AA Meetings Tocsin, IN

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Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Tocsin, Indiana. The closest AA meeting to you is 8.01 miles away and meets on Monday at 9:00 AM. Click here for meetings today (Monday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Tocsin

First Church Of Christ
Frist Church of Christ
8.01 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Wells County Aa
Frist Church of Christ
8.01 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Open Group
Decatur Church of God
Open, Speaker
10.4 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Waynedale Step Group
Waynedale Methodist Church
Closed, Discussion
13.27 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Waynedale Step Group
Waynedale United Methodist Church
Closed, Discussion
13.27 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

A New Beginning
St. Henry's Catholic Church Parrish
Closed, Discussion
13.98 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

46807 Group
Discussion, Open
14.31 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Monday Night Vet Group
St. Mother Theodore Guerin Chapel
Big Book, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.03 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Aldersgate Discussion Group
Aldersgate Church
Closed, Discussion
17.04 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Aldersgate Discussion Group
Aldersgate United Methodist
17.04 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Serenity Circle
13 Step House
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Serenity Circle
The Thirteen Step House Inc
Discussion, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Way Of Life Group
13 Step House
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Way Of Life Group
The Thirteen Step House Inc
Big Book, Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Paulding Ohio Area Aa
Paulding County Hospital
17.16 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Tuesday AA Meetings in Tocsin

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Limberlost Group
First Methodist Church
Open, Speaker
9.41 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

12 And 12 Study Group
Aldersgate Church
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Closed
17.04 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

12 And 12 Study Group
Aldersgate United Methodist
Closed, Discussion
17.04 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Common Bond Group
13 Step House
Open, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Common Bond Group
The Thirteen Step House Inc
Big Book, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Living Sober
13 Step House
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Living Sober
The Thirteen Step House Inc
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Feed And Seed Group
Milan Center Feed and Grain
Discussion, Open
17.07 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Feed And Seed Group
Milan Center Feed & Grain
Discussion, Open
17.07 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

New Haven Open Discussion Group
New Haven United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open
17.11 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Central Group
First Presbyterian Church
17.19 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Central Group
First Presbyterian Church
Literature, Open
17.19 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Building A New Life
Wayne Street Methodist Church
Discussion, Open
17.22 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Just For Today
Discussion, Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting, Open
17.94 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Just For Today
Salem United Church of Christ
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.94 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Wednesday AA Meetings in Tocsin

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Epworth United Methodist
Epworth United Methodist Chuch
7.54 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Buckley Group
St Patrick Catholic Church
Big Book, Closed
16.35 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Harbor Light Group
13 Step House
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Harbor Light Group
The Thirteen Step House Inc
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Morning Discussion Group
13 Step House
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Morning Discussion Group
The Thirteen Step House Inc
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Upon Awakening
Church of God
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Open
17.82 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Upon Awakening Group
Church of God - Fort Wayne
17.82 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Why Not Recovery Group
Victory Life Church
Discussion, Open
17.91 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Just For Today
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting, Open
17.94 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Just For Today
Salem United Church of Christ
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.94 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Speak Easy Group
Club Oasis
Discussion, Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Trails End Group
Club Oassis
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Trails End Group
Club Oasis
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Trouble Shooter Group
Club Oasis
Open, Step Meeting, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Thursday AA Meetings in Tocsin

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Waynedale Group
Waynedale Methodist Church
Discussion, Open
13.27 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Waynedale Group
Waynedale United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open
13.27 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Design For Living Group
St. Henry's Catholic Church Parrish
13.98 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Design For Living Group
St Henrys Catholic Church
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Closed
13.98 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Women S Day By Day Group
Big Book, Closed
14.31 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Women S Day By Day Women
Closed, Daily Reflections, Women
14.31 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Change Of Heart
Freedom House
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Open
16.48 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Change Of Heart
Freedom House
Discussion, Open
16.48 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

901 Big Book Group
901 GE Union Hall
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
16.82 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

