AA Meetings Jefferson Heights, NY

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Below is a comprehensive directory of AA meetings in Jefferson Heights, New York. The closest AA meeting to you is 0.84 miles away and meets on Monday at 12:00 PM. Click here for meetings today (Saturday)!

Monday AA Meetings in Jefferson Heights

Catskill Lunch Bunch Group
Catskill Community Church
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
0.84 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Early Risers Group
Christ Church Episcopal
Literature Meeting Open Meeting
4.86 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Live And Let Live North Group
Christ Episcopal Church
Open Meeting
4.86 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Goya Group
First Reformed Church
Speaker Meeting Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
5.37 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Young Hope Young People’s Group
First Reformed Church
Young People Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
5.37 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Coxsackie Gratitude Group
2nd Reformed Church
Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
7.62 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Palenville Step Group
Kiskatom Reformed Church
Step Study Meeting Closed AA Meeting
8.3 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Claverack Rap Group
Reformed Dutch Church
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
9.52 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Mid Day Live Group
Kiwanis Ice Arena
Big Book Open Meeting
10.6 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Mid Day Live Group
Kiwanis Ice Arena
Big Book Open Meeting
10.6 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

By The Book Group
Blue Mountain Reformed Church
Step Study Meeting Closed AA Meeting
11.25 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Higher Power Group
SRV Temple Of Universal Spirit
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
15.77 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

12 On The Green Group
Woodstock Reformed Church
Handicap Accessible Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
18.13 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

12 On The Green Group
Woodstock Reformed Church
Handicap Accessible Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
18.13 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

The Promises Group
Overlook Methodist Church
Big Book Closed AA Meeting
19.05 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Tuesday AA Meetings in Jefferson Heights

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Catskill Lunch Bunch Group
Catskill Community Church
Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
0.84 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Just For Today Group
High Hill Methodist Church
Discussion Meeting Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
4.27 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Early Risers Group
Christ Church Episcopal
Literature Meeting Open Meeting
4.86 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Goya Group
First Reformed Church
Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
5.37 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Mid Day Live Group
Kiwanis Ice Arena
Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
10.6 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Mid Day Live Group
Kiwanis Ice Arena
Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
10.6 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Blue Mountain Mens Group
Blue Mountain Reformed Church
Men Meditation Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
11.47 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Higher Power Group
SRV Temple Of Universal Spirit
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
15.77 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Red Hook Group
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
16.88 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Red Hook Group
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
16.88 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

A Vision For You Group
Hillsdale United Methodist Church
Literature Meeting Open Meeting
17.92 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

12 On The Green Group
Woodstock Reformed Church
Traditions Meeting Step Study Meeting Handicap Accessible Open Meeting
18.13 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

12 On The Green Group
Woodstock Reformed Church
Traditions Meeting Step Study Meeting Handicap Accessible Open Meeting
18.13 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

The Promises Group
Overlook Methodist Church
Step Study Meeting Closed AA Meeting
19.05 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

The Promises Group
Overlook Methodist Church
Step Study Meeting Closed AA Meeting
19.05 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Wednesday AA Meetings in Jefferson Heights

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Catskill Lunch Bunch Group
Catskill Community Church
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
0.84 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Early Risers Group
Christ Church Episcopal
Big Book Open Meeting
4.86 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Goya Group
First Reformed Church
Big Book Closed AA Meeting
5.37 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Goya Group
First Reformed Church
Closed AA Meeting
5.37 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Cairo Second Chance Group
Resurrection Lutheran Church
Traditions Meeting Handicap Accessible Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
6.8 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Midweek Breather

7.02 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Coxsackie Gratitude Group
2nd Reformed Church
Step Study Meeting Closed AA Meeting
7.62 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Katsbaan Big Book Study Group
Katsbaan Reformed Church Community Ctr
Big Book Closed AA Meeting
8.92 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Mid Day Live Group
Kiwanis Ice Arena
Literature Meeting Open Meeting
10.6 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Mid Day Live Group
Kiwanis Ice Arena
Literature Meeting Open Meeting
10.6 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Higher Power Group
SRV Temple Of Universal Spirit
Open Meeting
15.77 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Wednesday Evening Chatham Grp
Chatham United Methodist Church
Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
17.06 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Woodstock Group
Christ Lutheran Church Hall
Speaker Meeting Open Meeting
18.11 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Woodstock Group
Christ Lutheran Church Hall
Speaker Meeting Open Meeting
18.11 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

