AA Meetings Brandenburg, KY

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Brandenburg, Kentucky. The closest AA meeting to you is 0.09 miles away and meets on Monday at 8:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Thursday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Brandenburg

Big Book Study Group
Alcohalt House
Discussion, Open
0.09 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Red Eye Group
Alcohalt House
Discussion, Open
0.09 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Road To Happy Destiny
The Acceptance Place
Discussion, Open
10.01 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

How Group
Mill Creek Baptist Church
Big Book, Closed
18.24 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Lunch Bunch Group
Serenity House
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
19.51 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

I’ve Been There Ladies Group
EZ-Duz-It Club
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
20.37 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Lets Get Serious Group
EZ-Duz-It Club
Discussion, Open
20.37 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

31 W Group
Beechland Church
Open, Speaker
20.88 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Breck County Group
Breckinridge County Community Center
Discussion, Open
21.42 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Blue Card Group
St. Peters Episcopal Church
Closed, Discussion
21.43 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Traditions Group
First Presbyterian Church
Closed, Discussion
25.26 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Shepherdsville Serenity Group
Trinity Life Center
25.37 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Breckinridge Group
Ressurection Episcopal Church
Open, Speaker
26.18 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Women Getting Honest Group Women
Open Door Chruch
Discussion, Open, Women
26.24 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Work The Steps Group
Calvary Baptist Church
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
26.25 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Tuesday AA Meetings in Brandenburg

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Brandenburg Group
Alcohalt House
Discussion, Open
0.09 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Road To Happy Destiny
The Acceptance Place
Discussion, Open
10.01 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Sobriety At Six Thirty
Family Life Center
Discussion, Open
14.29 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Life On Life’s Terms
Safe Harbor Club
Big Book, Open
16.48 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Recovery At Noon
Safe Harbor Club
Discussion, Open
16.48 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

There Is A Solution
Safe Harbor Club
Discussion, Open
16.48 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Women Do Recover Women
Safe Harbor Club
Discussion, Open, Women
16.48 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Lunch Bunch Group
Serenity House
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
19.51 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Tuesday Nite Token Group
Serenity House
Open, Speaker
19.51 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Garage Group
EZ-Duz-It Club
Discussion, Open
20.37 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

4002 Group
Baptist Hospital East
Discussion, Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
23.96 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Spiritual Underground Group
St. Matthews Baptist Church
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
23.96 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

St. Matthews Group
St. Mathews Episcopal Church
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
23.96 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Women Do Recover Group
Strathmeor Presbyterian Church
23.96 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Iroquois Group
Iroquois Presbyterian Church
Open, Speaker
24.35 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Wednesday AA Meetings in Brandenburg

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

New Start Group
Alcohalt House
Open, Speaker
0.09 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Red Eye Group
Alcohalt House
Discussion, Open
0.09 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

A Time For Women
The Acceptance Place
Discussion, Open
10.01 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Coming Home Group
The Acceptance Place
Discussion, Open
10.01 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Road To Happy Destiny
The Acceptance Place
Discussion, Open
10.01 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Principles Before Personalities
Safe Harbor Club
Discussion, Open
16.48 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Lincoln Trail 24 Hour
Lincoln Trail Treatment Center
Discussion, Open
16.59 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Center Group
Serenity House
Open, Speaker
19.51 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Lunch Bunch Group
Serenity House
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
19.51 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Wed Night Beginners Group
Serenity House
19.51 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Southwest Open Disc Group
St. Peters Episcopal Church
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
21.43 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Crums Lane Group
Briargate Presbyterian Church
Open, Speaker
22.02 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Caution Light Group
Hillview City Office Building
Discussion, Open
23.96 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Goldsmith Lane Group Men
St. Pius X Church
Closed, Discussion, Men
23.96 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Coming Home Group
Blessed Teresa
Discussion, Open
24.41 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Thursday AA Meetings in Brandenburg

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Brandenburg Group
Alcohalt House
Open, Speaker
0.09 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Road To Happy Destiny
The Acceptance Place
Discussion, Open
10.01 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Life On Life’s Terms
Safe Harbor Club
Discussion, Open
16.48 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Recovery At Noon
Safe Harbor Club
Discussion, Open
16.48 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

There Is A Solution
Safe Harbor Club
Discussion, Open
16.48 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

How Group
Mill Creek Baptist Church
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
18.24 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Clarksville Group
Serenity House
Open, Speaker
19.51 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Lunch Bunch Group
Serenity House
Open, Step Meeting, Wheelchair Access
19.51 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Prairie Village Group
Faith Presbyterian Church
Closed, Discussion
20.22 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Road To Redemption
The Journey Church
Discussion, Open
23.14 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Caring & Sharing Group
Garrs Lane United Methodist Church
Open, Speaker
23.68 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Here Are The Steps We Took Group
Middletown Christian Church
Discussion, Open
23.96 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Womens Speakeasy Group Women
Baptist East Hospital
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access, Women
23.96 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

