Monday AA Meetings in Mcgraw
High 12:00 Pm
United Community Church
13.65 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Saint Peter's Episcopal Church
26.27 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Bodhi Tree
Zen Center Joshua Forman House
28.33 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Conscious Contact
Good Shepard Lutheran Church
29.48 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Skaneateles United Methodist Church
29.65 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Out To Lunch Bunch
Saint Mary's of the Lake Church
29.94 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Saint Ann's Church
30.69 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Salt Springs
Fayetteville United Methodist Church
30.7 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Basic Sobriety
May Memorial Unitarian Universalist Church
30.83 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Then And Now
Brown Memorial United Methodist Church
31.01 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Why We’re Here
Park Central Presbyterian Church
31.5 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Tuesday AA Meetings in Mcgraw
High 12:00 Pm
United Community Church
13.65 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Saint Patrick's Parish Hall
19.35 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
The Way Out
Nelson United Methodist Church
24.96 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
The Far Side
Jamesville Community Church
27.36 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Free Thinkers
Christ Episcopal Church
28.93 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Out To Lunch Bunch
Saint Mary's of the Lake Church
29.94 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Trinity Episcopal Church
30.45 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Fog Lifters
Holy Cross Church
31.18 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
New Life
Rescue Mission
31.21 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Why We’re Here
Park Central Presbyterian Church
31.5 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Central Group
Saint Paul's Cathederal
31.53 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
VA Outpatient Center
31.66 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Syracuse Group
732 Butternut St, Syracuse, NY 13208, USA
32.36 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Wednesday AA Meetings in Mcgraw
Halfway There
United Community Church
13.65 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
High 12:00 Pm
United Community Church
13.65 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Tully Hill Treatment Center
14.13 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Brain Damaged
Saint Michael's - Saint Peter's
28.21 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Valley Vista
Valley Vista Apartments
28.25 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
First Presbyterian Church
29.55 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Out To Lunch Bunch
Saint Mary's of the Lake Church
29.94 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Young Courage
Fayetteville United Methodist Church
30.7 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Why We’re Here
Park Central Presbyterian Church
31.5 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Fresh Start
Episcopal Church
31.83 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Fresh Start
Episcopal Church
31.83 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Holy Family School
32.03 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Syracuse Group
732 Butternut St, Syracuse, NY 13208, USA
32.36 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Thursday AA Meetings in Mcgraw
High 12:00 Pm
United Community Church
13.65 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Tully Hill Treatment Center
14.13 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Christ Episcopal Church
28.93 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Out To Lunch Bunch
Saint Mary's of the Lake Church
29.94 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Ascending Angels
Apostolic Church of Jesus Christ
30.44 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Then And Now
Brown Memorial United Methodist Church
31.01 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Fog Lifters
Holy Cross Church
31.18 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Primary Purpose
Saint Charles Borromeo Church
31.49 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Why We’re Here
Park Central Presbyterian Church
31.5 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Keeping It Simple
Syracuse Behavioral Health
32.08 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Friday AA Meetings in Mcgraw
Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
High 12:00 Pm
United Community Church
13.65 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Step To Sobriety
United Community Church
13.65 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Tully Lake
Saint Leo's Parish Hall
13.99 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Good Coffee
Saint Jame's Church
26.42 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
As Bill Sees It
Oran Community Church
27.94 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Priorities First
Saint Jame's Episcopal Church
29.42 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Out To Lunch Bunch
Saint Mary's of the Lake Church
29.94 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
New Hope
Rescue Mission
31.21 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Park Central Presbyterian Church
31.5 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Why We’re Here
Park Central Presbyterian Church
31.5 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Saturday AA Meetings in Mcgraw
Tully Hill Treatment Center
14.13 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Christ Episcopal Church
28.93 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Skaneateles Lakers
Skaneateles United Methodist Church
29.65 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Hungry Hill
Saint Vincent De Paul Church
31.91 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Syracuse Group
732 Butternut St, Syracuse, NY 13208, USA
32.36 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Syracuse Group
732 Butternut St, Syracuse, NY 13208, USA
32.36 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Syracuse Group
732 Butternut St, Syracuse, NY 13208, USA
32.36 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Top Of The Hill
Saint Joseph's Chuch
32.39 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Underground Café
32.62 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Big Book Study
Fellowship Hall
32.95 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
Fellowship Hall
32.95 miles from the center of Mcgraw, NY
If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including:
Blodgett Mills, Cortland, Homer, and Munsons Corners
Additional local resources:
Mcgraw NA Meetings |
Mcgraw Al-Anon Meetings
What is an AA Meeting?
AA is a program created to help its members get sober. There is no charge to attend an AA Meeting in Mcgraw, New York as the funding is voluntarily contributed from its members.
AA is one of most commonly known programs in the United States and around the world that helps countless men and women get sober in the pursuit of lifelong recovery. AA meetings are usually small groups of people who share their recovery journey and are there to help new members get sober.
How to Choose an AA Meeting in Mcgraw, New York
It is important when coming to AA that you choose a meeting that is suited for where you are at in sobriety. The first type of Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is a new comers meeting and is not limited to only new comers but is a meeting that encourages them to speak their truth and ask for help. Another type of meeting would be a gender specific meeting, which is only open to one gender. A Closed meeting simply means the group is solely focused on conversations regarding how to maintain sobriety from alcohol. Speaking of any other substance use addictions is not allowed. A Step Study is a gathering that is simply a specific step and spoken about in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings are based off the 12 traditions of AA. Not to be confused with the 12 steps. The traditions were implemented to maintain order throughout AA and maintaining accountability to these traditions is why you can attend an AA Meeting anywhere in the world to hear the same message.
How to Get The Most From an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Mcgraw, New York
In order to benefit the most from your first AA meeting you should remain open minded. We all had an idea of what these meeting were and generally it is the same misconception. The best advice I ever got was to sit down, shut up, listen to the message, and graciously ask for help. At any meeting, that one thing that will always be present is the message of recovering from a hopeless state of mind. The process of recovering from that hopeless state is in asking for help from another person suffering from alcohol addiction which you will find in any AA meeting you choose to make your first.