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AA Meetings
AA Meetings Rhode Island
AA Meetings Providence
Monday at 5:00 pm
Closed Speaker Meeting
194 Meeting Street
Providence, RI
Thursday at 5:30 pm
Closed Speaker Meeting
194 Meeting Street
Providence, RI
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Other Monday Meetings near Providence, Rhode Island
Rule 62
12:00 pm
Hope Congregational Church
120 Wampanoag Trail (Riverside),
The Gift Ii
7:00 pm
Butler Hospital
345 Blackstone Boulevard,
Last Chance
7:00 pm
Pilgrim United Church Of Christ
634 Purchase Street,
Aa At The Va
7:30 pm
Providence V. A. Hospital
830 Chalkstone Avenue,
8:00 pm
Rumford Grange Hall
125 North Broadway (Rumford),
Saint Pius
7:30 pm
Saint Pius Church
55 Elmhurst Ave,