AA Meetings Oxford, NY

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Oxford, New York. The closest AA meeting to you is 13.58 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Monday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Oxford

Sidney First Things First
Sidney United Methodist Church
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
13.58 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Back To Basics Group
United Methodist Church
Step Study Meeting Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
21.55 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

449 Group
Turning Point
Handicap Accessible Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
26.78 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Cornerstone Group
First United Presbyterian Church
Step Study Meeting Open Meeting
26.78 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Live And Let Live Group
Christ Episcopal Church
Step Study Meeting Closed AA Meeting
27.65 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Live And Let Live Group
Christ Episcopal Church
Step Study Meeting Closed AA Meeting
27.65 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Walton Group
St. John's Catholic Church
Discussion Meeting Anniversary Closed AA Meeting
30.5 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

High 12:00 Pm
United Community Church

35.74 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Mon-day At A Time
United Community Church

35.74 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Saint Peter's Episcopal Church

36.15 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Serenity By The Lake
First Presbyterian Church

36.3 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

All Or Nothing Group
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Literature Meeting Handicap Accessible Open Meeting
36.5 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Stockbridge Valley
Stockbridge United Methodist Church

38 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Take It Home
New Life Assembly of God

44.34 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Bovina Group
United Presbyterian Church
Big Book Open Meeting
44.9 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Tuesday AA Meetings in Oxford

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Unadilla Group
Methodist Church
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
16.32 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Unadilla Group
Methodist Church
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
16.32 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Franklin Group
Franklin Railroad & Community Museum
Big Book Open Meeting
23.1 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

449 Group
Turning Point
Traditions Meeting Handicap Accessible Closed AA Meeting
26.78 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Beginners More About Alcoholism Group
Oneonta United Presbyterian
Open Meeting
26.78 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Big Book Step Study Group
Turning Point
Step Study Meeting Handicap Accessible Big Book Open Meeting
26.78 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

The Way Out
Nelson United Methodist Church

35.19 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

High 12:00 Pm
United Community Church

35.74 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Serenity By The Lake
First Presbyterian Church

36.3 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

All Or Nothing Group
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Handicap Accessible Big Book Open Meeting
36.5 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Delhi Group
St John's Episcopal Church
Traditions Meeting Step Study Meeting Closed AA Meeting
36.5 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Downsville Group
Colchester Alliance Community Church
Men Meditation Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
39.41 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Downsville Group
Colchester Alliance Community Church
Men Meditation Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
39.41 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Saint Patrick's Parish Hall

42.73 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Free Thinkers
Christ Episcopal Church

43.3 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Wednesday AA Meetings in Oxford

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Sidney Group
Sacred Heat Parish Hall
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
13.55 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Meridale Group
Community Christian Church
Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
25.6 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Meridale Group
Community Christian Church
Discussion Meeting Anniversary Closed AA Meeting
25.6 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

As Bill Sees It Group
St. James Church
Speaker Meeting Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
26.78 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Lunch Bunch Group
St Marys School Annex
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
26.78 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Great Benders Group

AA Open Discussion Meeting
33.22 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Halfway There
United Community Church

35.74 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

High 12:00 Pm
United Community Church

35.74 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Tully Hill Treatment Center

35.87 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Serenity By The Lake
First Presbyterian Church

36.3 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

All Or Nothing Group
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Handicap Accessible Open Meeting
36.5 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Manilus 12:00 Pm Serenity
Christ Episcopal Church

43.3 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Take It Home
New Life Assembly of God

44.34 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Oneida First United Methodist Church

44.74 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Oneida 12:00 Pmers
304 Broad St, Oneida, NY 13421, USA

44.97 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Thursday AA Meetings in Oxford

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Unadilla Group
Methodist Church
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
16.32 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Back To Basics Group
United Methodist Church
Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
21.55 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

449 Group
Turning Point
Handicap Accessible Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
26.78 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Live And Let Live Group
Christ Episcopal Church
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
27.65 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Live And Let Live Group
Christ Episcopal Church
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
27.65 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Beginners Group
Christ Church
Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
30.03 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Early Eye Openers
United Community Church

35.74 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

High 12:00 Pm
United Community Church

35.74 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Tully Hill Treatment Center

35.87 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Serenity By The Lake
First Presbyterian Church

