AA Meetings Falls Village, CT

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Falls Village, Connecticut. The closest AA meeting to you is 0.27 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Thursday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Falls Village

Falls Village Big Book Group
Congregational Church
Big Book, Closed
0.27 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Lakeville Daybreak Group
Masonic Temple
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
4.3 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Lakeville Nooners Group
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Big Book, Open, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
4.3 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Canaan Village Group
Canaan United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
4.93 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Turning Point Amenia Group
Immaculate Conception Church
Step Study Meeting Closed AA Meeting
12.93 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Big Book
First Congregational Church
Big Book, Open
14.37 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

The Way Out Group
United Methodist Church
Big Book, Discussion, Open
14.65 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

We Agnostics
Senior Center
Discussion, Open
15 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Fernwood Aa Group
Fernwood Rest Home
Discussion, Open
15.88 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Blue Door Speaker Group
Trinity Episcopal Church
Discussion, Open, Speaker
15.99 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Women For Sobriety Group Women
Paris Park, Suite D
Discussion, Open, Women
15.99 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Keep It Simple
First Congregational Church
Open, Step Meeting
16.43 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Kent Monday Night Step Group
First Congregational Church
Discussion, Open, Step Meeting
16.98 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Bantam Monday Night Step Group
St. Pauls Church
Closed, Discussion, Step Meeting
17.12 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Litchfield Group
St Michael's Episcopal Church
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
17.71 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Tuesday AA Meetings in Falls Village

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Lakeville Daybreak Group
Masonic Temple
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
4.3 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Lakeville Nooners Group
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
4.3 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Canaan Young Peoples Group
Canaan United Methodist Church
Open, Speaker, Young People
4.93 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

The Journey Begins Group
Trinity Glen
Discussion, Open, Speaker
6.24 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Happy Hour Group
Sharon Community Ctr
Closed, Discussion
7.89 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Under The Bridge Group
St. Bridget's Church
Big Book, Open
10.22 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

High Watch Recovery Center
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
13.59 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Winsted Step Group
United Methodist Church
Closed, Discussion, Step Meeting
14.65 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Pine Plains Group
Methodist Church
Speaker Meeting Closed AA Meeting
15.71 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Pine Plains Group
Methodist Church
Speaker Meeting Closed AA Meeting
15.71 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Grove Street Mens Group Men
Sacred Heart Church Convent
Closed, Discussion, Men, Step Meeting
15.98 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

A New Freedom And A New Happiness Group Women
Trinity Episcopal Church
Closed, Step Meeting, Women
15.99 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Keep It Simple
First Congregational Church
Big Book, Discussion, Open
16.43 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Tuesday Non-smokers Discussion Group
St Michael's Episcopal Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
17.71 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Satan’s Kingdom Group
Pleasant Valley United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
19.24 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Wednesday AA Meetings in Falls Village

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Womens Big Book Group Women
Noble Horizons
Big Book, Open, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom, Women
4.22 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Lakeville Daybreak Group
Masonic Temple
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
4.3 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Lakeville Nooners Group
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Closed, Discussion, Step Meeting, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
4.3 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Lakeville Group
Methodist Church
Discussion, Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
4.34 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Lime Rock Wednesday Group
Trinity Episcopal Church
Open, Speaker
4.63 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Sheffield 12 & 12 Group
Our Lady of the Valley Church
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Closed, Discussion
10.66 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Sobriety & Beyond
First Congregational Church
Closed, Step Meeting
14.37 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Each Day A New Beginning Group Women
United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open, Women
14.65 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Copake Rap Group
United Methodist Church House
Speaker Meeting Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
14.91 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Mad River Group
First Church of Winsted
Discussion, Open
15.38 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

As Bill Sees It Group
Behind Prime Time House
Closed, Discussion
15.69 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Mens Night Out Group Men
Trinity Episcopal Church
Discussion, Men, Open
15.99 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Keep It Simple
First Congregational Church
Discussion, Open
16.43 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Steps To The Heart Group
Lourdes Shrine - Montfort House
Discussion, Open, Step Meeting
16.49 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Kent Women’s Meeting Women
St. Andrew's Parish House
Closed, Discussion, Women
17.24 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Thursday AA Meetings in Falls Village

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

We Came To Believe Group
Congregational Church
Discussion, Open
0.27 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Lakeville Daybreak Group
Masonic Temple
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
4.3 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Lakeville Nooners Group
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
4.3 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Happy Hour Group
Sharon Community Ctr
Closed, Step Meeting
7.89 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Step Discussion Group
St. Peters Evangelical Lutheran Church
Closed, Discussion, Step Meeting
7.97 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Goshen Big Book Group
Congregational Church Parish Hall
Big Book, Open, Wheelchair Access
11.09 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Grove Street Mens Group Men
Sacred Heart Church Convent
Discussion, Men, Open
14.46 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Uptown Thursday Night Group
United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open
14.65 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Women’s Group Women
Senior Center
Closed, Discussion, Women
15 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Early Birds Group
Center Congregational Church
Discussion, Open
16.07 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

