AA Meetings Clay, AL

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Clay, Alabama. The closest AA meeting to you is 4.22 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Friday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Clay

Center Point
Pinson United Methodist Church
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, A, AT
4.22 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Clear Branch Methodist (Women Only)
Women's Only Meeting
4.35 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Huffman United Methodist
Open Discussion AA Meeting
8.39 miles from the center of Clay, AL

By The Book
First United Methodist (last Monday of month is an Open Speaker meeting)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
9.06 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Leeds Group (Next to Ryan's Automotive - 1st & 3rd Monday - Traditions Study)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
11.4 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Uab Young Timers
UAB Center for Psychiatric Medicine, Room C290
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
13.34 miles from the center of Clay, AL

New Meeting
Mt. Hermon AME Zion
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
13.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Warrior Community Center (use rear door)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
14.03 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Salvation Army - No meetings until after September 2012
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
14.46 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Avondale United Methodist Chruch
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
15.85 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Independent Presbyterian Church, Room 305 (enter from Highland Ave side)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

New Hope
Shepherd Of The Hills Lutheren
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Beginners Meeting, Wheelchair Accessible, A
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Starting Over
Shepherd Of The Hills Lutheren
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Childcare Provided
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Womens Acceptance
Canterbury United Methodist, Rm 144
Closed Big Book AA Meeting, Closed Step Study AA Meeting
16.28 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Advent Episcopal Cathedral, Ground Floor
Closed Step Study AA Meeting
16.55 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Tuesday AA Meetings in Clay

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Center Point
Pinson United Methodist Church
Closed Big Book AA Meeting, Closed Step Study AA Meeting
4.22 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Moody Crossroads
Whites Chapel Community Center
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
4.29 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Clear Branch Methodist
Open Discussion AA Meeting
4.35 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Methodist Church Annex (House behind Church)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
5.34 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Leeds Group (Between Ryan's Automotive and Army Surplus Store)
Open Discussion AA Meeting
11.4 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Mount Olive
Mt. Olive Alliance Church
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, A, Wheelchair Accessible
15.4 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Avondale United Methodist Church (Meditation Meeting)
Open Discussion Meeting-G
15.85 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Mountain Brook
St Lukes Episcopal Church
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
15.89 miles from the center of Clay, AL

St. Thomas Episcopal
Closed Step Study AA Meeting
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Salvation Army Rehab
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Prime Time
Shades Mountain Church of Christ
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Advent Episcopal Cathedral, Ground Floor
Closed Step Study AA Meeting
16.55 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Five Points
JAFI Jefferson Alcoholic Foundation
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous & Women's Only Meeting
17.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Five Points
JAFI Jefferson Alcoholic Foundation
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Beginners Meeting
17.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

JAFI Jefferson Alcoholic Foundation
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
17.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Wednesday AA Meetings in Clay

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Methodist Church Annex (House behind Church)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, A
5.34 miles from the center of Clay, AL

By The Book
First United Methodist
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
9.06 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Wilson Chapel United Methodist
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, A
9.87 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Leeds Group (Between Ryan's Automotive and Army Surplus Store)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
11.4 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Fultondale Jay-walkers
Fultondale Friendship Hall
Open Discussion Meeting, Wheelchair Accessible
12.71 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Independent Presbyterian Church, Room 305 (enter from Highland Ave side)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Starting Over
Shepherd Of The Hills Lutheren
Open Discussion AA Meeting
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Womens Acceptance
Canterbury United Methodist, Rm 144
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
16.28 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Advent Episcopal Cathedral, Ground Floor
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
16.55 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Five Points
JAFI Jefferson Alcoholic Foundation
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
17.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Five Points
JAFI Jefferson Alcoholic Foundation
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Beginners Meeting
17.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

JAFI Jefferson Alcoholic Foundation
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
17.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Fellowship House
Fellowship House
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
17.82 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Westwood Baptist Church
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
18.87 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Serenity Now
Our Lady of Sorrows, Scout Room (Park on top of parking deck in back)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
19.91 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Thursday AA Meetings in Clay

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Palmerdale United Methodist (House behind Church)
Open Discussion AA Meeting
4.22 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Moody Crossroads
Whites Chapel Community Center
Open Discussion AA Meeting
4.29 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Clear Branch Methodist
Open Discussion AA Meeting
4.35 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Huffman United Methodist
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
8.39 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Leeds Group (Between Ryan's Automotive and Army Surplus Store)
Closed Big Book AA Meeting
11.4 miles from the center of Clay, AL

North Jefferson Group
Eagles' Wing Church
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Closed Big Book AA Meeting
12.03 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Good Shepard
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church

12.38 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Irondale United Methodist (House behind Church)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
12.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Mountain Brook
St Lukes Episcopal Church
Open Discussion AA Meeting
15.89 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Not Quite Right
Hayden United Methodist (off hwy 160 - 277 3RD ST)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Wheelchair Accessible
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

St. Thomas Episcopal
Closed Big Book AA Meeting
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Advent Episcopal Cathedral, Ground Floor
Closed Big Book AA Meeting
16.55 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Highland Park
First Lutheran
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
17.06 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Five Points
JAFI Jefferson Alcoholic Foundation
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
17.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Five Points
JAFI Jefferson Alcoholic Foundation
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Beginners Meeting
17.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Friday AA Meetings in Clay

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Center Point
Pinson United Methodist Church
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
4.22 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Methodist Church Annex (House behind Church)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
5.34 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Huffman United Methodist
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, A
8.39 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Leeds Group (Between Ryan's Automotive and Army Surplus Store)
Open Discussion Meeting, Beginners Meeting
11.4 miles from the center of Clay, AL

