Monday AA Meetings in Dysart
1898 350th St
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
13.11 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
1825 Logan Street
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
22.26 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
1112 Mobile Street
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
22.26 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
615 W 5th St
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
22.26 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
615 W 5th St
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
22.26 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
2015 Rainbow
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
25.45 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
202 2nd Ave
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
29.6 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
1311 E Nevada Street
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
31.07 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
1311 E Nevada Street
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
31.07 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
212 Edgewood Rd NW
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
33.32 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
2600 First Ave N W
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
33.88 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
CR Gratitude
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
34.29 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
CR Gratitude
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
34.29 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
211 21st. Ave SW
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
35.3 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
534 W Madison Street
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
35.76 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Tuesday AA Meetings in Dysart
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Metropolitan Ame Church
Closed, Step Meeting, Tradition Study
67.06 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Seventh-Day Advent Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
93.93 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Sunrise Care Facility
Closed AA Meeting, English Speaking Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
101.77 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
610900 Temporarily Inactive
Big Book, Closed, Location Temporarily Closed
102.06 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
2308 E Lincolnway Suite B, Sterling, IL
102.65 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Ravenswood Evangelical Church In-person and Online
Newcomer, Online Meeting, Open
102.65 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Ravenswood Evangelical Church In-person and Online
Big Book, Closed, Online Meeting
102.65 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Ravenswood Evangelical Church In-person and Online
Big Book, Online Meeting, Open
102.65 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Serenity House In-person and Online
Big Book, Online Meeting
102.66 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Anona Center East
Big Book, Closed, Newcomer, Wheelchair Access
104.02 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Wednesday AA Meetings in Dysart
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Anona Center East
Big Book, Closed, Wheelchair Access
102.06 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
2308 E Lincolnway Suite B, Sterling, IL
102.65 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
95-8219 Online
Digital Basket, Discussion, English, Literature, Newcomer, Online Meeting, Open, Speaker, Step Meeting, Tradition Study
102.65 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Behavorial Health Services
Discussion, Women
102.65 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Mokena Fellowship Center Online
Big Book, Closed, Online Meeting, Women
102.66 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Thursday AA Meetings in Dysart
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Municipal building
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
76.88 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
First Presbyterian Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
93.75 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
1st Lutheran Church, side dr on Newberg
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
97.2 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Sunrise Care Facility
Closed AA Meeting, English Speaking Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
101.77 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
119600 Online
Big Book, Closed, Location Temporarily Closed, Online Meeting
102.06 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
2308 E Lincolnway Suite B, Sterling, IL
102.65 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Mokena Fellowship Center Online
Big Book, Closed, Discussion, Online Meeting
102.66 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
New Beginnings
102.66 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Trinity Episcopal Church
Big Book, Closed, Wheelchair Access
104.02 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Belmont Community Building
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
108 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Friday AA Meetings in Dysart
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
St. Mary's Church Novak Center
Big Book, Closed, Discussion
102.06 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Nuevo Camino
Big Book, Closed, Digital Basket, Wheelchair Access
104.02 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Austin Alano Club
Big Book Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous Open AA Meeting
108.81 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Austin Alano Club
Big Book Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous Open AA Meeting
108.81 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Ulstad Alano Society
Closed, Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting English
115.15 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Ulstad Alano Society
Open AA Meeting, Speaker
115.15 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Ulstad Alano Society
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
115.15 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Trinity Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
118.33 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
119.4 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Saturday AA Meetings in Dysart
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Crawford County Jail (Sheriff's Dept.)
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
85.09 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Sunrise Care Facility
Closed Big Book AA Meeting, English
101.77 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
In-Person Closed Discussion Handicap
102.65 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Closed AA Meeting, English Speaking Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
108.31 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
EDI In-person and Online
Closed, Discussion, Online Meeting
111.55 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Ulstad Alano Society
Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting Open AA Meeting
115.15 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Ulstad Alano Society
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
115.15 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
First Lutheran Church, Basement
Closed, Discussion Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting English
115.75 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Readstown Public Library
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
118.19 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Vernon Memorial Hospital
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
119.42 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
The Other Door Drop-Center
AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous
120.76 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
Thrive Church
Big Book, Open, Speaker, Step Meeting, Tradition Study
121.64 miles from the center of Dysart, IA
If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Clutier, Traer, Garrison, and Buckingham
Additional local resources: Dysart NA Meetings | Dysart Al-Anon Meetings
What is an AA Meeting?
Alcoholics Anonymous is a program created to help its members stay sober. Attendance is free at an AA Meeting in Dysart, Iowa as the funding is donated from its members.
Alcoholics Anonymous is one of most highly regarded programs in the United States and around the world that helps countless men and women get sober in the pursuit of lifelong recovery. AA meetings are typically made up of small groups of individuals who share their experiences getting sober and are there to help new members stay sober.
Choosing A meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous in Dysart, Iowa
There are a variety different AA meetings in Dysart, Iowa. Before choosing the meeting that you are going to attend, it is beneficial to know the different types of AA meetings and who can attend each one.
Open Meeting of AA – An Open AA Meeting is open to anyone who wishes to attend. You do not have to be an alcoholic to go to an open AA Meeting. Friends, family, and children can attend these meetings.
Closed Meeting of AA – A Closed Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting is only for those who have a desire to stop drinking. Friends and family are not able to attend these meetings.
Big Book Meeting – At these meetings, a member will usually read out of the Big Book and then encourage its members to discuss the meeting.
Speaker Meeting – At an AA speaker meeting, a member of AA will tell their story and share their experience, strength, and hope with fellow members of AA. The speaker may or may not talk through the duration of the meeting and an sometimes they open the floor to discussion at the end.
AA Literature Meeting – A literature meeting usually revolves around reading from one of the AA approved pieces of literature and can often be followed by a discussion amongst the members or a speaker about the literature of topic.
Step Study – An AA step study typically focuses on a specific step or 2 per meeting. This can involve a speaker lead discussion about a particular step, literature reading, and may or may not be followed by a discussion about the step(s).
Meditation Meeting – A Meditation AA Meeting can involve meditation for a portion of the meeting or even the length of the meeting. The meditation may be guided and then followed by a discussion.
Traditions AA Meeting – One or more of the AA traditions will be discussed in extensively. This can be done with a speaker, literature lead, and may or may not be followed by a discussion.
Since each Dysart AA meeting is autonomous, they are able to run each meeting as they see fit. Variation of meeting formats is common and you can also find AA meetings in Dysart that do not. We recommend reaching out to the local AA intergroup to find out more information on AA Meetings in Dysart, Iowa, or visiting to locate more information.
How to benefit the most from your first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in Dysart, Iowa
To benefit the most from your first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you need to walk in willing to accept change and be open minded. Make sure to arrive 30 minutes early and stay 30 minutes after because there is always a “before” and “after” for every meeting, where the members of the group gather outside and talk. Make sure during opening remarks that you raise your hand to introduce yourself as a new member of AA. Make sure to inquire about a meeting list, with contact information of the group members. Last, but certainly not least don’t hesitate to raise your hand and speak, let the group know what lead you through their doors that day.