12 On The Green Group
Woodstock Reformed Church
Literature Meeting Handicap Accessible Open Meeting
18.13 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Thursday AA Meetings in Jefferson Heights

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Catskill Lunch Bunch Group
Catskill Community Church
Big Book Open Meeting
0.84 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Original Leeds Group
St. Luke's Church
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
1.53 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Just For Today Group
High Hill Methodist Church
Big Book Open Meeting
4.27 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Early Risers Group
Christ Church Episcopal
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
4.86 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Live And Let Live North Group
Christ Episcopal Church
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
4.86 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Hackensack Oritani
2nd Reformed Church
Closed AA Meeting
4.9 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Goya Group
First Reformed Church
Closed AA Meeting
5.37 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Sunday Morning Meditation Group
Cairo United Methodist Church
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
7.43 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Mid Day Live Group
Kiwanis Ice Arena
Step Study Meeting Open Meeting
10.6 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Mid Day Live Group
Kiwanis Ice Arena
Step Study Meeting Open Meeting
10.6 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Woodbine Group
Malden West Camp Fire House
Literature Meeting Open Meeting
11.82 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Woodbine Group
Malden West Camp Fire House
Literature Meeting Open Meeting
11.82 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

As Bill Sees It Group
St. Joseph Church
Traditions Meeting Literature Meeting Closed AA Meeting
13.72 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

As Bill Sees It Group
St. Joseph Church
Traditions Meeting Literature Meeting Closed AA Meeting
13.72 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Greenville Men’s Group
SRV Retreat Center
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
15.77 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Friday AA Meetings in Jefferson Heights

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Catskill Lunch Bunch Group
Catskill Community Church
Step Study Meeting Anniversary Open Meeting
0.84 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Youth Enjoying Sobriety(yes) Group
Leeds Fire Department
Handicap Accessible Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
1.11 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Back To Basics L L Group
Christ Church Episcopal
Big Book Closed AA Meeting
4.86 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Early Risers Group
Christ Church Episcopal
Step Study Meeting Open Meeting
4.86 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Goya Group
First Reformed Church
Closed AA Meeting
5.37 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Womens Candle Light Reflextions Gp
Cairo United Methodist
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
7.43 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Keeping It Simple Group
St. Marys Church
Open Meeting
9.02 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Elizaville Group
St. John's Lutheran Church
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
10.53 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Mid Day Live Group
Kiwanis Ice Arena
Speaker Meeting Open Meeting
10.6 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Mid Day Live Group
Kiwanis Ice Arena
Speaker Meeting Open Meeting
10.6 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Main Connection Group
St. Mary of the Snow School
Speaker Meeting Open Meeting
11.41 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Main Connection Group
St. Mary of the Snow School
Speaker Meeting Open Meeting
11.41 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Kinderhook Friday Night Group
St. Paul's Episcopal Church
Handicap Accessible Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
14.36 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

East Durham A.a. Group
St Mary's Community Center
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
15.56 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Higher Power Group
SRV Temple Of Universal Spirit
Step Study Meeting Open Meeting
15.77 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Saturday AA Meetings in Jefferson Heights

For More Information on Meetings and Times Call866-504-6974? By calling this phone number you will be connected with a third party provider that works with FindRecovery.com to connect you with a Provider or Meeting Organizer, as outlined in our Privacy Policy

Early Risers Group
Christ Church Episcopal
Speaker Meeting Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
4.86 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Live And Let Live North Group
Christ Episcopal Church
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
4.86 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Goya Group
First Reformed Church
Traditions Meeting Step Study Meeting Closed AA Meeting
5.37 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Coxsackie Gratitude Group
St Mary’s Church
Traditions Meeting Step Study Meeting Big Book Anniversary Closed AA Meeting
9.02 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Mid Day Live Group
Kiwanis Ice Arena
Literature Meeting Open Meeting
10.6 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Main Connection Group
St. Mary of the Snow School
Literature Meeting Closed AA Meeting
11.41 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Main Connection Group
St. Mary of the Snow School
Literature Meeting Closed AA Meeting
11.41 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Philmont A.a. Way Of Life Grp
Philmont Public Library
Handicap Accessible Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
11.91 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

