AA Meetings Contact, NV

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Contact, Nevada. The closest AA meeting to you is 45.08 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Tuesday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Contact

Montello Group

Discussion, Open
45.08 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Eye Opener
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

New Journey
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Newcomers Group
New Hope Cottage
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

The Chosen
New Hope Cottage
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Bridge The Gap
Crisis Center of South Central Idaho
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.66 miles from the center of Contact, NV

East Enders Group
Senior Citizen Center
Open AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
56.88 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Grupo Nuevo Amanecer
Herrera Office Building
Open Spanish Speaking AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access
66.96 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Priory Group
Monastery of the Ascension
Open AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
66.98 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Depot Bunch Group
War Memorial Hall Basement
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
67.54 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Burley Study Group
1108 Overland Ave. Ste. 2, Burley, Idaho
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
72.31 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Young Peoples Meeting
West Wendover Mini-Mall
79.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Rupert Group
White Building behind Trinity Episcopal
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
80.5 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Mens Meeting
1700 Stitel Road
Closed, Discussion, Men, Wheelchair Access
82.42 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Shoshone Meeting
Senior Center
Open AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
82.57 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Tuesday AA Meetings in Contact

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Tuesday Night Group
Filer Baptist Church
Open AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
55.76 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Eye Opener
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

New Journey
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Newcomers Group
New Hope Cottage
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

The Chosen
New Hope Cottage
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Tuesday Night Open Women’s Women
New Hope Cottage
Open Women's AA Meeting
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Big Book Study
War Memorial Hall Basement
Open Big Book AA Meeting
67.54 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Depot Bunch Group
War Memorial Hall Basement
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
67.54 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Mini-cassia Group
1108 Overland Ave. Ste. 2, Burley, Idaho
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
72.31 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Owyhee Group Mountain Time

Discussion, Open
74.28 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Wendover Group
West Wendover Mini-Mall
79.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Ask It Basket
Alano Club
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Elko Group
Alano Club
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Elko Group
Alano Club
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Womens Big Book Study
Alano Club
Big Book, Closed, Wheelchair Access, Women
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Wednesday AA Meetings in Contact

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Native American Group
Discussion, Open
46.66 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Back To Basics
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Eye Opener
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

New Journey
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Newcomers Group
New Hope Cottage
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Sunrise Serenity Group
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

The Chosen
New Hope Cottage
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Grupo Nuevo Amanecer
Herrera Office Building
Open Spanish Speaking AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access
66.96 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Depot Bunch Group
War Memorial Hall Basement
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
67.54 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Hub City Group
Senior Center
Open AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
69.49 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Burley Study Group-bb Study
1108 Overland Ave. Ste. 2, Burley, Idaho
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
72.31 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Wendover Group
West Wendover Mini-Mall
Discussion, Open
79.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Squad #1 Spring Creek Group
Spring Creek Baptist Church
Discussion, Open
82.79 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Elko Group
Alano Club
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Five N Live
Alano Club
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Thursday AA Meetings in Contact

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Thursday Evening Womens Women
The Senior Citizen Center
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Wheelchair Access, Women
55.81 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Eye Opener
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

New Journey
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Newcomers Group
New Hope Cottage
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

The Chosen
New Hope Cottage
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Thursday Evening Mens Stag Men
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Men, Open
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Depot Bunch Group
War Memorial Hall Basement
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
67.54 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Burley Study Group
1108 Overland Ave. Ste. 2, Burley, Idaho
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
72.31 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Owyhee Group Mountain Time
H.D.C. Bldg.Court House
Discussion, Open
74.28 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Wendover Group
West Wendover Mini-Mall
79.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Shoshone Meeting
Senior Center
Open AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
82.57 miles from the center of Contact, NV

12 X 12 Study
Alano Club
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Open, Wheelchair Access
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Aa Back To Basics
Alano Club
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Elko Group
Alano Club
Big Book, Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Glenns Ferry Group
Unspecified AA Meeting
86.57 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Friday AA Meetings in Contact

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Eye Opener
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

New Journey
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Newcomers Group
New Hope Cottage
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Road To Happy Destiny Candelight
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

The Chosen
New Hope Cottage
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Buhl Friday Night
First Methodist Church Basement
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
57.36 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Magic Valley Group
Calvary Church Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
66.82 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Grupo Nuevo Amanecer
Herrera Ofice Building #6
Open Spanish Speaking AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access
66.96 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Depot Bunch Group
War Memorial Hall Basement
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
67.54 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Gougars Gulch Group
Methodist United Church Basement
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
72.65 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Wendover Group
West Wendover Mini-Mall
Discussion, Open
79.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Rupert Group
White Building behind Trinity Episcopal
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
80.5 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Elko Group
Alano Club
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Five N Live
Alano Club
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Saturday AA Meetings in Contact

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Eye Opener
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

New Journey
Magic Valley Fellowship Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Newcomers Group
New Hope Cottage
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Saturday Solution
New Hope Cottage
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
56.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Calvary Church Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
66.82 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Grupo Nuevo Amanecer
Herrera Office Building
Open Spanish Speaking AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access
66.96 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Depot Bunch Group
War Memorial Hall Basement
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
67.54 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Wendover Group
West Wendover Mini-Mall
79.4 miles from the center of Contact, NV

No Matter What
The Walker Center
Open AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
80.53 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Aa Back To Basics
Alano Club
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

As Bill Sees It
Alano Club
As Bill Sees It, Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Back To Basics
Alano Club
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Elko Group
Alano Club
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Five N Live
Alano Club
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
83.19 miles from the center of Contact, NV

Mountain Home Group
St.James Episcopal
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
106.98 miles from the center of Contact, NV

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Henry, Jackpot, Three Creek, and Rogerson

Additional local resources: Contact NA Meetings | Contact Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

AA is a fellowship created to help its members achieve sobriety. There is no charge to attend an AA Meeting in Contact, Nevada as the funding is accepted on a [donation from its members.

AA is among the most commonly known programs in the United States and around the world that helps countless men and women overcome their alcoholism in the pursuit of lifelong recovery. They are typically made up of small groups of individuals who share their experiences getting sober and are there to help new members achieve sobriety.

The Best Method of Selecting an AA Meeting in Contact, Nevada

It is important when coming to AA that you select a meeting that is best for where you are at in sobriety. The first type of Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is a new comers meeting and is not limited to only new comers but is a meeting that inspires them to share their stories and accept help. Another type of meeting would be a gender specific meeting, which is only open to one gender. A Closed meeting simply means the group is closed to any discussion that does not involve how to maintain sobriety from alcohol. Talking about any other substance use addictions is not allowed. A Step Study is a meeting that is simply focused on a single step and discussed in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are based off the 12 traditions of AA. The 12 traditions are different than the 12 steps. The traditions are built to maintain order throughout AA and holding each group accountable to these traditions is the reason you can join an AA Meeting anywhere in the world to hear the same message.

How to Get The Most From a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Contact, Nevada

The best way to get the most out of your first AA meeting you should remain open minded. We all had an idea of what these meeting were and generally it is the same misconception. The one piece of advice I was ever given was to sit down, shut up, listen to the message, and modestly ask for help. At any meeting, the one constant will be message of recovering from hopelessness. The process of recovering from that hopeless state is in asking for help from another addict which you will find in any AA meeting you choose as your first.