AA Meetings Villa Park, CA

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Villa Park, California. The closest AA meeting to you is 0.09 miles away and meets on MONDAY at 7:30 AM. Click here for meetings today (Monday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Villa Park

24 Hr. Book Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
0.09 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Attitude Modification

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
0.09 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Beginners Disc.

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.92 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Sur California

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.06 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Sur California

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.06 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

12 & 12 Steps/trad. Study

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Nuevo Modena

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Rush Hour Discussion

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA


Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Taking Care Of Business

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Women’s Experience, Strength & Hope

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

6:00 Am Foothill Early Risers

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
3.56 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Women’s 12&12 Study

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
3.56 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Tuesday AA Meetings in Villa Park

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

24 Hr. Book Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
0.09 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Sur California

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.06 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Sur California

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.06 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA


Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Nuevo Modena

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Rush Hour Discussion

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Step Study

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Un Futuro Mejor

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
4.86 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Ave Fenix

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
4.87 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

12 X 12

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
5.05 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Esperanza De Vivir

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
5.05 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Eye-opener Table Pounding

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
5.05 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Happy Hour

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
5.05 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Wednesday AA Meetings in Villa Park

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

24 Hr. Book Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
0.09 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Attitude Modification

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
0.09 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Sur California

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.06 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Sur California

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.06 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Chapman & Lewis Aa Meeting

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Crawl Before No One

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Early Bird Discussion

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Keep It Simple

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Nuevo Modena

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Rush Hour Discussion

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Women’s Meeting

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
3.1 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Alkies Only

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
3.23 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Thursday AA Meetings in Villa Park

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Attitude Modification

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
0.09 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

24 Hr. Book Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
0.26 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Men’s Big Book Study – Orange

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.92 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

All About Me Newcomers Men’s Stag

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.36 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

777 Beginners Men’s

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA


Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Enjoying Life Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

How It Works

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Living In The Solution

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Newcomers Discussion

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Nuevo Modena

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Rush Hour Discussion

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Friday AA Meetings in Villa Park

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

24 Hr. Book Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
0.09 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Attitude Modification

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
0.09 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Sur California

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.06 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Sur California

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.06 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

As Bill Sees It Topic Discussion

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA


Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

No Puffers Speaker

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Nuevo Modena

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Quality Serenity

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Rush Hour Discussion

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA


Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Saturday AA Meetings in Villa Park

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

24 Hr. Book Group

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
0.09 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Attitude Modification

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
0.09 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Que Somos Hoy

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
1.38 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Candlelite Discussion

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA


Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Not A Glum Lot

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Nuevo Modena

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA


Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Podium Participation

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
2.49 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Rush Hour Discussion

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
3.1 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

6:00 Am Foothill Early Risers

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
3.56 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Un Futuro Mejor

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
4.86 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

Ave Fenix

Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
4.87 miles from the center of Villa Park, CA

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Orange, Orange Park Acres, Panorama Heights, and Anaheim

Additional local resources: Villa Park NA Meetings | Villa Park Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

Alcoholics Anonymous is a program created to help its members obtain sobriety. It is free to attend a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Villa Park, California as the funding is voluntary based only from its members.

Alcoholics Anonymous is among the most commonly known programs in the United States and around the world that helps countless men and women overcome their alcoholism in the pursuit of lifelong recovery. They are commonly made up of small groups of individuals who share their experiences getting sober and are there to help new members obtain sobriety.

The Best Method of Selecting an AA Meeting in Villa Park, California

It is important when coming to AA that you select a meeting that is best for where you are at in sobriety. The first type of Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is a new comers meeting and is not limited to only new comers but is a meeting that motivates them to share their stories and accept help. The next type of meeting would be a single gender meeting, which is only open to either men or women. A Closed meeting simply means the group is solely focused on conversations regarding how to maintain sobriety from alcohol. Speaking of any other illicit substances is not allowed. A Step Study is a gathering that is simply a specific step and spoken about in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings revolve around the 12 traditions of AA. The 12 traditions are not the same as the 12 steps. The traditions are built to maintain order throughout AA and maintaining accountability to these traditions is the reason you can join a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous anywhere in across the globe to hear the same message.

How to Get The Most From an AA Meeting in Villa Park, California

The members who benefit the most from AA have found success through going more for the program than just attending meetings. For addicts who are attending their first AA meeting and really want to get sober, we suggest following the suggestions of the AA members that have been a part of AA for a while.

It is important that you accept where you are at with you sobriety and accept help. Part of staying sober is helping the newcomers of AA in Villa Park maintain their sobriety, so people are going to be open to helping you not drink too. Raise your hand, introduce yourself, admit that you need help.