AA Meetings Shorewood, WI

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Shorewood, Wisconsin. The closest AA meeting to you is 9.25 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Friday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Shorewood

New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Monday Night Mequon Men’s
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Step
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

More About Alcoholism
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Women’s Big Book
Christ Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Men’s
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Topic
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Topic
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Time To Start Living Group
Brookfield Congregational Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.84 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Just Do It Group
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.12 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Monday Night Action Group
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.12 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Brookfield Unity Group
Unity Lutheran Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.29 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Monday Night Fox River Group
Fox River Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
17.07 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Just For You Group
First United Methodist Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
18.14 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Beginners Meeting
Waukesha Alano Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
18.3 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Tuesday AA Meetings in Shorewood

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Aa Beginner’s
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Big Book
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Big Book
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Topic
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Big Book
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Topic
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Topic/step
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Distrct 24 Business Meeting 3rd Tuesday Of Month Only
The Peltz Center for Jewish Life
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.98 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Group # 125
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.12 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Tuesday Night Topic Group
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.12 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Recovery Group
Calvary Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.29 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Terrific Tuesday Big Book
St. Francis Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.75 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Big Book
Advent Lutheran Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
14.29 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Clockwise Group
Peace United Methodist Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
14.36 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Tuesday Night Grapevine Group
Peace United Methodist Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
14.36 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Wednesday AA Meetings in Shorewood

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Aa Promises
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Step
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Topic
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Women’s Lifeline
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Big Book
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Topic
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Women’s
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Wednesday Night Recovery
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.12 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Fireside Group
Brookfield Lutheran Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.29 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Young At Heart Group
Plano Christian Church
Discussion, Closed aa meeting
12.29 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

New Hope Group
Trinity UCC Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.81 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Menomonee Falls Wed Night
Gloria Dei Lutheran Chruch
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.4 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Menomonee Falls Wednesday
Gloria Dei Lutheran Chruch
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.4 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Living Sober
Lutheran Church of the Living Christ
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.68 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Serenity
Cedar Mills Medical Group
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
14 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Thursday AA Meetings in Shorewood

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Aa Topic
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Thr 5:30 Pm Topic Gp
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Women’s Aa Group
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Step/topic
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Step/tradition
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Topic
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Men’s 12 & 12 Gp.
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Group # 67
St. Edmund's Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.73 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

164 And More, Topic
Peltz Center
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.98 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

About 10 Group
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.12 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Each Day A New Beginning
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.12 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Badger Group
St. John Vianney
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.44 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Simply Sober
Lutheran Church of the Living Christ
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.68 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Men’s 11th Step Meditation
Peace United Methodist Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
14.36 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

It Works If You Work It
Aurora Medical Center
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
15.96 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Friday AA Meetings in Shorewood

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Step/12&12
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Friday Morning Gp (10 Am)
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Honest, Open, And Willing Group
Community United Methodist Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
10.55 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Principles
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Step
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Step/12&12
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Topic
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Women’s Big Book Step Group
Brookfield Congregational Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.84 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Tgif Group
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.12 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Out From Under Group
St. Dominick's Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.33 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

New Berlin Friday
Holy Apostles Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
14.06 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Sussex Friday Night Action Group
St. Alban's Episcopal Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
17.22 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Lost And Found Group
First Congregational Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
18.06 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Saturday AA Meetings in Shorewood

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

3rd Saturday Open Speaker Aa Mtng
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Feelings
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Fellowship Of The Spirit
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Pizza Not Perfection Young People
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Saturday Morning Gp (10 Am)
New Day Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
9.25 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Living Sober Group
St. Mary's Parish Senior Center
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
10.08 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

1st Saturday Open Speaker Aa Mtng
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Big Book
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Aa Topic
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Big Book And 12 Steps Gp
24 Hour Club
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
11.11 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Saturday Morning Aa
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.12 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Simply Sober
Good Shepherd Catholic Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.12 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Brookfield Cross Talk
Christ the King Lutheran Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.29 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

Conscious Contact Discussion (open)
Resurrection Lutheran Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.64 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

District 34 Monthly Open Meeting 2nd Saturda
St. Francis Episcopal Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
12.75 miles from the center of Shorewood, WI

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Whitefish Bay, Glendale, Milwaukee, and Fox Point

Additional local resources: Shorewood NA Meetings | Shorewood Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

A meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous is a program where alcoholics and people who struggle with substance abuse gather for one hour to express their experience, strength, and hope. AA Members who attend an Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting in Shorewood, Wisconsin will share their experience getting sober through their personal stories with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem. There is no religion, creed or race, for membership, just the wish to stop drinking, and live a happy & healthy existence without alcohol.

The Best Method of Selecting an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Shorewood, Wisconsin

It is important when coming to Alcoholics Anonymous that you choose a meeting that is suited for where you are at in sobriety. The first type of Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is a new comers meeting and is not limited to only new comers but is a meeting that motivates them to share their stories and ask for help. The second type of meeting would be a gender specific meeting, either a men’s meeting or women’s meeting. These types of meeting are closed to the opposite sex. A Closed meeting simply means the group is closed to any discussion that does not involve how to stay sober from alcohol. Speaking of any other drugs is not allowed. A Step Study is a gathering that is simply focused on a single step and spoken about in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are based off the 12 traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. Not to be confused with the 12 steps. The traditions were created to maintain order throughout Alcoholics Anonymous and holding each group accountable to these traditions is the reason you can walk into an AA Meeting anywhere in across the globe to hear the same message.

How to Get The Most From an AA Meeting in Shorewood, Wisconsin

In order to get the most out of your first AA meeting you should remain open minded. We all had an idea of what these meeting were and generally it is the same misconception. The one piece of advice I was ever given was to sit down, shut up, pay attention to the message, and modestly ask for help. Regardless of the meeting, the one constant will be message of recovering from a hopeless state of mind. The process of recovering from that hopeless state is in asking for help from another person suffering from alcohol addiction which you will find in any meeting you choose to start with.