36.3 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

All Or Nothing Group
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Step Study Meeting Handicap Accessible Open Meeting
36.5 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Delhi Group
St John's Episcopal Church
Big Book Open Meeting
36.5 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Smithfield Community Center

36.53 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Christ Episcopal Church

43.3 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Take It Home
New Life Assembly of God

44.34 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Friday AA Meetings in Oxford

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

On The Green
First Baptist Church

26.67 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Lunch Bunch Group
St Marys School Annex
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
26.78 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Oneonta Men’s Group
First United Presbyterian Church
Men Meditation Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
26.78 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

High 12:00 Pm
United Community Church

35.74 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Step To Sobriety
United Community Church

35.74 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Tully Lake
Saint Leo's Parish Hall

35.8 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Serenity By The Lake
First Presbyterian Church

36.3 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Good Coffee
Saint Jame's Church

36.45 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

All Or Nothing Group
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Handicap Accessible Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
36.5 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Delhi Group
St John's Episcopal Church
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
36.5 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Winners Circle Group
Father Rausch Memorial Hall
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
37.04 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Winners Circle Group
Father Rausch Memorial Hall
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
37.04 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

As Bill Sees It
Oran Community Church

41.41 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Take It Home
New Life Assembly of God

44.34 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

United Church Methodist

44.77 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Saturday AA Meetings in Oxford

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Saturday Night Live Group
St. James Church
Speaker Meeting Handicap Accessible Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
26.78 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Seeking Serenity Group
The Turning Point
Handicap Accessible Discussion Meeting Anniversary Open Meeting
26.78 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Tully High 12:00 Pm
United Community Church

35.74 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Tully Hill Treatment Center

35.87 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

All Or Nothing Group
St. John’s Episcopal Church
Handicap Accessible Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
36.5 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Clean And Sober Group
St. John's Episcopal Church
Literature Meeting Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
36.5 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Bridge Group
Hamden Presbyterian Church
Closed AA Meeting
37.1 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Little Delaware Group
St James' Episcopal Church
Step Study Meeting Open Meeting
37.53 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Bottom Of The Hill
Onatavia Methodist Church

39.81 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Clockville United Methodist Church

42.22 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Christ Episcopal Church

43.3 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Saturday Night Worcester Group
Brooker Hall
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
44.56 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Oneida 12:00 Pmers
304 Broad St, Oneida, NY 13421, USA

44.97 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Saturday Morning Grapevine
Beacon Light Baptist Church

49.3 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

Hungry Hill
Saint Vincent De Paul Church

50.21 miles from the center of Oxford, NY

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Guilford, Norwich, Mount Upton, and Smithville Flats

Additional local resources: Oxford NA Meetings | Oxford Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

AA is a fellowship founded to help its members stay sober. It is free to attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Oxford, New York as the funding is donated from its members.

AA is among the most highly regarded programs in the United States and around the world that helps countless men and women get sober in the pursuit of lifelong recovery. They are commonly made up of small groups of people who share their experiences achieving sobriety and are there to help new members stay sober.

The Best Method of Selecting an AA Meeting in Oxford, New York

Alcoholism is a disease of the mind, body, and soul. AA has developed meetings to guide you through each individual piece of your sobriety. If you are searching for a meeting on the 1st three steps, you should select a beginner meeting. If you are looking to get more in touch with your spiritual side, attending a meditation meeting can help. If you are in search of other people’s journeys to sobriety, a speaker meeting is where you need to be. If you have completed your steps and are now working on the traditions of AA, a traditions meetings will be beneficial. If you want to attend a single gender group, you can go to a men’s or women’s meeting where you wont find anyone of the opposite gender there. The fact of the matter is there is a meeting for everyone. Try them out until you find one that you feel most comfortable at.

How to Get The Most From an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Oxford, New York

The most successful members of AA have found success through going more for the program than just attending meetings. For addicts who are attending their first AA meeting and really want to get sober, we suggest following the suggestions of the AA members that have successfully stayed sober for sometime.

It is important that you accept where you are at with you addiction and accept help. Part of staying sober is helping the newcomers of AA in Oxford stay sober, so people are going to be open to helping you not drink too. Raise your hand, introduce who you are, admit that you need help.