AA Meetings Elmhurst, IL

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Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Elmhurst, Illinois. The closest AA meeting to you is 0.17 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:30 PM. Click here for meetings today (Friday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Elmhurst

Monday Night Big Book Study
95-9057 Online
Big Book, Closed, Online Meeting
0.17 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Monday Night California Group
Covenant Presbyterian Church
0.17 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mon Fellowship
Anona Center East

0.2 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Monday Early Birds
St. Andrew Lutheran Church
Closed, Discussion
0.21 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Monday Aa Burbank
Our Savior Lutheran Church
0.35 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Monday Big Book
Big Book, Online Meeting
0.35 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Monday Brown Baggers Group
St. Mark's Episcopal Church
Closed, Discussion
0.35 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Monday Women’s 12&12 Women
Mokena Fellowship Center In-person and Online
Closed, Online Meeting, Women
0.62 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Monday Women’s Big Book Group Women
12 Step Fellowship Club
Big Book, Closed, Wheelchair Access, Women
0.63 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

First United Methodist
0.87 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Men’s Meeting Men
St. Benedict's Abbey
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Men’s Promises Group Men
Marytown Chapel
Closed, Men
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Men’s Step Meeting Men
95-8733 Online
Closed, English, Men, Online Meeting, Step Meeting
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Men’s Meeting
Grace Point Church
In-Person Closed Literature Handicap
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Merrimac Park Monday Mtg
Merrimac Park Fieldhouse
Closed, Wheelchair Access
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Tuesday AA Meetings in Elmhurst

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Milan Hillcrest
Milan Hillcrest
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
0.63 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Minier Mash
Liberty Baptist Church
0.63 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Miracles At The Link Women
Palos Heights Christian Reformed Church
Closed, Women
0.63 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Men’s Meeting Men
Suburban Fellowship Center
Closed, Men
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mens Big Book Men
Indian Hill Park
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mid Morning Madness
Alano Hall
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mid-morning Serenity
In-Person Closed Step 1,2,3 Handicap
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Lost Sheep Group
Church of Good Shepherd
Not Wheelchair Accessible, Closed
2.06 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Old Town Newcomers Meeting Of Aa
Cornerstone Center
Newcomer, Open
3.06 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Living Sober
Community UMC In-person and Online
Closed, Living Sober, Online Meeting, Wheelchair Access
3.71 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Living Sober
West Section Club
3.71 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Living Sober
Building 10405 Orland Park/153rd Street
3.71 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Lunchtime Group At The Palatine Club
Palatine Club In-person and Online
Closed, Online Meeting
4.08 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

First Congregational Church
Closed, Grapevine
6.18 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Quad A
95-9016 Online
Closed, Online Meeting, Secular
6.22 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Wednesday AA Meetings in Elmhurst

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Men’s Meeting Men
First United Methodist Church
Closed, Men
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Men’s Wednesday
Anona Center West
Closed, Discussion, Smoking Permitted, Wheelchair Access
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mens Men
First Step House
Closed, Men
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mens Priority Men
First United Methodist Church
Closed, Men
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mokena Fellowship Center
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Metamorphosis At Mfc
Mokena Fellowship Center
Closed, Discussion
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mid Morning Madness
Alano Hall
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mid Week Beginners
Shepard on the Hill Church
Closed, Newcomer
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mid Week Group
Shepard on the Hill Church
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

The La Salle Atrium Building
Big Book, Closed
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mid-morning Serenity
In-Person Closed Big Book Handicap
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Open Discussion
Crystal Lake Alano Club
Discussion, Newcomer, Open
3.09 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Last Chance
Last Chance Group Online
Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting, Open
3.71 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Lunchtime Group At The Palatine Club
Palatine Club In-person and Online
Closed, Online Meeting
4 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

One Day At A Time Group
Lord of Life Lutheran Church
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
5.72 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Thursday AA Meetings in Elmhurst

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Mind-full Meditation Aa
Stillwaters Alano Club
0.63 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mixed Nuts
New Life Church
Closed, Daily Reflections
0.87 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Men’s Meeting
Congregation Beth Shalom
Hybrid In-Person/Online Men Closed Discussion
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Men’s Monthly Fellowship, Last Thu/month Men
Libertyville Civic Center
Closed, Men
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Men’s Priority Big Book #iv Men
Temporarily Inactive
Closed, Men
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Men’s Step Study
St. Joseph's Church
Accessible, Closed
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Men’s Step Group
Saint Albans Episcopal Church
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mid Morning Madness
Alano Hall
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Look To This Day Group
West Suburban Alano Club
Closed, Discussion
2.06 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Lost Sheep Group
Church of Good Shepherd
Not Wheelchair Accessible, Closed
2.06 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Old Timer/newcomers
Alano Club
Partially Accessible, Closed
3.06 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Old Timers
Evans Avenue Club
3.06 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Living Sober
Suburban Fellowship Center
3.71 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Living Sober
St. Philip Lutheran Church
Closed, Living Sober
3.71 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Lunchtime Group At The Palatine Club
Palatine Club In-person and Online
Closed, Online Meeting
4.08 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Friday AA Meetings in Elmhurst

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

South Suburban Alano Club
0.87 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mid Morning Madness
Alano Hall
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