2nd Edition Group
St Thomas Moore
25.19 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Marshall 142’s Group
Marshall Co Public Library
25.22 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Friday AA Meetings in Brandenburg

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Red Eye Group
Alcohalt House
Discussion, Open
0.09 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Up The Road Group
Alcohalt House
Discussion, Open
0.09 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Coming Home Group
The Acceptance Place
Open, Speaker
10.01 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Road To Happy Destiny
The Acceptance Place
Discussion, Open
10.01 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Recovery At Noon
Safe Harbor Club
Discussion, Open
16.48 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Lunch Bunch Group
Serenity House
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
19.51 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Sunset Group
Serenity House
Open, Speaker
19.51 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Lets Get Serious Group
EZ-Duz-It Club
Discussion, Open
20.37 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Cane Run Road Group
Garrs Lane United Methodist Church
Open, Speaker
23.68 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

St. Matthews Group
St. Mathews Episcopal Church
Open, Wheelchair Access
23.96 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Womens Luncheon Group
St. Mathews Episcopal Church
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
23.96 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Traditions Group
First Presbyterian Church
Closed, Discussion
25.26 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

36th Street Group
Chauncey Immaculate Heart Church
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
25.69 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Chapter 11 Group
Ressurection Episcopal Church
Open, Speaker
26.18 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Saturday AA Meetings in Brandenburg

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Red Eye Group
Alcohalt House
Discussion, Open
0.09 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Up The Road Group
Alcohalt House
Discussion, Open
0.09 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Coming Home Group
The Acceptance Place
Discussion, Open
10.01 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Recovery At Noon
Safe Harbor Club
Discussion, Open
16.48 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Sober On Saturday
Safe Harbor Club
Discussion, Open
16.48 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Why Not Group
Serenity House
Open, Speaker
19.51 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Wow (women Of Wisdom) Group
Serenity House
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
19.51 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Bring Your Own Mug Group
St. Andrews Academy
Closed, Discussion
19.73 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Step Forward Group
Ten Broeck Hospital
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
20.86 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Breck County Group
Breckinridge Farmers Market
Discussion, Open
21.42 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Reach For More Group
Rock Gem Climbing Center
Discussion, Open
23.96 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Saturday Morning Meditation Group
Calvin Presbyterian Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
23.96 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Marshall 142’s Group
Marshall Co Public Library
25.22 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

Archway Group
Serenity Club
Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
27.2 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

High Noon Group
Serenity Club
Discussion, Open
27.2 miles from the center of Brandenburg, KY

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Mauckport, Doe Valley, Ekron, and Laconia

Additional local resources: Brandenburg NA Meetings | Brandenburg Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

An AA Meeting is a program where alcoholics and people who struggle with addiction gather for one hour to express their experience, strength, and hope. AA Members who attend an Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting in Brandenburg, Kentucky will share their experience getting sober through their personal anecdotes with anyone looking to get sober. There is no religious, social or economic association for membership, just the want to achieve sobriety, and live a productive life without alcohol.

The Best Method of Selecting an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Brandenburg, Kentucky

It is important when coming to Alcoholics Anonymous that you pick a meeting that is best for where you are at in sobriety. The first type of AA meeting is a new comers meeting and is not only for new comers but is a meeting that encourages them to speak their truth and ask for help. Another type of meeting would be a gender specific meeting, either a men’s meeting or women’s meeting. These types of meeting are not opened to the opposite sex. A Closed meeting simply means the group is closed to any discussion that does not involve how to stay sober from alcohol. Talking about any other drugs is not allowed. A Step Study is a gathering that is simply focused on a single step and spoken about in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are based off the 12 traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. The 12 traditions are different than the 12 steps. The traditions were implemented to maintain order throughout Alcoholics Anonymous and holding each group accountable to these traditions is the reason you can join a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous anywhere in across the globe to hear the same message.

How to Get The Most From an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Brandenburg, Kentucky

The most successful members of Alcoholics Anonymous tend to find success through going more for the program than just attending meetings. For alcoholics who are attending their first AA meeting and really want to get sober, we recommend following the suggestions of the AA members that have successfully stayed sober for sometime.

It is smart to accept where you are at with you sobriety and ask for help. Part of not drinking is helping the new members of Alcoholics Anonymous in Brandenburg maintain their sobriety, so people are going to be open to helping you not drink too. Stand up, introduce who you are, admit that you need help.