AA Meetings Preston, MD

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Preston, Maryland. The closest AA meeting to you is 9.75 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Thursday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Preston

Daily Reprieve Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Morning Recovery Group

Big Book AA Meeting Study
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Primary Purpose Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

B.y.o Lunch Group
Grace Luthern
12 Steps & 12 Traditions
9.96 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Denton Byol Group
St. Lukes Methodist
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Literature
12.68 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Seeking Serenity Group
Christ Episcopal Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.17 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Cafe Group
Overflow Cafe
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.58 miles from the center of Preston, MD

We Believe Group
Zion Methodist Church
Women's Meeting Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.58 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Oxford Group
Methodist Church
Step Meething
14.35 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Ridgely Group
Methodist Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
16.5 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Seaford Speaker
12 and 12 Community Center
Open Speaker AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access
17.53 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Ship Shape Group
St. Lukes United Methodist Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
17.77 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Laurel Beginners
Laurel Nazarene Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting
21.32 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Chester Monday Night Step Group
K.I. United Methodist Church
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
27.22 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Chester Group
Kent Island United Methodist Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
27.38 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Tuesday AA Meetings in Preston

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

On The Right Track Group
Train Station (Across From Library)
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
6.13 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Morning Recovery Group

24 Hours a Day
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Primary Purpose Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

B.y.o. Lunch Group
Grace Luthern Church
As Bill See's It AA Meeting
9.96 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Big Book Meeting
St. Marks United Methodist
Big Book AA Meeting Meeting
9.96 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Easton Tuesday Night Group
Presbyterian Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
10.11 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Beginners Group
St. Luke's Methodist Church
Beginners AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous for Newcomers Meeting
12.52 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Step Group
St. Lukes Methodist Church
AA Step Meeting
12.68 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Cafe Group
Overflow Cafe
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.58 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Tuesday Seaford Discussion
12 and 12 Community Center
Open Discussion AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access
17.53 miles from the center of Preston, MD

We Are Not Alone Group
St. Lukes Church
Beginners AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous for Newcomers Group
23.32 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Ladies S.o.t.s.
Chesapeake Church Of Christ
Women's Meeting Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
23.33 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Trudge The Road Group
Nelson Memorial UMC Hall
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
23.43 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Noon Big Book Group
Kent Island United Meth Church
Big Book AA Meeting Meeting
27.22 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Open Arms Steps & Traditions
Georgetown Presbyterian Church
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Open, Wheelchair Access
28.2 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Wednesday AA Meetings in Preston

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Morning Recovery Group

AA Speaker Meeting/AA Discussion Meeting
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Primary Purpose Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Beginners Group
Easton Church of the Brethren
Beginners AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous for Newcomers Group
9.91 miles from the center of Preston, MD

B.y.o. Lunch Group
Grace Luthern
Grapevine Meeting
9.96 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Noon Women’s Group
Presbyterian Church
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous Womens meeting
10.11 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Cafe Group
Overflow Cafe
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.58 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Seaford High Noon
12 and 12 Community Center
Open Discussion AA Meeting
17.53 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Keep It Greensboro Group
Methodist Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
19.08 miles from the center of Preston, MD

What We Are Like Now Group
Old Trinity
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
19.49 miles from the center of Preston, MD

One Day At A Time
Rockawalkin Church Hall
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
23 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Wednesday Night Group
St. Pauls Episcopal Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
24.35 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Primary Purpose Group
Holy Redeemer Catholic Church
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Step Meeting, Tradition Study,
26.91 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Wednesday Discussion / Spanish
Thresholds - Room D
Open Discussion AA Meeting, Spanish, Wheelchair Access
27.42 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Georgetown Discussion Wednesday Noon
Georgetown Presbyterian Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access
28.2 miles from the center of Preston, MD

New Freedom Discussion
Georgetown Presbyterian Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access
28.2 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Thursday AA Meetings in Preston

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Warwick Manor Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
7.93 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Morning Recovery Group

12 Steps & 12 Traditions AA Meeting
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Primary Purpose Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Easton Thursday Nite Group
Trinity Episcopal Cathedral Parish Hall
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

B.y.o. Lunch Group
Grace Luthern
Big Book AA Meeting Meeting
9.96 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Safe Harbor Womens Group
Methodist Church
Women's Meeting Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.96 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Denton Group
Christ Episcopal Church
AA Speaker Meeting/AA Discussion Meeting
12.86 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Big Book Mtg
Dorchester General Hospital
Big Book AA Meeting
13.58 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Cafe Group
Overflow Cafe
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.58 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Seaford Discussion Thursday
ACE Peer Resource Center
Open Discussion AA Meeting
16.2 miles from the center of Preston, MD

