AA Meetings New Hampton, NH

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in New Hampton, New Hampshire. The closest AA meeting to you is 10.42 miles away and meets on Monday at 11:00 AM. Click here for meetings today (Thursday)!

Monday AA Meetings in New Hampton

Covered Bridge Gr Am
Congr Ch
Discussion (D)
10.42 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Beginners Awareness
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Happy Hour
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Speaker (S), Step Meeting (X)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Loony Nooner
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Over Easy
Griswold Hall
Handicapped Accessible (H), Speaker (S)
11.34 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Plymouth Mens 12 Step Grp
Griswold Hall
Closed (C), Step Meeting (X)
11.34 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Tilton Beginner’s Meeting
Greater Tilton Area Resource Center
Discussion (D)
11.91 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Women’s Meeting
Northfield Tilton Congr Church
Closed (C), Step Meeting (X)
11.93 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Gvd Group
First Baptist Ch | rear entrance
Big Book Meeting (B), Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
21.38 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Positive Start
Bar Harbor Bank Comm Rm
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
21.63 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Noontime Group
First Baptist Ch
Big Book Meeting (B), Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Speaker (S), Step Meeting (X)
22.41 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Wolfeboro Aa Morning Reflections Group
All Saints Episc Ch
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
22.68 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Wolfeboro Aa Morning Reflections Grp
All Saints Episc Ch
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
22.68 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

There Is A Solution
Newbury Center Veterans Hall
Big Book Meeting (B), Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Step Meeting (X)
27.86 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Mon Nite Step Study
First Congr Ch
Big Book Meeting (B), Closed (C), Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Step Meeting (X)
28.05 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Tuesday AA Meetings in New Hampton

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Newfound Lake Group
Bristol Federated Ch
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
4.47 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Covered Bridge Gr Am
Congr Ch
Closed (C), Discussion (D), Step Meeting (X)
10.42 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Beginners Awareness
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Happy Hour
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Speaker (S), Step Meeting (X)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Loony Nooner
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Tri-step Beginners Group
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Indicates Al-Anon meeting at the same place at the same time (*), Step Meeting (X)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Tues Nite 12 Step Group
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Closed (C), Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Indicates Al-Anon meeting at the same place at the same time (*), Step Meeting (X)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Journey Into Recovery
Bessie Rowell Comm Ctr
Big Book Meeting (B), Discussion (D)
10.93 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Over Easy
Griswold Hall
Discussion (D)
11.34 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Women Walking The Walk
Congr Ch
Step Meeting (X)
11.52 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Franklin Street Meeting
Franklin Utd Methodist Ch
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
11.54 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Peace Of Mind
Salisbury Congr Ch
Discussion (D)
16.67 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Alton Bay Group
Alton Comm Ctr
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
18.46 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Tuesday Nite Original
First Baptist Ch
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Indicates Al-Anon meeting at the same place at the same time (*)
21.32 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Positive Start
Bar Harbor Bank Comm Rm
Big Book Meeting (B), Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
21.63 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Wednesday AA Meetings in New Hampton

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Meredith-interlakes Group
Congr Ch
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Indicates Al-Anon meeting at the same place at the same time (*), Speaker (S)
8.12 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Covered Bridge Gr Am
Congr Ch
Big Book Meeting (B), Discussion (D)
10.42 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

No Human Power
Pemi Youth Ctr
Big Book Meeting (B)
10.47 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Beginners Awareness
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Happy Hour
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Big Book Meeting (B), Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Loony Nooner
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Over Easy
Griswold Hall
Discussion (D)
11.34 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Women’s Meeting
Griswold Hall
Big Book Meeting (B), Closed (C), Handicapped Accessible (H)
11.34 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

As Bill Sees It
Congr Ch Thompson Hall
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
11.6 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Growing Into Recovery
Tilton Resource Center
Handicapped Accessible (H), Speaker (S)
11.85 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Sobriety And Beyond
Danbury Comm Ctr
Big Book Meeting (B), Discussion (D)
12.31 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Free At Last
Province Rd Comm Club
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
13.35 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Gvd Group
First Baptist Ch | rear entrance
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Step Meeting (X)
21.38 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Positive Start
Bar Harbor Bank Comm Rm

21.63 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Noontime Group
First Baptist Ch
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Step Meeting (X)
22.41 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Thursday AA Meetings in New Hampton

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

New Hampton Group
New Hampton Comm Ch
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
0.3 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Attitude Adjustment
United Baptist Ch
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
10.28 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Covered Bridge Gr Am
Congr Ch
Discussion (D)
10.42 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Beginners Awareness
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Laconia Thur Nite Orig
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Indicates Al-Anon meeting at the same place at the same time (*), Speaker (S)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Loony Nooner
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

