To Lunch Bunch
Saint Mary's of the Lake Church

18.63 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Priorities First
Saint Jame's Episcopal Church

18.95 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

A Way Of Life
Fifth Chapter MC Clubhouse
Discussion, Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access, Young People
24.22 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Canandaigua Happiest Hour
Good Shepherd Church

24.87 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Canandaigua 12:00 Pm Time
Zion Fellowship

25.66 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Aa For Lunch
Saint Joseph's Chuch

27.14 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Pickle Jar
Unitarian Universalist Church
Big Book, Closed
27.5 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Saturday AA Meetings in Seneca Falls

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Underground Café

11.73 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Primary Purpose
12 South St, Auburn, NY 13021, USA

11.77 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Taking Back Saturday Night
12 South St, Auburn, NY 13021, USA

11.77 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Phelps Saturday Nite
St. Francis Church

13.63 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Newark Saturday
Presbyterian Church

17.65 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Skaneateles Lakers
Skaneateles United Methodist Church

18.77 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Manchester Round House
First Baptist Church

22.29 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Hawk Talk (1st Sat May-last Sat Sept)
Kershaw Park Picnic Area (left of Canandaigua Lady, if RAIN: in Pavillion behind Twisted Rail Brewing Co.)
Discussion, Open
23.64 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Keep It Simple
St Johns Episcopal Church

24.73 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Sodus 12:00 Pmers
1st United Presbyterian

26.21 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Top Of The Hill
Saint Joseph's Chuch

27.14 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

West Bloomfield
Congregational Church
Discussion, Open
28.12 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Candlelight 11th Step Meditation
Serenity Hall

29.01 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Rise & Shine
Serenity Hall

29.01 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

Thanks For Sharing
Serenity Hall

29.01 miles from the center of Seneca Falls, NY

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Waterloo, Cayuga, Union Springs, and Geneva

Additional local resources: Seneca Falls NA Meetings | Seneca Falls Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

An Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting is a place to share experiences and success stories with other alcoholics. This is a safe place for somebody wanting to get sober to come in and ask for help. These Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Seneca Falls, New York will help them build a support network to help guide them to sobriety. You will be invited in by your peers that have all lived and survived from alcoholism. Their survival of maintaining a sober life is dependent on helping others and giving back to others the gift that they received.

Selecting A meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Seneca Falls, New York

There are a many different AA meetings in Seneca Falls, New York. prior to selecting the meeting that you are going to join, it is important to know the different types of AA meetings and who can attend each one.

Open Meeting of AA – An Open Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting is open to anyone who has a desire to attend. You do not have to have an drinking problem to go to an open AA Meeting. Friends, family, and children can join these meetings.

Closed Meeting of AA – A Closed AA Meeting is only for those who have a desire to stop drinking. Friends and family are not able to attend these meetings.

Big Book Meeting – At Big Book meetings, a member will commonly read out of the Big Book and then encourage its members to discuss the meeting.

Speaker Meeting – At an AA speaker meeting, a member of AA will tell their story and share their journey, strength, and hope with fellow members of AA. The speaker may or may not talk through the duration of the meeting and an sometimes they open the floor to discussion at the end.

AA Literature Meeting – A literature meeting commonly revolves around reading from one of the AA approved pieces of literature and can often be followed by a discussion amongst the members or a speaker about the literature of topic.

Step Study – An AA step study traditionally focuses on a specific step or 2 per meeting. This can involve a speaker lead discussion about a particular step, literature reading, and could be followed by a discussion about the step(s).

Meditation Meeting – A Meditation Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting can involve deep reflection for a portion of the meeting or even the length of the meeting. The meditation may be guided and then followed by a discussion.

Traditions AA Meeting – One or more of the AA traditions will be discussed in depth. This can be done with a speaker, literature lead, and could be followed by a dialogue.

Since each Seneca Falls AA meeting is autonomous, they are able to run each meeting as they see fit. Some meeting formats may vary and you can also find AA meetings in Seneca Falls that do not. We recommend calling the local AA intergroup to acquire more information on AA Meetings in Seneca Falls, New York, or navigating to aa.org to locate more information.

How to get the most out of your initial Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in Seneca Falls, New York

To get the most out of your initial Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you need to walk through the front door with an open mind, and the willingness to change. Make sure to be ready to arrive early and stay late because there is always a “before” and “after” for every meeting, where the members of the group gather outside and talk. Make sure during opening announcements that you raise your hand to introduce yourself as a new member of AA. Don’t forget to ask for a meeting list, with contact information of the group members. The last thing to remember is don’t be afraid to raise your hand and speak, share the journey that lead you through their doors that day.