St. Michaels Group
Episcopal Church Parish Hall
AA Speaker Meeting/Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Disc
17.71 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Acorn Group
Old Wye Episcopal Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
18.08 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Little Acorn Group
Epis Church Parish Hall
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
18.08 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Laurel Thursday Discussion
St Philips Episcopal Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting
21.32 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Variety In Sobriety
Queenstown Methodist Church Parish Hall
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
23.76 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Friday AA Meetings in Preston

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Daily Reprieve Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Morning Recovery Group

Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous AA Discussion Meeting
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Primary Purpose Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Serenity Group
Trinity Cathedral Parish Hall
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous AA Discussion Meeting
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

B.y.o. Lunch Group
Grace Luthern Church
Anniversary or Daily Reflections Mtg
9.96 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Cafe Group
Overflow Cafe
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.58 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Hillsboro Big Book Mtg
Retreat House
Big Book AA Meeting Study ( Bring your Own Book)
14.2 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Friday Night Ladies Happy Hour Women
St. John's United Methodist Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting, Women
16.67 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Into Action Beginner Big Book
12 and 12 Community Center
Open AA Big Book Meeting
17.53 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Open Arms Friday
Georgetown Presbyterian Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access
28.2 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Georgetown Discusion Friday
Wesley United Methodist Church - Jones Hall
Open Discussion AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access
28.26 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Steps To Sobriety
Grace United Methodist Church
Open Step Study - Alcoholics Anonymous, Wheelchair Access
28.49 miles from the center of Preston, MD

As Bill Sees It
Christ Episcopal Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
28.94 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Friday Night As Bill Sees It Group
Christ Epls Church
As Bill See's It AA Meeting
28.94 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Saturday AA Meetings in Preston

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Morning Recovery Dover Group

Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous AA Discussion Meeting
9.75 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Saturday Morning Roundtable Group
St. Marks Meth Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.96 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Saturday Night Live Group
Presbyterian Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
10.11 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Saturday Mornings Men’s Group
The Boat House
Open AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous AA Discussion Meeting
10.18 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Sunlight Of The Spirit Group
Little Red House
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.58 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Women’s Meeting
Retreat House
Candle Light
14.2 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Fellowship Of Incurables
12 and 12 Community Center
Open Discussion AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access
17.53 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Eye Opener Group
Calvary Methodist Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
23.76 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Saturday Discussion/spanish
Thresholds - Room D
Open Discussion AA Meeting, Spanish, Wheelchair Access
27.42 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Open Arms Saturday
Georgetown Presbyterian Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access
28.2 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Georgetown Saturday Women Women
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access, Women
28.43 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Saturday Night Georgetown
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting, Wheelchair Access
28.43 miles from the center of Preston, MD

The Next Right Thing Group
Christ Episcopal Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
28.94 miles from the center of Preston, MD

Saturday Noon Group
Saturday Noon Group
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
29.11 miles from the center of Preston, MD

There Is A Solution Group
There is a Solution Group
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
29.11 miles from the center of Preston, MD

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Choptank, Bethlehem, Bruceville, and Harmony

Additional local resources: Preston NA Meetings | Preston Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

An AA Meeting is a program where alcoholics and people who struggle with drug use gather for one hour to discuss their experience, strength, and hope. AA Members who attend an Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting in Preston, Maryland will share their experience getting sober through their personal stories with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem. There is no religion, creed or race, for membership, just the want to stop drinking, and live a fulfilling existence without alcohol.

How to Choose an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Preston, Maryland

It is important when coming to Alcoholics Anonymous that you select a meeting that is suited for where you are at in sobriety. The 1st type of Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is a new comers meeting and is not limited to only new comers but is a meeting that encourages them to speak their truth and accept help. Another type of meeting would be a gender specific meeting, which is only open to either men or women. A Closed meeting simply means the group is solely focused on conversations regarding how to stay sober from alcohol. Speaking of any other substance use addictions is not allowed. A Step Study is a gathering that is simply a specific step and spoken about in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are focused around the 12 traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. The 12 traditions are different than the 12 steps. The traditions were established to maintain order throughout Alcoholics Anonymous and maintaining accountability to these traditions is why you can attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous anywhere in across the globe to hear the same message.

How to Get The Most From a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Preston, Maryland

In order to get the most out of your first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you should remain open minded. Everyone had preconceived notions of what these meeting were and generally it is the same misconception. The best advice I ever got was to sit down, stop talking, listen to the message, and humbly ask for help. At any meeting, that one thing that won’t change is the message of recovering from a hopeless state of mind. The process of recovering from that hopeless state is in asking for help from another addict which you will find in any Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you choose to start with.