How It Works Group
Church of St. James
Discussion Meeting Open Meeting
16.6 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Meditation In Action Group
KTD Monestery
Closed AA Meeting
16.81 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Meditation In Action Group
KTD Monestery
Closed AA Meeting
16.81 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Journey Into Spirituality Grp
St. Christopher Catholic Church
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
16.87 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

Journey Into Spirituality Grp
St. Christopher Catholic Church
Discussion Meeting Closed AA Meeting
16.87 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

12 On The Green Group
Woodstock Reformed Church
Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
18.13 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

12 On The Green Group
Woodstock Reformed Church
Beginners Meeting Open Meeting
18.13 miles from the center of Jefferson Heights, NY

If you can't find a meeting close to you at the time you're looking for, we recommend checking out nearby towns including: Leeds, Catskill, Athens, and Hudson

Additional local resources: Jefferson Heights NA Meetings | Jefferson Heights Al-Anon Meetings

What is an AA Meeting?

An AA Meeting is a place where alcoholics and people who struggle with addiction gather for one hour to express their experience, strength, and hope. AA Members who attend an Alcoholic’s Anonymous meeting in Jefferson Heights, New York will share their experience getting sober through their personal stories with anyone seeking help with a drinking problem. There is no religion, creed or race, for membership, just the desire to achieve sobriety, and live a fulfilling life without alcohol.

Selecting An AA Meeting in Jefferson Heights, New York

There are a many different AA meetings in Jefferson Heights, New York. prior to selecting the meeting that you are going to attend, it is helpful to know the different types of AA meetings and who can attend each one.

Open Meeting of AA – An Open Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting is open to anyone who wishes to attend. You do not have to be an alcoholic to go to an open Alcoholics Anonymous Meeting. Friends, family, and children can attend these meetings.

Closed Meeting of AA – A Closed AA Meeting is only for those who have a desire to get sober. It is not open to friends or family.

Big Book Meeting – At Big Book meetings, a member will commonly read out of the Big Book and follow the reading with a discussion amongst its members.

Speaker Meeting – At an AA speaker meeting, a member of AA will tell their story and share their journey, strength, and hope with fellow members of AA. The speaker may or may not take up all of the time and can often be followed by a discussion amongst the members.

AA Literature Meeting – A literature meeting commonly involves reading from one of the AA approved pieces of literature and an sometimes they open the floor to discussion at the end or a speaker about the literature of topic.

Step Study – An AA step study traditionally focuses on one or two steps per meeting. This can involve a speaker lead discussion about a particular step, literature reading, and could be followed by a discussion about the step(s).

Meditation Meeting – A meditation meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous can involve deep reflection for a portion of the meeting or even the whole time. The meditation may be guided and is sometimes followed by an open conversation.

Traditions AA Meeting – One or more of the AA traditions will be discussed in extensively. This can be done with a speaker, literature lead, and could be followed by a conversation.

Because each Jefferson Heights AA meeting is autonomous, they are able to run each meeting as they see fit. Variation of meeting formats is common and you can also find AA meetings in Jefferson Heights that do not. We recommend reaching out to the local AA intergroup to get more information on AA Meetings in Jefferson Heights, New York, or navigating to aa.org to locate more information.

How to Get The Most From an AA Meeting in Jefferson Heights, New York

The best way to benefit the most from your first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting you should keep an open minded. We all had an idea of what these meeting were and generally it is the same misconception. The best advice I ever got was to sit down, shut up, pay attention to the message, and modestly ask for help. Regardless of the meeting, the one constant will be message of recovering from hopelessness. The process of recovering from that hopeless state is in asking for help from another alcoholic which you will find in any AA meeting you choose to start with.