AA Meetings Creede, CO

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Creede, Colorado. The closest AA meeting to you is 0.04 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Thursday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Creede

Discussion Meeting
Creede Community Church
Discussion, Open
0.04 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Women’s Meeting Women
Masonic Hall
Discussion, Women
33.47 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Pagosa Big Book Study
Pagosa Springs Clubhouse
Big Book, Closed
40.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Pagosa Noon
Pagosa Springs Clubhouse
Discussion, Open
40.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Gunnison Guzzlers
Last Resort Club
48.08 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Gunnison Guzzlers
Last Resort Club
Open, Tradition Study
48.08 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Gunnison Guzzlers
Last Resort Club
48.08 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Telluride Group
Christ Presbyterian Church
As Bill Sees It, Open
48.82 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Up To Ouray In Aa
Ouray Public Health Clinic
49.3 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Vallecito Group
Vallecito Church
Discussion, Open
56 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Maniac Monday
St. Thomas Episcopal Church Parish Hall
Discussion, Open
62.23 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
Newcomer, Open, Step Meeting
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
Discussion, Open
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Tuesday AA Meetings in Creede

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Lake City Aa
Presbyterian Church Annex
24.7 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Pagosa Mens Men
Pagosa Springs Clubhouse
Closed, Men
40.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Pagosa Noon
Pagosa Springs Clubhouse
Discussion, Open
40.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Principles Before Personalities Group
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church
Big Book, Closed
42.17 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Gunnison Guzzlers
Last Resort Club
48.08 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Tuesday Pm Meeting
Good Samaritan Church
48.09 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Telluride Group
Christ Presbyterian Church
48.82 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Up To Ouray In Aa
Ouray Public Health Clinic
49.3 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Bayfield Early Bird Group
Lions Club
Discussion, Open
56 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Solution Starts Here Group
Church of Christ
Newcomer, Open
56 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Early Serenity Step Meeting
St. Thomas Episcopal Church Parish Hall
Open, Step Meeting
62.23 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Peace And Serenity
First Christian Church
Discussion, Open
63.6 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
Big Book, Open
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
Discussion, Open, Tradition Study
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Wednesday AA Meetings in Creede

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Discussion Meeting
Masonic Hall
Discussion, Open
33.47 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Wednesday Night Silverton
Congregational Church Parsonage
Discussion, Open
40.47 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Just For Today
Pagosa Springs Clubhouse
40.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Pagosa Noon
Pagosa Springs Clubhouse
Discussion, Open
40.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Step/study Meeting
Pagosa Springs Clubhouse
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Open
40.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Gunnison Guzzlers
Last Resort Club
48.08 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Gunnison Guzzlers
Last Resort Club
48.08 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Telluride Group
Christ Presbyterian Church
48.82 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Ridgway 12 & 12 Group
Ridgway Community Church
49.89 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
Discussion, Open
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
Discussion, Grapevine, Open
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Closed Meeting
St. Thomas Episcopal Church Parish Hall
Closed, Discussion
64.75 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Central Group
Animas Alano Club
Discussion, Open
64.79 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Central Group
Animas Alano Club
Discussion, Open
64.79 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Thursday AA Meetings in Creede

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Discussion Meeting
Creede Community Church
Discussion, Open
0.04 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Lake City Aa
Presbyterian Church Annex
24.7 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Pagosa Newcomers
Pagosa Springs Clubhouse
Newcomer, Open
40.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Pagosa Noon
Pagosa Springs Clubhouse
Discussion, Open
40.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Principles Before Personalities Group
St. Patrick's Episcopal Church
Discussion, Open
42.17 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Gunnison Guzzlers
Last Resort Club
48.08 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Gunnison Guzzlers
Last Resort Club
48.08 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Telluride Group
Alpine Chapel
Big Book, Open
48.8 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Bayfield Styx Group
Christian Church
Discussion, Open
56 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Burly Building Thursdays At 6:00 Pm
Burly Building
61.37 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Early Serenity Closed Meeting
St. Thomas Episcopal Church Parish Hall
Closed, Discussion
62.23 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Peace And Serenity
First Christian Church
Discussion, Open
63.6 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
Discussion, Open
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
Discussion, Open
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Friday AA Meetings in Creede

