Monday AA Meetings in Blocksburg
12 Steps & 12 Traditions AA Meeting, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
14.43 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Young People's AA Meeting
14.43 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
33.53 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
34.86 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
34.86 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
St Mary's Episcopal Church
AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
39.12 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Lutheran Church
Closed AA Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
43.2 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.46 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Center for Spiritual Living
Closed AA Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.97 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Center for Spiritual Living
Closed AA Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.97 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.39 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.39 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Presbyterian Church
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
47.36 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
52.02 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
39144 Ocean Drive
In Person Big Book Study/Discussion AA Meeting
104.19 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Tuesday AA Meetings in Blocksburg
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Speaker Meeting
14.43 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Hydesville Fire Department
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
30.47 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Women
33.53 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Living Sober, Men, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
34.86 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Lutheran Church
Closed AA Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
43.2 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.46 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Center for Spiritual Living
Closed AA Meeting, AA Discussion Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.97 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Center for Spiritual Living
Closed AA Meeting, Newcomer
44.97 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Living Sober, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.39 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.39 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
47.79 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
52.02 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Mount Baldy Village Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
53.6 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Mount Baldy Village Church
Unspecified AA Meeting - Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting
53.6 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Fort Ross School
AA Speaker Discussion Meeting
104.19 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Wednesday AA Meetings in Blocksburg
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
Mad River Community Center
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
11.93 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
14.43 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Daily Reflections, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Women
14.43 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
33.53 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
33.53 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
AA Big Book Meeting, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
34.86 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Lutheran Church
Closed AA Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
43.2 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Lutheran Church
Closed AA Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
43.2 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.46 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Center for Spiritual Living
12 Steps & 12 Traditions AA Meeting, Closed AA Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.97 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Center for Spiritual Living
Closed AA Meeting, AA Discussion Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.97 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.39 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.39 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
AA Discussion Meeting, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.89 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
47.79 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Thursday AA Meetings in Blocksburg
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
AA Big Book Meeting, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
14.43 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Grapevine, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
14.43 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
34.49 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
As Bill Sees It, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
34.86 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
AA Discussion Meeting, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
34.86 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.46 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Center for Spiritual Living
AA Big Book Meeting, Closed AA Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.97 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Center for Spiritual Living
Closed AA Meeting, Newcomer, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.97 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
AA Discussion Meeting, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.39 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.39 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Blue Lake
As Bill Sees It, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.69 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Willow Creek
Candlelight, AA Discussion Meeting, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
46.99 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Presbyterian Church
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
47.36 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
52.02 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
60.33 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Friday AA Meetings in Blocksburg
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
1701 SW Collins
Closed Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous LGBTQ, Wheelchair Access
0 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Mad River Community Center
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
11.93 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Closed AA Meeting, AA Discussion Meeting
14.43 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
33.53 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
34.44 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, Spanish Speaking AA Meeting
34.44 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
12 Steps & 12 Traditions AA Meeting, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
34.86 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Candlelight, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
34.86 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
34.86 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Lutheran Church
Closed AA Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
43.2 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.46 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Center for Spiritual Living
AA Big Book Meeting, Closed AA Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.97 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Center for Spiritual Living
Closed AA Meeting, AA Discussion Meeting, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
44.97 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Candlelight, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.39 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
AA Discussion Meeting, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.39 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Saturday AA Meetings in Blocksburg
For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy
AA Discussion Meeting, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
14.43 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Men, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
14.43 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
14.94 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
AA Discussion Meeting, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
34.86 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Newcomer, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
34.86 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
34.86 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Episcopal Church
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.24 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.39 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous
45.39 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Making Headway Center
Candlelight, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
45.53 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Blue Lake
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
45.69 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
45.82 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
47.18 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
Presbyterian Church
Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access
47.36 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
AA Big Book Meeting, Open Meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous, AA Meeting With Wheelchair Access, Young People's AA Meeting
47.68 miles from the center of Blocksburg, CA
If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Alderpoint, Phillipsville, Miranda, and Myers Flat
Additional local resources: Blocksburg NA Meetings | Blocksburg Al-Anon Meetings
What is an AA Meeting?
An AA Meeting is a place to spread a message of strength, hope and courage to other alcoholics. This is a safe place for an addict wanting to get sober to come in and ask for help. These meetings in Blocksburg, California will help them build a support system to help guide them to sobriety. You will be greeted by your peers that have all lived and survived from a hopeless state of mind and body. Their survival of maintaining a sober life is dependent on helping others and giving back to others the support that was given to them.
How to Choose an Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting in Blocksburg, California
Alcoholism is a disease of the mind, body, and soul. Alcoholics Anonymous has curated meetings to assist with each individual piece of your independence from alcohol. If you are looking for a meeting on the 1st three steps, you should select a beginner meeting. If you are looking to focus on your spiritual side, attending a meditation meeting would be a recommended choice. If you are in search of stories of inspiration for overcoming alcoholism, a speaker meeting is where you need to be. If you have completed your steps and are now working on the traditions of AA, a traditions meetings will be beneficial. If you want to attend a single gender group, you can go to a men’s or women’s meeting where no one of the opposite gender will be there. All in all there is a meeting for everyone. Try a few meetings out until you find one that you find most beneficial.
How to get the most out of your first AA meeting in Blocksburg, California
To get the most out of your first AA meeting you need to walk in willing to accept change and be open minded. Make sure to give yourself extra time at the start and end because there is always a “before” and “after” for every meeting, where the members of the group gather outside and talk. Make sure during opening remarks that you raise your hand to let the group know this is your first meeting. Make sure to inquire about a meeting list, with contact information of the group members. The final thing to remember is don’t be afraid to raise your hand and speak, share the story that lead you through their doors that day.