The Misfits
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Over Easy
Griswold Hall
Handicapped Accessible (H), Speaker (S)
11.34 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Byob Big Book Meeting
Campton Baptist Ch
Big Book Meeting (B), Closed (C), Discussion (D)
15.02 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Thursday Night Big Book
Ctr Sandwich Library
Big Book Meeting (B)
17.3 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Canaan Thursday Morning
United Methodist Ch
Discussion (D), Step Meeting (X)
18.41 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Old Timers K I S
St Andrews Ch
Closed (C), Discussion (D)
21.41 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Positive Start
Bar Harbor Bank Comm Rm
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
21.63 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Noontime Group
First Baptist Ch
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
22.41 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Gateway To Sobriety
Comm Ch of Alton
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Spanish Speaking (&), Speaker (S)
24.01 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Friday AA Meetings in New Hampton

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Covered Bridge Gr Am
Congr Ch
Discussion (D)
10.42 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Get Well Group
Congr Ch
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Speaker (S)
10.42 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Beginners Awareness
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Friday Nite Men’s Group
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Closed (C), Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Happy Hour
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Speaker (S), Step Meeting (X)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Ladies Nite Out
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Closed (C), Discussion (D)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Loony Nooner
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Tilton-franklin Group
Tilton Senior Center
Handicapped Accessible (H), Speaker (S)
10.69 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Chapter 2 Spiritual
Griswold Hall
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
11.34 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Over Easy
Griswold Hall
Discussion (D)
11.34 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Fri Night Potpourri
Congr Ch
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
11.52 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

A Grape Group
Franklin Utd Methodist Ch
Discussion (D)
11.54 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Never Walk Alone Group
Homestead Inn
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Speaker (S)
20.41 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Gvd Group
First Baptist Ch | rear entrance
Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
21.38 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Saturday AA Meetings in New Hampton

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Covered Bridge Am Grp
Congr Ch
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
10.42 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Saturday Night Original
Congr Ch
Handicapped Accessible (H), Speaker (S)
10.42 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Beginners Awareness
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Early Step Group
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Closed (C), Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Speaker (S)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Saturday Night Bb Study
Cong Ch Parish Hall | 18 Veterans Sq
Big Book Meeting (B), Closed (C), Discussion (D)
10.59 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Afternoon Delight
Dry Dock | Unit D
Big Book Meeting (B), Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H), Speaker (S), Step Meeting (X)
10.82 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Attitude Adjustment
Common Man
Discussion (D)
11.11 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Sat Morning Bb Group
Veteran's Home - 1st Flr Conf Rm
Big Book Meeting (B), Discussion (D), Handicapped Accessible (H)
11.22 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Canaan Sat Morning
United Methodist Ch
Big Book Meeting (B), Discussion (D)
18.41 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Women’s Way
Bar Harbor Bank Comm Rm
Discussion (D)
21.63 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Sat Nite Live Group
Town Office Building
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
22.18 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Coffee & Doughnuts Free
All Saints Episc Ch
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
22.68 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Sat 12 & 12 Disc
All Saints Episc Ch
Discussion (D), Step Meeting (X)
22.68 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Warner Cap Group
Old Graded School Bldg
Discussion (D), Speaker (S)
24.18 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

Baigis Group
St Andrew's Ch
Handicapped Accessible (H), Indicates Al-Anon meeting at the same place at the same time (*), Speaker (S)
25.17 miles from the center of New Hampton, NH

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Bristol, Ashland, Winona, and Meredith

Additional local resources: New Hampton NA Meetings | New Hampton Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

AA is a fellowship founded to help those who suffer from alcohol abuse stay sober. It is free to attend an AA Meeting in New Hampton, New Hampshire as the funding is voluntarily contributed from its members.

AA is among the most highly regarded programs in the United States and around the world that helps countless men and women overcome their dependence on alcohol in the pursuit of lifelong recovery. They are typically made up of small groups of people who share their recovery journey and are there to help new members stay sober.

How to Choose an AA Meeting in New Hampton, New Hampshire

It is important when coming to AA that you select a meeting that is suited for where you are at in sobriety. The first type of meeting is a new comers meeting and is not solely for new comers but is a meeting that motivates members to speak their truth and reach out for help. The next type of meeting would be a gender specific meeting, either a men’s meeting or women’s meeting. These types of meeting are not opened to the opposite sex. A Closed meeting simply means the group is closed to any discussion that does not involve how to maintain sobriety from alcohol. Speaking of any other substance use addictions is not allowed. A Step Study is a meeting that is simply a specific step and spoken about in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are based off the 12 traditions of AA. Not to be confused with the 12 steps. The traditions are built to maintain order throughout AA and holding each group accountable to these traditions is why you can attend an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting anywhere in the world to hear the same message.

How to benefit the most from your first meeting in New Hampton, New Hampshire

To benefit the most from your first meeting you need to walk through the front door with an open mind, and the willingness to change. Make sure to arrive 30 minutes early and stay 30 minutes after because there is always a “before” and “after” for every meeting, where the members of the group gather outside and talk. Make sure during opening announcements that you raise your hand to let the group know this is your first meeting. Make sure to ask for a meeting list, with contact information of the group members. The last thing to remember is don’t be afraid to raise your hand and speak, let the group know what lead you to this meeting.