AA Meetings Old Jefferson, LA

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Old Jefferson, Louisiana. The closest AA meeting to you is 2.66 miles away and meets on Monday at 8:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Saturday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Old Jefferson

Fe Y Esperanza
12333 Jefferson Hwy Suite E
Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
2.66 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Shivering Denizens
AA Central Office
Closed Discussion AA Meeting
5.51 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

The Recovery Club
Hebron Baptist Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
5.95 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Open Road Group
St. Paul Lutheran Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.28 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Unmanageables Group
St. Paul Lutheran Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.28 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

12159 Florida Blvd.
Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
6.29 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Serenity Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

224 Group
Serenity Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

224 Group (women’s Meeting) Women
Serenity Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Women
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Women In Recovery Women
Faithful UMC
AA Meeting, Discussion, Women's Open AA Meeting
7.03 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Cortana Group
Broadmoor Presbyterian
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
7.05 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

The Simple Way
Tam Bao Temple
AA Meeting, Discussion, Meditation, Open
7.32 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

North Blvd Meeting
Trinity Baptist Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
7.9 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Singleness Of Purpose
VFW Hall
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
8.05 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

We Surrender
Luke 10:27
Big Book AA Meeting, Open
8.26 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Tuesday AA Meetings in Old Jefferson

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Fe Y Esperanza
12333 Jefferson Hwy Suite E
Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
2.66 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Paradoxes Of Aa
St. Patrick's Catholic Church
Closed Discussion AA Meeting
2.82 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Attitude Of Gratitude Group
Life Center
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
5.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

No Other Way Group (now)
AA Central Office
Closed Discussion AA Meeting
5.51 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Open Heart
AA Central Office
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
5.51 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Tuesday Lit. Group
AA Central Office
Big Book AA Meeting, Open
5.51 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Unmanageables Group
St. Paul Lutheran Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.28 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

12159 Florida Blvd.
Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
6.29 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

#1 Offenders
Francis Asbury UMC
Big Book AA Meeting, Open
6.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Old Hammond Group
First Christian Church (Baker Bldg)
Literature, Open
6.63 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

224 Group
Serenity Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

224 Group- Beginners Meeting
Serenity Club
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Perkins Road Group
St. Margaret's Episcopal Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
7.05 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Singleness Of Purpose
VFW Hall
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
8.05 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Into Action
Immaculate Conception Church
Big Book AA Meeting, Open
8.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Wednesday AA Meetings in Old Jefferson

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Fe Y Esperanza
12333 Jefferson Hwy Suite E
Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
2.66 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Old Perkins Group
New Song Methodist Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
3.5 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

The Young & Restless
Life Center
AA Meeting, Discussion, Newcomer, Open
5.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Unmanageables Group
St. Paul Lutheran Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.28 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

12159 Florida Blvd.
Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
6.29 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Common Ground
Broadmoor United Methodist Church Rm. 102
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Ebr Men’s Group Men
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Men, Open
6.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Redstick Recovery Group
Townsend Recovery Center- Back Door
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.54 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Women’s Journey Women
First Christian Church (Baker Bldg)
AA Meeting, Discussion, Women's Open AA Meeting
6.63 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Serenity Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Serenity Club
Unspecified AA Meeting
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

224 Group
Serenity Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Come As You Are Now
Faithful UMC
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
7.03 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Singleness Of Purpose
VFW Hall
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
8.05 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Into Action
Immaculate Conception Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
8.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Thursday AA Meetings in Old Jefferson

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Fe Y Esperanza
12333 Jefferson Hwy Suite E
Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
2.66 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Defective Characters
AA Central Office
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous Literature
5.51 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Serenity Group
Southside Church of Christ
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
5.93 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Unmanageables Group
St. Paul Lutheran Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.28 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

12159 Florida Blvd.
Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
6.29 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Goodwood Group (scouthut)
Broadmoor Baptist Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.33 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Good Grief Group
Broadmoor United Methodist Church Rm. 102
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Serenity Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

224 Group
Serenity Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Singleness Of Purpose
VFW Hall
Literature, Open
8.05 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

We Surrender
Luke 10:27
Open AA Step Meeting
8.26 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Into Action
Immaculate Conception Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
8.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Into Action Group
865 Hatchell Ln
Closed AA Meeting
8.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Freedom Of Choice (lgbtq+ And Friends)
Metro Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Gay, LGBTQ, Lesbian, Open, Wheelchair Access
8.59 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

