AA Meetings West Brooklyn, IL

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in West Brooklyn, Illinois. The closest AA meeting to you is 12.77 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Friday)!

Monday AA Meetings in West Brooklyn

La Estrella Del Oriente
Lake Edge Alano Klub
12.77 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

In This Together
12-8725 Online
Closed, Discussion, Online Meeting
20.8 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Indescribably Wonderful – Grab Bag
New Town Alano Club
Closed, Discussion, Newcomer
20.8 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Joy Of Living Meeting
03-8635 Online
Closed, Online Meeting
20.95 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Sober Steps Group
The Presbyterian Church of Palatine
Closed, Step Meeting
28.51 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Emotional Sobriety
Day By Day Club
28.55 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Foster Beach Group
16-0462 Online
Closed, Online Meeting
29.5 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Foster Beach Group
12 Step House
29.5 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Beginners Meeting
Alano of Des Plaines
Closed, English, Newcomer
30.37 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Monday Night Big Book Study
Presbyterian Church of Palatine
Big Book, Discussion
31.26 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Tuscola Monday Night Group
40 Martyrs Fellowship Hall
AA Meeting
39.49 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Twelve Traditions Study Group
New Beginnings
39.49 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Twelve X Twelve Study Group
First United Methodist Church, Marion
39.49 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

United In Sobriety – 12 Steps
The Center
39.78 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Twin Cities Group
Bazaar Americana
Newcomer, Open
39.92 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Tuesday AA Meetings in West Brooklyn

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Just For Today
In-Person Closed Discussion Handicap
20.95 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Belvidere Group
103 N State St., Belvidere, IL 61008
26.29 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Generation X
Anona Center West
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
27.91 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Step 1 & Tradition One Online Only
Mustard Seed In-person and Online
Closed, Online Meeting
28.39 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Elk Grover Nooners
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church
Literature, Wheelchair Access
28.55 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Emotional Sobriety
Midway Fellowship Club
28.55 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Freedom Group
Geneva Lutheran Church
29.03 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

For Fun And For Free
First Congregational Church
Big Book, Closed
29.5 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Foster Park Men’s
Friendship Baptist
29.5 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Four Seasons Step Group
Lombard Bible Church Door 3
Closed, Discussion, Step Meeting
29.5 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Freedom Group
Geneva Lutheran Church
Closed, Wheelchair Access
30.08 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Sunlight Underground
Presbyterian Church
30.7 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Daily Reflection
95-8200 Online
Closed, Online Meeting
31.59 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Daily Reflection
Closed, Daily Reflections
31.59 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Daily Reflections
Temporarily Inactive
Discussion, Location Temporarily Closed
36.09 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Wednesday AA Meetings in West Brooklyn

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

In Person Wednesday Evening Spanish Aa
Open, Spanish aa meeting
20.63 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

In Person Wednesday Morning Spanish Aa
Open, Spanish aa meeting
20.8 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

In This Together
12-8725 Online
Closed, Online Meeting
20.8 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Indian Hill – Wed
Indian Hill Park
20.8 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Joy Of Living
20.95 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Just For Today
CSO District 18
Discussion, Open
20.95 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Saturday Men’s Step 12 Meeting Men
Countryside Church Unitarian Universalist
Closed, Men, Step Meeting, Wheelchair Access
23.82 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Belvidere Group
103 N State St., Belvidere, IL 61008
26.29 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Gardner Big Book
United Lutheran Church
Big Book, Closed
27.91 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Gateway To Serenity
Gateway Building
27.91 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Gaunt Prospectors Pg 128 Intensive Big Book Study-online Only
Big Book, Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting, Open
27.91 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Big Book, Open
27.91 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Step 11 Guided Meditation Meeting
Lincoln Park Alano Club
28.39 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Elk Grover Nooners
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church
Literature, Wheelchair Access
28.55 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Elmhurst Splinters Group
St. Luke"s Evangical Lutheran Church
Closed, Discussion
28.55 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Thursday AA Meetings in West Brooklyn

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Northwest Oaks
Harper College In-person and Online
Closed, Online Meeting
16.06 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

One Step At A Time
Community United Church of Christ
AA Meeting
16.87 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Open Speaker
Alano of Des Plaines
Open, Polish
17.18 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Indian Point
24562 Indian Point Avenue
20.8 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

General Discussion
Midway Fellowship Club
27.91 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Elk Grover Nooners
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church
Literature, Wheelchair Access
28.55 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Emotional Sobriety
Anona Center West
28.55 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

En EspaÑol – Estudio Del Libro Grande En Linea, Via Zoom
Mustard Seed In-person and Online
Closed, Online Meeting, Spanish
28.55 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Enchanted Cottage Men
Crystal Lake Alano Club
Closed, Men
28.55 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Foundations “cushy Chair” Meeting
14-4564 Online
Closed, Daily Reflections, Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting, Speaker
29.5 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Daily Refections
Mokena Fellowship Center
Closed, Daily Reflections
31.34 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Daily Reflection
95-8200 Online
Closed, Online Meeting
32.68 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Daily Reflections
North Shore Alano Club
Closed, Discussion
36.39 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