The La Salle Atrium Building
Big Book, Closed
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mid-morning Serenity
In-Person Closed Discussion Handicap
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Midday Group
University Baptist Church
English, Open
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Lombard Kitchen Table Group Hybrid
Lombard Mennonite Church In-person and Online
Closed, Discussion, Online Meeting, Wheelchair Access
2.06 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Lost & Found
166266 Temporarily Inactive
2.06 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Lost Sheep Group
Church of Good Shepherd
Not Wheelchair Accessible, Closed
2.06 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Open Door Group
St. Charles Episcopal Church
Closed, Discussion, Step Meeting
3.09 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Lansing Percolators
Bethel Christian Reformed Church
3.71 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Living Sober
United In Faith Lutheran Church
Closed, Living Sober
3.71 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Lunchtime Group At The Palatine Club
Palatine Club
4.08 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Joe & Charlie
Hybrid In-Person/Online Closed Big Book Handicap
4.39 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Popsicle Stick
Recovery House
4.77 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Saturday AA Meetings in Elmhurst

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Mens Priority Big Book – Zoom
Antioch Recovery Club In-person and Online
Big Book, Closed, Online Meeting
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Mens Priority Big Book Men
Antioch Recovery Club
Big Book, Closed, Men
1.51 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Last Chance
Last Chance
2.01 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Looney Tunes
Philo Road Church of Christ
AA Meeting
2.06 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Never Alone Women’s Women
Church of the Brethren
Open, Women
2.21 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Open Discussion
Will County Fellowship Club
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
3.09 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Living Sober
Community United Methodist Church
Hybrid In-Person/Online Closed Discussion Handicap
3.71 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

In Person Noontime Meeting
Fox Valley Fellowship Center
Discussion, Closed, Wheelchair Access aa meeting
6.18 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Kitchen Table Discussion
Round Lake Alano Club
Closed, Discussion
6.5 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Language Of The Heart
Language of the Heart Online
Online Meeting, Open
6.53 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Genesis Group Ii Hybrid
Christian Church of Villa Park In-person and Online
Closed, Discussion, Online Meeting, Wheelchair Access
6.65 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

La Estrella Del Oriente
Lake Edge Alano Klub
6.87 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Granite City Breakfast Group
Discussion, Open
6.99 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Ladies/men Group
Harvey 100 Club
7.01 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

Lake Forest Beach Meeting
Lake Forest Beach, North Pavilion
7.01 miles from the center of Elmhurst, IL

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Berkeley, Villa Park, Northlake, and Yorkfield

Additional local resources: Elmhurst NA Meetings | Elmhurst Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

An AA Meeting is a place where alcoholics and people who struggle with addiction gather for one hour to discuss their experience, strength, and hope. AA Members who attend an Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting in Elmhurst, Illinois will share their experience getting sober through their personal anecdotes with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem. There is no religion, creed or race, for membership, just the yearn to stop drinking, and live a fulfilling existence without alcohol.

Choosing An AA Meeting in Elmhurst, Illinois

There are a many different AA meetings in Elmhurst, Illinois. Before selecting the meeting that you are going to join, it is helpful to know the different types of AA meetings and who can attend each one.

Open Meeting of AA – An Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is open to anyone who wishes to attend. You do not have to have an alcohol addiction to go to an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. Friends, family, and children can join these meetings.

Closed Meeting of AA – A Closed meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is only for those who have a desire to get sober. It is not open to friends or family.

Big Book Meeting – At Big Book meetings, a member will usually read out of the Big Book and follow the reading with a discussion amongst its members.

Speaker Meeting – At an AA speaker meeting, a member of AA will tell their story and share their experience, strength, and hope with fellow members of AA. The speaker may or may not take up all of the time and an sometimes they open the floor to discussion at the end.

AA Literature Meeting – A literature meeting usually involves reading from one of the AA approved pieces of literature and an sometimes they open the floor to discussion at the end or a speaker about the literature of topic.

Step Study – An AA step study typically focuses on one or two steps per meeting. This can involve a speaker lead discussion about a particular step, literature reading, and may or may not be followed by a discussion about the step(s).

Meditation Meeting – A meditation meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous can involve deep reflection for a portion of the meeting or even the whole time. The meditation may be guided and then followed by a discussion.

Traditions AA Meeting – One or more of the AA traditions will be discussed in depth. This can be done with a speaker, literature lead, and may or may not be followed by a dialogue.

Because each Elmhurst AA meeting is autonomous, they are able to run each meeting as they see fit. Variation of meeting formats is common and you can also find AA meetings in Elmhurst that do not. We recommend reaching out to the local AA intergroup to get more information on AA Meetings in Elmhurst, Illinois, or navigating to aa.org to locate more information.

How to Get The Most From an AA Meeting in Elmhurst, Illinois

The best way to get the most out of your first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you should remain open minded. We all had an idea of what these meeting were and generally it is the same misconception. The one piece of advice I was ever given was to sit down, stop talking, pay attention to the message, and humbly ask for help. At any meeting, there will be the same message of recovering from hopelessness. The process of recovering from that hopeless state is in asking for help from another person suffering from alcoholism which you will find in any AA meeting you choose to start with.