The Friends Of Bill Group
AME Zion Church
Discussion, Open
16.1 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Keep It Simple
First Congregational Church
Discussion, Open
16.43 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Men’s Group Men
First Congregational Church
Closed, Discussion, Men
16.43 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Sober Living Group
Sullivan Senior Center
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
16.63 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Thursday Morning Kent Big Book Group
St. Andrew's Parish House
Big Book, Open
17.24 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Friday AA Meetings in Falls Village

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Mountainside Group
Mountainside Treatment Center
Discussion, Open, Speaker
1.38 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Lakeville Daybreak Group
Masonic Temple
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
4.3 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Lakeville Nooners Group
St. Mary's Catholic Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
4.3 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Sharon Hospital Group
Sharon Hospital Cafeteria
Discussion, Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access
8.28 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Do Drop In Group
Winchester Center Congregational Church
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
10.95 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

11th Step Speaker Group
United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open, Step Meeting
14.65 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Living Sober
Senior Center
Discussion, Open
15 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Southern Berkshire Group
Senior Center
Discussion, Open, Speaker
15 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Back To Zero Group
Church of St. John in the Wilderness
Step Study Meeting Closed AA Meeting
15.42 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Friday Night 4th Step Awareness Group
Behind Prime Time House
Discussion, Open, Step Meeting, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
15.69 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Pine Plains Group
Methodist Church
Speaker Meeting Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
15.71 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Pine Plains Group
Methodist Church
Speaker Meeting Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
15.71 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Steps To Spirituality Group
AME Zion Church
Discussion, Open, Step Meeting
16.1 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Grapevine Group
Charlotte Hungerford Hospital Cafeteria
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
16.17 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Saturday AA Meetings in Falls Village

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Falls Village Saturday Step Group
Congregational Church
Discussion, Open, Step Meeting
0.27 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Lakeville Daybreak Group
Masonic Temple
Open, Step Meeting, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
4.3 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Millerton/pathfinders Group
Presbyterian Church
Speaker Meeting Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
7.86 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Millerton/pathfinders Group
Presbyterian Church
Speaker Meeting Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
7.86 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Goshen Big Book Step Study Group
Congregational Church Parish Hall
Big Book, Closed, Wheelchair Access
11.09 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

High Watch Farm Group
High Watch Recovery Center
Open, Speaker, Wheelchair Access, Wheelchair-Accessible Bathroom
13.59 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Laurel City Group
United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open, Speaker
14.65 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Main Street Group
United Methodist Church
Discussion, Open
14.65 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Saturday Morning 12 & 12 Group
Trinity Episcopal Church
Closed, Discussion, Step Meeting
15.99 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Open Big Book Group
Center Congregational Church
Big Book, Open
16.07 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

All Welcome
Fairview Hospital
Discussion, Open, Wheelchair Access
16.15 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Keep It Simple
First Congregational Church
Open, Speaker
16.43 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Beginners Waltz Group
First Assembly of God
Discussion, Newcomer, Open, Step Meeting
17.08 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Bantam Saturday Night Group
St. Pauls Church
Discussion, Open
17.12 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

Sobriety On The Green
St Michael's Episcopal Church
As Bill Sees It, Discussion, Open, Speaker
17.71 miles from the center of Falls Village, CT

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Lakeville, Canaan, Millerton, and Sharon

Additional local resources: Falls Village NA Meetings | Falls Village Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

A meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is a place where alcoholics and people who struggle with drug use gather for one hour to share their experience, strength, and hope. AA Members who attend an Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting in Falls Village, Connecticut will share their experience getting sober through their personal stories with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem. There is no religion, creed or race, for membership, just the yearn to get sober, and live a fulfilling existence without alcohol.

The Best Method of Selecting an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Falls Village, Connecticut

It is important when coming to Alcoholics Anonymous that you pick a meeting that is suited for where you are at in sobriety. The first type of meeting is a new comers meeting and is not solely for new comers but is a meeting that encourages members to speak their truth and accept help. Another type of meeting would be a gender specific meeting, either a men’s meeting or women’s meeting. These types of meeting are closed to the opposite sex. A Closed meeting simply means the group is solely focused on conversations regarding how to stay sober from alcohol. Talking about any other illicit substances is not allowed. A Step Study is a gathering that is simply a specific step and spoken about in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are based off the 12 traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Not to be confused with the 12 steps. The traditions are built to maintain order throughout Alcoholics Anonymous and holding each group accountable to these traditions is the reason you can attend an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting anywhere in across the globe to hear the same message.

How to Get The Most From an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Falls Village, Connecticut

The best way to get the most out of your first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you should remain open minded. We all had an idea of what these meeting were and generally it is the same misconception. The best advice I ever got was to sit down, stop talking, listen to the message, and humbly ask for help. Regardless of the meeting, the one constant will be message of recovering from hopelessness. The process of recovering from that hopeless state is in asking for help from another person suffering from alcohol addiction which you will find in any Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you choose as your first.