AA Meetings Westmont, IL

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Westmont, Illinois. The closest AA meeting to you is 0.11 miles away and meets on Monday at 7:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Thursday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Westmont

Friends Of Bill W.
First United Methodist Church
Closed, Discussion
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

From Bridge To Shore Group Harbor Lights 2
South Suburban Alano Club
Closed, Discussion
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

From The Heart Group Doc Clearance Required
Graham Correctional Cente
Closed, Discussion
2.03 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Easy Does It Club
2.35 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Geneseo Women
2.43 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

In Person Early Times Group
Fox Valley Fellowship Center
Discussion, Closed, Wheelchair Access aa meeting
2.51 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

In Person Monday Evening Spanish Aa
Open Spanish aa meeting
3.36 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Early Birds
Redeemer Lutheran Church
3.54 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Elk Grove Nooners
St. Nicholas Episcopal Church
Closed, Literature, Wheelchair Access
3.87 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Door Of Hope Men
New Beginnings Church
Men, Open
3.97 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Downtown Group
1416 N Main St, Rockford IL
3.97 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Downtown Group
1416 N Main St, Rockford IL
4.66 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Grand Hyatt – 12&12
14-0208 Online
Closed, Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting
5.28 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Mokena Fellowship Center
Closed, Grapevine
5.28 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Living Sober
Recovery House
6.14 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Tuesday AA Meetings in Westmont

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Friends Of Bill W.
Food Pantry
Big Book, Open
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Fox Valley Fellowship Center – Alano Club
Fox Valley Fellowship Center
Open aa meeting
1.29 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Gifted Group Ii
Calvary Lutheran Church
1.99 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

El Paso That’s Okay For Today
Harvest Fellowship Church

2.19 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Elburn Countryside Group
St. Gall Catholic Church
Big Book, Closed
2.19 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Finders Keepers Group
St. Paul United Church of Christ
Closed, Step Meeting, Wheelchair Access
2.41 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Finders, Keepers
St. Paul’s United Church of Christ
2.41 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Closed, Step Meeting
2.43 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Grab Bag
New Town Alano Club
Closed, Discussion
3.82 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

First Congregational Church
Closed, Grapevine
3.86 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Downtown Group
1416 N Main St, Rockford IL
4.66 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Downtown Group
1416 N Main St, Rockford IL
4.66 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Fellowship Of The Spirit
Elgin Alano Club
Discussion, Step Meeting
5.1 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Grace New Beginnings-24 Hour A Day
Grace United Methodist Church
Closed, Discussion
5.28 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Alano of Des Plaines In-person and Online
Closed, Grapevine, Online Meeting
5.28 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Wednesday AA Meetings in Westmont

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Friends Of Bill W.
Tri County Counseling Center JCH East Annex bldg
As Bill Sees It, Closed
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friendship Group
First Presbyterian Church In-person and Online
Online Meeting
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

From Cover To Cover Big Book
95-8656 Online
Closed, Literature, Online Meeting
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Gift Of Sobriety Joe & Charlie
St. Isadore Ministry Center
Big Book, Closed, Wheelchair Access
1.99 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

West Suburban 12 & 12 Center
Closed, Discussion, Grapevine, LGBTQ
2.35 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Gettin’ Up Group At Ability Lab
14-0234 Online
Closed, Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting
2.38 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Finding Emotional Balance In Recovery Women
95-8801 Online
Closed, Online Meeting, Women
2.41 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Genesis Group
St. Joseph Catholic Church
Closed, English
2.56 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

El Camino A La Vida, En Espanol
El Camino A La Vida
Closed, Discussion, Spanish
2.78 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Downtown Group
1416 N Main St, Rockford IL
4.66 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Downtown Group
1416 N Main St, Rockford IL
4.66 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Fellowship Of The Spirit
Elgin Alano Club
Closed, Discussion
5.1 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Grace New Beginnings
Grace United Methodist Church
Closed, Daily Reflections, Meditation
5.28 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Last Chance
Last Chance Group Online
Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting, Open
5.84 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Men’s Meeting Men
First United Methodist Church
Closed, Men
6.36 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Thursday AA Meetings in Westmont

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Friends Of Bill W
The Other Side

0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friends Of Bill W Step
St Elisabeth's Church
Closed, Step Meeting
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friends Of Bill W.
Food Pantry
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Fox Valley Fellowship Center – Alano Club
Fox Valley Fellowship Center
Open aa meeting
1.29 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Front To Back Big Book
Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
Big Book, Open
2.03 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

El Paso That’s Okay For Today
Harvest Fellowship Church

2.19 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Journey Through The 12&12 With The Big Book
The Serenity Club
4.34 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Downtown Group
1416 N Main St, Rockford IL
4.66 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Downtown Group
1416 N Main St, Rockford IL
4.66 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Grass Roots New
Burr Ridge Community Church
Closed, Discussion
5.26 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Grace New Beginnings
Grace United Methodist Church
12 Steps & 12 Traditions, Closed
5.28 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Granville Sobrenity
VFW Hall
5.28 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Serenity House
5.28 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Alano Hall
5.34 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Look To This Day Group
West Suburban Alano Club
Closed, Discussion
5.91 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday AA Meetings in Westmont