More Hope Indeed
Lighthouse Ministries
Open Discussion AA Meeting
14.34 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Mount Olive
Mt. Olive Alliance Church
Open Speaker Meeting or Open Discussion Meeting, Wheelchair Accessible
15.4 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Alethia House (7-8:30)
Open Discussion AA Meeting
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

New Hope
Shepherd Of The Hills Lutheren (1st Friday - Open Speaker)
Open Discussion Meeting, Beginners Meeting, Wheelchair Accessible
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Starting Over
Shepherd Of The Hills Lutheren
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Childcare Provided
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Womens Acceptance
Canterbury United Methodist, Rm 144
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
16.28 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Advent Episcopal Cathedral, Ground Floor
Open Discussion AA Meeting
16.55 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Live And Let Live
Unity Church
Open Discussion Meeting, G
16.62 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Highland Park
First Lutheran
Open Step Studay
17.06 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Southside Baptist, 2nd Floor (Enter on 10th Court side of Church)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Wheelchair Accessible
17.46 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Saturday AA Meetings in Clay

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Methodist Church Annex (House behind Church)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
5.34 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Leeds Group (Between Ryan's Automotive and Army Surplus Store)
Open Speaker Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
11.4 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Blount County*
Trailer Behind Shiloh Methodist
Open Discussion Meeting or Open Speaker Meeting
15.41 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Not Quite Right
Hayden United Methodist (off hwy 160 - 277 3RD ST)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Wheelchair Accessible
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Independent Presbyterian Church, Room 305 (enter from Highland Ave side)
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Metro Bb Study
South Highland Presbyterian
Closed Big Book AA Meeting
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

New Hope
Shepherd Of The Hills Lutheren
Open Big Book Meeting
16.08 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Early Risers
Canterbury Unitied Methodist
Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, A
16.28 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Hope Downtown
Church of the Reconciler
Open Discussion AA Meeting
17.03 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Five Points
JAFI Jefferson Alcoholic Foundation
Closed Step Study AA Meeting
17.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Five Points
JAFI Jefferson Alcoholic Foundation
Open Discussion AA Meeting
17.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Five Points
JAFI Jefferson Alcoholic Foundation
Open Discussion AA Meeting
17.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Five Points
JAFI Jefferson Alcoholic Foundation
Open Discussion AA Meeting
17.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

Five Points
JAFI Jefferson Alcoholic Foundation (Young at Heart)
Open Discussion Meeting, Beginners Meeting
17.61 miles from the center of Clay, AL

29-13 N Birmingham

Closed Discussion Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
17.64 miles from the center of Clay, AL

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Pinson, Grayson Valley, Trussville, and Village Springs

Additional local resources: Clay NA Meetings | Clay Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

AA is a fellowship created to help its members get sober. Attendance is free at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Clay, Alabama as the funding is accepted on a [donation from its members.

AA is one of most commonly known programs in the United States and around the world that helps countless men and women overcome their alcohol dependance in the pursuit of lifelong recovery. Alcoholics Anonymous meetings are commonly made up of small groups of individuals who share their experiences achieving sobriety and are there to help new members get sober.

Choosing An AA Meeting in Clay, Alabama

There are a a lot of different AA meetings in Clay, Alabama. Before selecting the meeting that you are going to attend, it is important to know the different types of AA meetings and what happens at each one.

Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous – An Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is open to anyone who has a desire to attend. You do not have to be an alcoholic to go to an open meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous. Friends, family, and children can attend these meetings.

Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous – A Closed AA Meeting is only for those who have a desire to get sober. It is not open to friends or family.

Big Book Meeting – At Big Book meetings, a member will commonly read out of the Big Book and then encourage its members to discuss the meeting.

Speaker Meeting – At an Alcoholics Anonymous speaker meeting, a member of Alcoholics Anonymous will tell their story and share their experience, strength, and hope with fellow members of Alcoholics Anonymous. The speaker may or may not talk through the duration of the meeting and an sometimes they open the floor to discussion at the end.

Alcoholics Anonymous Literature Meeting – A literature meeting commonly revolves around reading from one of the Alcoholics Anonymous approved pieces of literature and can often be followed by a discussion amongst the members or a speaker about the literature of topic.

Step Study – An Alcoholics Anonymous step study usually focuses on a specific step or 2 per meeting. This can involve a speaker lead discussion about a particular step, literature reading, and might be followed by a discussion about the step(s).

Meditation Meeting – A Meditation AA Meeting can involve deep reflection for a portion of the meeting or even the length of the meeting. The meditation may be guided and then followed by a discussion.

Traditions Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting – One or more of the Alcoholics Anonymous traditions will be discussed in thoroughly. This can be done with a speaker, literature lead, and might be followed by a discussion.

Because each Clay Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is autonomous, they are able to run each meeting as they see fit. Some meeting formats may vary and you can also find Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Clay that do not. We recommend calling the local Alcoholics Anonymous intergroup to find out more information on Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings in Clay, Alabama, or visiting aa.org to locate more information.

How to Get The Most From an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Clay, Alabama

The best way to get the most out of your first AA meeting you should remain open minded. Everyone had preconceived notions of what these meeting were and generally it is the same misconception. The most beneficial thing I was told was to sit down, stop talking, pay attention to the message, and modestly ask for help. Regardless of the meeting, there will be the same message of recovering from hopelessness. The process of recovering from that hopeless state is in asking for help from another addict which you will find in any Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you choose to make your first.