AA Meetings Watseka, IL

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Watseka, Illinois. The closest AA meeting to you is 26.21 miles away and meets on Monday at 5:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Friday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Watseka

95-9038 Online
Closed, Newcomer, Online Meeting
26.21 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Roselawn Fellowship
Church (North of Lincoln School) Contact Chip @ (313) 717-9368
34.74 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Rockstars In Recovery
United Methodist Church
Big Book, Closed
39.19 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Rockstars In Recovery
First United Methodist Church
39.63 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Roselawn Fellowship
Community Christian Reformed Church
40.33 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Cedar Lake
Holy Name Catholic Church
43.85 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Cedar Lake
Holy Name Catholic Church
43.85 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Belvidere Group
103 N State St., Belvidere, IL 61008
46.41 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Lincoln Park Alano Club
46.52 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Belvidere Group Women
103 N State St., Belvidere, IL 61008
Closed, Women
46.62 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

The Steps We Took
Crosspoint Church
48.18 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

The Steps We Took
CrossPoint Church
Big Book, Closed
48.18 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Big Book
Crystal Lake Alano Club
Big Book, Closed
48.88 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Meridian Meditation Group
Unitarian Universalist Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
48.99 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Spiritual Experience
Unitarian Universalist Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
48.99 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Tuesday AA Meetings in Watseka

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

As I Am At Edge
Edge Building
AA Meeting
0.13 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

As Joe & Charlie See It
Elgin Alano Club
Big Book
0.31 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Ascension Aa Zoom Meeting
09-0031 Online
Closed, Online Meeting
13.75 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Barr-pals Men
Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House
Closed, Men
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Basement Dwellers
OLPH-Lexington Building Copy Room
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Bedtime Stories Big Book Study
New Town Alano Club
Big Book, Open
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Begin Again Group
Net Community Church
Discussion, Open
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beginner’s Meeting – Steps
Alano Hall
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Closed, Discussion
25.53 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

95-9038 Online
Closed, Newcomer, Online Meeting
27.12 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

First Step House
29.25 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beginners 1-2-3
09-0112 Online
Location Temporarily Closed, Newcomer, Online Meeting, Open
29.25 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beginners Meeting
Dasom South Church
Closed, Newcomer
33.3 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beginners Meeting
United Methodist Church
33.35 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Roselawn Group
Roselawn Library
34.74 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Mary Seat of Wisdom Parish Center
Closed, Newcomer
36.62 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Wednesday AA Meetings in Watseka

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Kentland Group
Trinity United Methodist Church
Closed, Discussion
14.89 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Back To Basics Men
Temporarily Inactive
24.3 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Back To Sanity Group
12 Step Fellowship Club
Big Book, Closed, Wheelchair Access
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Back To The Woods
St. Mary of the Woods Parish Basement
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Barrington Big Book Meditation
Big Book, Location Temporarily Closed, Meditation, Online Meeting
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Batavia Sundowners Group
Congregational Church of Batavia
Closed, Discussion
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Northwest Edge Alano Club
26.21 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

95-9038 Online
Closed, Newcomer, Online Meeting
27.12 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beginners Meeting
First Presbyterian Church
33.42 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Plug In The Jug
United Methodist Church
Closed, Discussion
39.19 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Aa Speaker
Mustard Seed
Open, Speaker
39.19 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Aa Speaker
Mustard Seed
Closed, Speaker
39.19 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Aa Speaker Online Only
Mustard Seed In-person and Online
Closed, Online Meeting, Speaker
39.19 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Plug In The Jug
Methodist Church
39.63 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Wheatfield Primary Purpose
Wheatfield Primary Purpose
45.32 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Thursday AA Meetings in Watseka

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

As Bill Sees It Meeting
Church of the Holy Spirit
As Bill Sees It, Closed
13.8 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Morocco Fellowship
First United Methodist Church
18.71 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Basic Training Group
South Suburban Alano Club
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beginner’s Forum
Our Savior's Church
Closed, Wheelchair Access
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beginner’s Forum For Those In Their 1st 12 Months
Celebration Campus - Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church
In-Person Open Discussion
25.53 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

