Welcome to Find Recovery, the #1 addiction recovery resource website. Any kind of substance abuse, whether alcoholism or drug addiction, can be devastating to those who suffer as well as friends and family of the addict and alcoholic. This online resource connects individuals and families with resources for overcoming addiction, including AA Meetings, NA Meetings, Al-Anon Meetings. Drug & Alcohol Rehabs and Suboxone Doctors have been moved to Addiction Treatment Magazine.
All of our data has been collected from verified resources such as SAMHSA, Alcoholics Anonymous, and Narcotics Anonymous. For mental health treatment, please visit Mental Health Rehabs.
Find AA Meetings Near You
To locate an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting near you, start by selecting the state and then the city in which you are searching. We will provide you with a list of meetings held in the area based on proximity. Find information like where the meetings are held, what days and times they held, and what type of AA meeting it is.
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) FAQs >>
Find NA Meetings Near You
To locate a Narcotics Anonymous meeting near you, start by selecting the state and then the city in which you are searching. We will provide you with a list of meetings held in the area based on proximity. Find information like where the meetings are held, what days and times they held, and what type of NA meeting it is.
Narcotics Anonymous (NA) FAQs >>
Find Al-Anon Meetings Near You
To locate an Al-Anon meeting near you, start by selecting the state and then the city in which you are searching. We will provide you with a list of meetings held in the area based on proximity. Find information like where the meetings are held as well as what days and times they are held.