El Camino A La Vida, En Espanol
El Camino A La Vida
36.57 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Mokena Fellowship Center
Closed, Discussion
37.76 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Friday AA Meetings in West Brooklyn

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

In Person Will Try Group
Fox Valley Fellowship Center
Discussion, Closed, Wheelchair Access aa meeting
20.8 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

In Step Group
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
20.8 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

In This Together
12-8725 Online
Closed, Online Meeting
20.8 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Incommon Group
First United Methodist Church, Marion
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
20.8 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Emotional Sobriety
Nuevo Camino
Closed, Digital Basket, Wheelchair Access
28.55 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

02-2965 Online
Closed, Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting, Speaker
29.5 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Foglifters Open Beginners Hybrid
St. Mary's Episcopal Church In-person and Online
Newcomer, Online Meeting, Open, Step Meeting
29.5 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Recovery Room
Temporarily Inactive
AA Meeting
29.84 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Beginners Meeting
04-0496 Online
Location Temporarily Closed, Newcomer, Online Meeting, Open
30.37 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Daily Reflection
95-8200 Online
Closed, Online Meeting
31.34 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Continuing Recovery Center
Closed, Discussion
36.34 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

20-8789 Online
Closed, Online Meeting
37.76 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Twelve Steps & Twelve Traditions
Midday Meeting
39.49 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

United In Sobriety – 24 Hours A Day
The Center
39.78 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Saturday AA Meetings in West Brooklyn

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Open Speaker
In-Person Open Speaker Handicap
17.18 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Saturday Discussion In The Park
Williams Park-Bring a Chair
Closed, Discussion
23.82 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Saturday Men’s Step 12 Meeting Men
Countryside Unitarian Church
Closed, Men
23.82 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Saturday Morning 12 & 12
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Closed, Step Meeting, Tradition Study
23.82 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Sat. Morning Discussion
Anona Center East

23.88 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Saturday Night Library Group-hybrid Meeting
St. Mary's School In-person and Online
Big Book, Closed, Discussion, Online Meeting, Speaker, Step Meeting, Tradition Study
24.19 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Saturday Night Live
Grace Lutheran Church Springfield
24.19 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Closed, Wheelchair Access
27.91 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Enchanted Cottage-men’s Meeting Men
Crystal Lake Alano Club
Closed, Men
28.55 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Flying Geese Women’s Hybrid In-person & Online Women
Crystal Lake Alano Club In-person and Online
Closed, Online Meeting, Women
29.5 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Fox Valley Fellowship Center – Alano Club
Fox Valley Fellowship Center
Open aa meeting
29.5 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Recovery Room
Temporarily Inactive
AA Meeting
29.84 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Twelve Steps And Twelve Traditions
Mokena Fellowship Center
Birthday, Closed, Wheelchair Access
39.49 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Twin Cities Group
Bazaar Americana
39.92 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

Twin Cities Group Women
Bazaar Americana
Closed, Women
39.92 miles from the center of West Brooklyn, IL

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Compton, Sublette, Lee Center, and Scarboro

Additional local resources: West Brooklyn NA Meetings | West Brooklyn Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

An Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting is an assembly where alcoholics and people who struggle with drug use gather for one hour to discuss their experience, strength, and hope. AA Members who attend an Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting in West Brooklyn, Illinois will share their experience getting sober through their personal stories with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem. There is no religion, creed or race, for membership, just the desire to achieve sobriety, and live a productive life without alcohol.

The Best Method of Choosing an AA Meeting in West Brooklyn, Illinois

It is important when coming to AA that you choose a meeting that is suited for where you are at in sobriety. The first type of AA meeting is a new comers meeting and is not only for new comers but is a meeting that motivates them to share their stories and accept help. The next type of meeting would be a gender specific meeting, either a men’s meeting or women’s meeting. These types of meeting are closed to the opposite sex. A Closed meeting simply means the group is solely focused on conversations regarding how to maintain sobriety from alcohol. Talking about any other substance use addictions is not allowed. A Step Study is a gathering that is simply a specific step and discussed in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are based off the 12 traditions of AA. Not to be confused with the 12 steps. The traditions were established to maintain order throughout AA and holding each group accountable to these traditions is the reason you can walk into an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting anywhere in across the globe to hear the same message.

How to benefit the most from your first AA meeting in West Brooklyn, Illinois

To benefit the most from your first AA meeting you need to walk through the front door willing to accept change and be open minded. Make sure to be ready to arrive early and stay late because there is always a “before” and “after” for every meeting, where the members of the group gather outside and talk. Make sure during opening remarks that you raise your hand to introduce yourself as a new member of AA. Make sure to ask for a meeting list, with phone numbers of the group members. The final thing to remember is don’t hesitate to raise your hand and speak, share the journey that lead you through their doors that day.