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Pagosa Group
Pagosa Springs Clubhouse
Discussion, Open
40.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Pagosa Noon
Pagosa Springs Clubhouse
Discussion, Open
40.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Gunnison Guzzlers
Last Resort Club
48.08 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Gunnison Guzzlers
Last Resort Club
48.08 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Telluride Group
Christ Presbyterian Church
Open, Speaker
48.82 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Telluride Group
Christ Presbyterian Church
48.82 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Up To Ouray In Aa
Ouray Public Health Clinic
Big Book, Open
49.3 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Bayfield Early Bird Group
Lions Club
Discussion, Open
56 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Grapevine Meeting
Sacred Heart School
Grapevine, Open
62.23 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
Discussion, Open
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
Discussion, Open
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Central Group
Animas Alano Club
Open, Step Meeting
64.79 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Central Group
Animas Alano Club
Discussion, Open
64.79 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Saturday AA Meetings in Creede

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Discussion Meeting
Creede Community Church
Discussion, Open
0.04 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Lake City Aa
Presbyterian Church Annex
24.7 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Attitude Adjustment
Pagosa Springs Clubhouse
Discussion, Open
40.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Pagosa Group
Pagosa Springs Clubhouse
Open, Speaker
40.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Gunnison Guzzlers
Last Resort Club
48.08 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Gunnison Guzzlers
Last Resort Club
48.08 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Women In Recovery Women
Last Resort Club
Open, Women
48.08 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Telluride Group
Christ Presbyterian Church
48.82 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Up To Ouray In Aa
Ouray Public Health Clinic
Newcomer, Open
49.3 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Night Life
Discussion, Open
63.84 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
Discussion, Open
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Cornerstone Group
Durango Cornerstone Group
Birthday, Open
63.95 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Central Group
Animas Alano Club
Discussion, Open
64.79 miles from the center of Creede, CO

Durango Central Group
Animas Alano Club
64.79 miles from the center of Creede, CO

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Cathedral, South Fork, Alpine, and Gerrard

Additional local resources: Creede NA Meetings | Creede Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

An AA Meeting is a place where alcoholics and people who struggle with drug use gather for one hour to share their experience, strength, and hope. AA Members who attend an Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting in Creede, Colorado will share their experience getting sober through their personal anecdotes with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem. There is no religion, creed or race, for membership, just the want to achieve sobriety, and live a happy & healthy existence without alcohol.

How to Choose an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Creede, Colorado

It is important when coming to Alcoholics Anonymous that you pick a meeting that is best for where you are at in sobriety. The first type of AA meeting is a new comers meeting and is not limited to only new comers but is a meeting that encourages them to speak their truth and reach out for help. The second type of meeting would be a gender specific meeting, either a men’s meeting or women’s meeting. These types of meeting are not opened to the opposite sex. A Closed meeting simply means the group is solely focused on conversations regarding how to stay sober from alcohol. Speaking of any other illicit substances is not allowed. A Step Study is a meeting that is simply focused on a single step and spoken about in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are based off the 12 traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Not to be confused with the 12 steps. The traditions are built to maintain order throughout Alcoholics Anonymous and maintaining accountability to these traditions is why you can attend an AA Meeting anywhere in across the globe to hear the same message.

How to Get The Most From a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Creede, Colorado

The most successful members of AA tend to find success through getting involved in the program. If you are attending your first AA meeting and really want to get sober, we advise following the suggestions of the AA members that have come before you.

It is important that you reach your hand out and ask for help. Part of not drinking is helping the new attendees of AA in Creede live a sober life, so people are going to be want to help you get sober too. Raise your hand, introduce yourself, admit that you need help.