95-9038 Online
Closed, Newcomer, Online Meeting
27.12 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Aa Traditions Study Online Only
Mustard Seed In-person and Online
Closed, Online Meeting
29.23 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Aa Way Of Life
CSO District 18
Closed, Discussion
29.23 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Aa Speaker
Mustard Seed
Closed, Speaker
39.19 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Buckeye Group
Demotte Public Library
39.95 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Buckeye Group
DeMotte Library
40.33 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beginners Step Study 1, 2, 3 – Aa – Discussion
02-8754 Online
Closed, Online Meeting
42.57 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Aa 12 Step Discussion
Lincoln Park Alano Club
44.79 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Belvidere Group
103 N State St., Belvidere, IL 61008
46.62 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Belvidere Steppers
221 N Main St., Belvidere, IL
46.62 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Friday AA Meetings in Watseka

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Back To Basics Group-hybrid
Thrive Church In-person and Online
Big Book, Closed, Discussion, Online Meeting, Step Meeting, Tradition Study
24.3 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Begin Again
First Presbyterian Church
AA Meeting
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beginner’s Step 1, 2, 3 Hosted By Hoyne & Le Moyne
Wicker Park Lutheran Church In-person and Online
Newcomer, Online Meeting, Open
24.8 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

You Can Too Club
26.21 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

95-9038 Online
Closed, Newcomer, Online Meeting
26.21 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Watertower Group
Remington Library
Closed, Discussion
30.29 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Changing Things
Lincoln Township Fire Dept
34.33 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beginners Meeting
Evans Avenue Club
38.53 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Aa Speaker
Mustard Seed
Closed, Speaker
39.19 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Aa Speaker Online Only
Mustard Seed In-person and Online
Closed, Online Meeting, Speaker
39.19 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Northwest Edge Alano Club
39.49 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Friday Night Lights
Heartland Recovery Center
39.49 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Changing Things
Lincoln Township Fire Dept
Big Book, Child-Friendly
40.33 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beginners Group
The Program House
Closed, Discussion
41.79 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Saturday AA Meetings in Watseka

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Basic Training
South Suburban Alano Club
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Batavia Beginners Meeting Group
12 Step Fellowship Club
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beckman Park Open Air Meeting
Beckman Park Pavilion
24.44 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beginner’s Sampler
United Methodist Church
In-Person Closed Discussion
26.21 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

In-Person Open Discussion Handicap
27.19 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Changing Directions
Lake Village Presbyterian Church
28.85 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Rensselaer Aa Open Meeting
First Presbyterian Church, Rennselear
32.18 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Jasper Open
First Presbyterian Church
32.33 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Beginners Meeting
Alano Hall
33.42 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Big Book Study
First United Methodist Church
39.19 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Line By Line
United Methodist Church
Big Book, Closed
39.19 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Rock Steady Recovery
Holy Name Catholic Church
43.85 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Aa Meeting 12 Step Study
First United Presbyterian Church
Open, Step Meeting
44.34 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Aa 12 & 12 Promises
Lincoln Park Alano Club
44.79 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

Belvidere Group
103 N State St., Belvidere, IL 61008
46.41 miles from the center of Watseka, IL

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Woodland, Pittwood, Crescent City, and Iroquois

Additional local resources: Watseka NA Meetings | Watseka Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

An AA Meeting is a place where alcoholics and people who struggle with substance abuse gather for one hour to share their experience, strength, and hope. AA Members who attend an Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting in Watseka, Illinois will share their experience getting sober through their personal stories with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem. There is no religion, creed or race, for membership, just the yearn to stop drinking, and live a happy & healthy life without alcohol.

How to Choose an AA Meeting in Watseka, Illinois

It is important when coming to AA that you choose a meeting that is best for where you are at in sobriety. The first type of AA meeting is a new comers meeting and is not solely for new comers but is a meeting that motivates them to speak their truth and ask for help. Another type of meeting would be a single gender meeting, either a men’s meeting or women’s meeting. These types of meeting are closed to the opposite sex. A Closed meeting simply means the group is solely focused on conversations regarding how to maintain sobriety from alcohol. Talking about any other drugs is not allowed. A Step Study is a meeting that is simply focused on a single step and discussed in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are focused on the 12 traditions of AA. Not to be confused with the 12 steps. The traditions are built to maintain order throughout AA and maintaining accountability to these traditions is why you can join an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting anywhere in the world to hear the same message.

How to Get The Most From a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Watseka, Illinois

In order to get the most out of your first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you should remain open minded. Everyone had preconceived notions of what these meeting were and generally it is the same misconception. The most beneficial thing I was told was to sit down, stop talking, pay attention to the message, and modestly ask for help. No matter the type of meeting meeting, the one constant will be message of recovering from hopelessness. The process of recovering from that hopeless state is in asking for help from another alcoholic which you will find in any meeting you choose to start with.