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Freedom Group (glbt)
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Morning Big Book
Serenity House
Big Book
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Morning Big Book – Zoom
Serenity House In-person and Online
Big Book, Online Meeting
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Morning Big Book Study
95-8672 Online
Big Book, Closed, Online Meeting
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Night 12 & 12
Southminster Presbyterian Church
Closed, Step Meeting, Tradition Study, Wheelchair Access
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Night Atc
Closed, Location Temporarily Closed, Newcomer, Online Meeting, Wheelchair Access
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Night Back To Basics
Trinity Lutheran Church
Discussion, Open
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Night Beginners Group
Berger Hall West
Closed, Discussion
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Night Berwyn Group
Unity Lutheran Church
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Night Big Book
Trinity Lutheran Church
Big Book, Closed, Wheelchair Access
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Night Big Book
Fox Valley Presbyterian Church
Big Book, Closed
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Night Co-ed Wanderer’s
Big Book, Online Meeting
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Night Corner
St. Isadore Ministry Center
Closed, Discussion, Wheelchair Access
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Night Fellowship
Fellowship Circle
AA Meeting
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Friday Night Greenleaf Step Speaker
Loyola Park Fieldhouse In-person and Online
Online Meeting, Open, Speaker
0.11 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Saturday AA Meetings in Westmont

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Finding Emotional Balance In Recovery Women
Closed, Online Meeting, Women
2.41 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Genesis Group Ii Hybrid
Christian Church of Villa Park In-person and Online
Closed, Discussion, Online Meeting, Wheelchair Access
2.56 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Dough Heads Group Men
St. Charles Township Bldg
Closed, Discussion, Men
3.97 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Downtown Group
1416 N Main St, Rockford IL
4.66 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Downtown Group
1416 N Main St, Rockford IL
4.66 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Granite City Breakfast Group
Discussion, Open
5.28 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Last Chance
Last Chance
5.57 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Looney Tunes
Philo Road Church of Christ
AA Meeting
5.91 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Living Sober
Community United Methodist Church
Hybrid In-Person/Online Closed Discussion Handicap
6.14 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Mens Priority Big Book – Zoom
Antioch Recovery Club In-person and Online
Big Book, Closed, Online Meeting
6.36 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Mens Priority Big Book Men
Antioch Recovery Club
Big Book, Closed, Men
6.36 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

In Person Noontime Meeting
Fox Valley Fellowship Center
Discussion, Closed, Wheelchair Access aa meeting
6.69 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Kitchen Table Discussion
Round Lake Alano Club
Closed, Discussion
6.77 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Language Of The Heart
Language of the Heart Online
Online Meeting, Open
7.22 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

Davis Junction Group
United Methodist Church In-person and Online
Big Book, Closed, Online Meeting
8.02 miles from the center of Westmont, IL

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Clarendon Hills, Downers Grove, Hinsdale, and Willowbrook

Additional local resources: Westmont NA Meetings | Westmont Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

Alcoholics Anonymous is a program created to help those who struggle from dependence to alcohol get sober. Attendance is free at a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Westmont, Illinois as the funding is voluntary based only from its members.

Alcoholics Anonymous is one of most highly regarded programs in the United States and around the world that helps countless men and women overcome their alcoholism in the pursuit of lifelong recovery. They are usually small groups of recovering alcoholics who share their recovery journey and are there to help new members get sober.

How to Choose an AA Meeting in Westmont, Illinois

It is important when coming to AA that you select a meeting that is best for where you are at in sobriety. The 1st type of Alcoholics Anonymous meeting is a new comers meeting and is not limited to only new comers but is a meeting that inspires members to speak their truth and accept help. Another type of meeting would be a single gender meeting, either a men’s meeting or women’s meeting. These types of meeting are not opened to the opposite sex. A Closed meeting simply means the group is closed to any discussion that does not involve how to maintain sobriety from alcohol. Speaking of any other illicit substances is not allowed. A Step Study is a meeting that is simply a specific step and spoken about in length regarding the best approach to working this step and applying it to your daily life. Traditions meetings revolve around the 12 traditions of AA. The 12 traditions are different than the 12 steps. The traditions are built to maintain order throughout AA and maintaining accountability to these traditions is the reason you can attend an AA Meeting anywhere in the world to hear the same message.

How to Get The Most From an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Westmont, Illinois

The best way to get the most out of your first AA meeting you should keep an open minded. Everyone had preconceived notions of what these meeting were and generally it is the same misconception. The one piece of advice I was ever given was to sit down, stop talking, listen to the message, and humbly ask for help. At any meeting, there will be the same message of recovering from hopelessness. The process of recovering from that hopeless state is in asking for help from another alcoholic which you will find in any AA meeting you choose to pick as your first.