24 Hour Group
Club 12 in the Club House
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
8.63 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Friday AA Meetings in Old Jefferson

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Fe Y Esperanza
12333 Jefferson Hwy Suite E
Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
2.66 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Paradoxes Of Aa
St. Patrick's Catholic Church
Open AA Step Meeting, Tradition Study
2.82 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Solution Group
St. Patrick's Catholic Church
Big Book AA Meeting, Open
2.82 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

The Way Out
AA Central Office
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
5.51 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Free Again To Choose
St. Paul Lutheran Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.28 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Unmanageables Group
St. Paul Lutheran Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.28 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

12159 Florida Blvd.
Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
6.29 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Step Sisters Women
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
Open AA Step Meeting, Women
6.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Serenity Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

224 Group
Serenity Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

St Amant Group
Faithful UMC
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
7.03 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Singleness Of Purpose
VFW Hall
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
8.05 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Into Action
Immaculate Conception Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
8.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Into Action Group
865 Hatchell Ln
Closed AA Meeting
8.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Saturday AA Meetings in Old Jefferson

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Fe Y Esperanza
12333 Jefferson Hwy Suite E
Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
2.66 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

The Winners
St. John's Catholic Church
Concurrent with Al-Anon, AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
4.99 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Raise The Bottom
Life Center
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
5.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

12159 Florida Blvd.
Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
6.29 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Solutions-r-us (women Only) Women
Broadmoor United Methodist Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Women's Open AA Meeting
6.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Old Hammond Group
First Christian Church (Baker Bldg)
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.63 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

224 Group
Serenity Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

224 Group
Serenity Club
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
6.89 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Carry The Message
Faithful UMC
Closed Discussion AA Meeting
7.03 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Singleness Of Purpose
VFW Hall
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
8.05 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Into Action
Immaculate Conception Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
8.44 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

Freedom Of Choice (lgbtq+ And Friends)
Metro Church
AA Meeting, Discussion, Gay, LGBTQ, Lesbian, Open, Wheelchair Access
8.59 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

164 Group
Club 12 in the Club House
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
8.63 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

First Things First
Club 12 in the Club House
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
8.63 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

History Of Aa Study Group
Club 12 in the Club House
AA Meeting, Discussion, Open
8.63 miles from the center of Old Jefferson, LA

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Shenandoah, Village Saint George, Inniswold, and Oak Hills Place

Additional local resources: Old Jefferson NA Meetings | Old Jefferson Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

AA is a program founded to help its members get sober. Attendance is free at an AA Meeting in Old Jefferson, Louisiana as the funding is voluntary based only from its members.

AA is one of most highly regarded programs in the United States and around the world that helps countless men and women overcome their alcohol dependance in the pursuit of lifelong recovery. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are typically made up of small groups of recovering alcoholics who share their experiences achieving sobriety and are there to help new members get sober.

The Best Method of Selecting an AA Meeting in Old Jefferson, Louisiana

It is important when coming to AA that you select a meeting that is suited for where you are at in sobriety. The first type of meeting is a new comers meeting and is not only for new comers but is a meeting that encourages members to speak their truth and reach out for help. Another type of meeting would be a single gender meeting, either a men’s meeting or women’s meeting. These types of meeting are closed to the opposite sex. A Closed meeting simply means the group is closed to any discussion that does not involve how to stay sober from alcohol. Speaking of any other drugs is not allowed. A Step Study is a meeting that is simply focused on a single step and discussed in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are focused on the 12 traditions of AA. The 12 traditions are different than the 12 steps. The traditions are built to maintain order throughout AA and holding each group accountable to these traditions is why you can walk into an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting anywhere in the world to hear the same message.

How to Get The Most From an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Old Jefferson, Louisiana

The best way to get the most out of your first AA meeting you should keep an open minded. We all had an idea of what these meeting were and generally it is the same misconception. The most beneficial thing I was told was to sit down, shut up, listen to the message, and humbly ask for help. Regardless of the meeting, that one thing that will always be present is the message of recovering from hopelessness. The process of recovering from that hopeless state is in asking for help from another addict which you will find in any Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you choose to pick as your first.