901 Big Book Group
901 GE Union Hall
Big Book, Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
16.82 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Big Book Study Group
Aldersgate Church
Closed, Discussion
17.04 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Big Book Study Group
Aldersgate United Methodist
Big Book, Closed, Discussion
17.04 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Key To Sobriety
13 Step House
Open, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Key To Sobriety
The Thirteen Step House Inc
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Thursday St Mary S Meeting
St Mary's Catholic Church
Big Book, Open
17.06 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Friday AA Meetings in Tocsin

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Westside Group
St. Joseph's Catholic Church
Open, Speaker
16.46 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Westside Group
Saint Joseph Catholic School
Open, Speaker
16.46 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Harvester Group
13 Step House
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Harvester Group
The Thirteen Step House Inc
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Luncheon Group
13 Step House
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Luncheon Group
The Thirteen Step House Inc
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Open Discussion Group
815 Lincoln Hwy E New Haven, IN 46774
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
17.11 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Upon Awakening Group
Church of God - Fort Wayne
Daily Reflections, Open
17.82 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Sisters In Sobriety Women
Salem United Church of Christ
Big Book, Closed, Women
17.94 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Sisters In Sobriety Women
Salem United Church of Christ
Big Book, Closed, Women
17.94 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Friday Discussion Group
Club Oasis
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Happy Hour Group
Club Oasis
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Trails End Group
Club Oassis
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Trails End Group
Club Oasis
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Saturday AA Meetings in Tocsin

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Epworth United Methodist
Epworth United Methodist Chuch
7.54 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

The Unity Group/lgbt
Wunderkammer Company, Upstairs
15.57 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Just Stay Group
Freedom House
Big Book, Discussion, Open
16.48 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Just Stay Group Big Book
Freedom House
Closed, Discussion
16.48 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Early Saturday Night
Wayne Street Methodist Church
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
17.22 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Early Saturday Night
First Wayne Street United Methodist
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
17.22 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Just For Today
Discussion, Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting, Open
17.94 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Big Book With Joe And Charlie
Club Oassis
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Big Book With Joe And Charlie
Club Oasis
Big Book, Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Old Timers Group
Club Oassis
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Old Timers Group
Club Oasis
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Second Chance
Club Oassis
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

Second Chance
Club Oasis
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

We Agnostics
Club Oassis
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

We Agnostics
Club Oasis
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
18.05 miles from the center of Tocsin, IN

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Ossian, Bluffton, Uniondale, and Yoder

Additional local resources: Tocsin NA Meetings | Tocsin Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

A meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is a program where alcoholics and people who struggle with addiction gather for one hour to express their experience, strength, and hope. AA Members who attend an Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting in Tocsin, Indiana will share their experience getting sober through their personal stories with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem. There is no religion, creed or race, for membership, just the want to achieve sobriety, and live a productive life without alcohol.

How to Choose an AA Meeting in Tocsin, Indiana

It is important when coming to AA that you select a meeting that is suited for where you are at in sobriety. The first type of AA meeting is a new comers meeting and is not limited to only new comers but is a meeting that encourages members to speak their truth and accept help. Another type of meeting would be a single gender meeting, either a men’s meeting or women’s meeting. These types of meeting are not opened to the opposite sex. A Closed meeting simply means the group is solely focused on conversations regarding how to stay sober from alcohol. Speaking of any other substance use addictions is not allowed. A Step Study is a meeting that is simply focused on a single step and discussed in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are focused on the 12 traditions of AA. Not to be confused with the 12 steps. The traditions were established to maintain order throughout AA and holding each group accountable to these traditions is why you can walk into an AA Meeting anywhere in across the globe to hear the same message.

How to Get The Most From an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Tocsin, Indiana

The most successful members of Alcoholics Anonymous have found success through getting involved in the program. If you are attending your first AA meeting and really want to get sober, we advise following the suggestions of the AA members that have been a part of Alcoholics Anonymous for a while.

It is important that you reach your hand out and accept help. Part of not drinking is helping the new people of Alcoholics Anonymous in Tocsin stay sober, so people are going to be want to help you not drink too. Raise your hand, say who you are, admit that you need help.